Russian Tourist Attacked And Killed By Shark (edited)

Hurghada Egypt

aftermath of the body (thanks to @b_l for the aftermath photo)

and to @molibya for this update

another update

The shark that killed the Russian citizen on Dream Beach in the Egyptian resort of Hurghada, has been captured.

another update thanks to @Pistol_21

Father describes how he was forced to watch helplessly while 'meat grinder' tiger shark mauled his son to death as he screamed 'Papa, save me!': Predator is caught and brutally killed on beach

Vladimir Popov, 23, was mauled to death by a tiger shark at Egyptian resort

It comes after a 68-year-old was killed by shark at a nearby resort last year

A distraught Russian father has told of his horror at watching his son be mauled to death by a 'meat grinder' tiger shark at an Egyptian resort as he screamed out: 'Papa, save me!'

Yury Popov was forced to watch helplessly from the shore as the predator circled his son Vladimir, 23, before dragging him under water in the resort of Hurghada.

The tiger shark was then caught and dragged to land by boat before it was killed.

'We went to the beach to relax,' Mr Popov, originally from Russia, told the 112 media outlet. 'My son was attacked by a shark, it all happened in seconds.'

The heartbroken father said there were no family members near his son to help in the water, though initial reports said the 23-year-old's girlfriend had managed to flee the attack.

'What kind of help can you give? This meat grinder happened in 20 seconds, he was just dragged under the water,' Mr Popov said.

The father said: 'This is an absolutely ridiculous coincidence, because it is a safe beach. There are ships and yachts around. It's never happened there. They usually attack on wild beaches. It's just some kind of evil fate.'

Vladimir had been living with his father in Egypt for several months before the horrific attack. Mr Popov said he would cremate his son and return his ashes to their native Russia.

Video shows the tiger shark being caught and dragged ashore by a boat following the attack, and it appeared to be alive before being clubbed to death.

The Egyptian authorities confirmed the shark has been handed over for research to find out the causes of its behaviour and identify whether the animal is related to one that 'caused several previous accidents'.

The 23-year-old can be seen desperately trying to swim towards the shore to no avail. His body is seen spinning in the water, and his legs are raised above the surface.

'Swim away, swim away! Quick! A shark!' people can be heard shouting in the video.

Soon the splashing in the water stops, and the man's head returns to the surface. He appears to be moving around in the water again but slowly.

He can be heard screaming 'Papa', pleading for help, as the water turns red.

The shark's body is seen clearly at the surface at the moment, and its fin and tail are visible as it circles the victim.

The shark turns around again to attack and charges at the victim before clamping its jaws around him and pulling him under water.

The man's head appears above the water one last time, and the shark's body is seen writhing in the ocean as it appears to maul the body and drag it further into the depths of the water.

One witness said: 'The shark's eating his remains now. There she is, eating his remains.' Another said: 'Right in front of my eyes, the shark ate the guy, the girl [the girlfriend] managed to escape. He took the blow from the shark.

'It's a terrible thing, the remains of this man are lying there.'

A new video showed a distraught woman on the beach being comforted by two other woman moments after Vladimir was mauled to death.

It is believed the Russian woman had been pulled out of the water after being close to the man who was killed. It is not known if she was a relative of Popov.

So far Popov's father Yury is the only member of the family to speak.

After witnessing the attack, it evidently took a lengthy time to find the body and bring it onshore.

'Later, the remains were found, and the body was put in a bag and taken to the morgue,' he said.

'Children swam [in the area where the shark attacked] very often - there were children's slides,' another witness said.

'All this happened not far from a descent into the sea, next to the ladder, used by everyone who went into the water.

'At one point, the shark appeared, and immediately bit this man. Rescuers saw this and began to start the boat. He tried to swim away from the shark, but he couldn't.

'And the shark dragged the body for two hours. It constantly dragged him under the water.'

Witnesses said the victim's girlfriend had been in the water at the time of the attack. Russian reports say she is safe and has returned to Russia.

The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the death of a citizen from a shark attack.

Vladimir had moved to the resort with his father at a time when many young males are moving abroad to avoid facing conscription - and likely death - as the brutal war in Ukraine continues.

The family had bought a property at the British Resort in Hurghada, say reports.

Other accounts said he had been staying at the four-star Elysees Dream Beach Hotel in Hurghada.

IT specialist Vladimir 'loved his father very much and was just beginning to live', said a friend.

He was said to be working remotely when he died, as are many young Russian men who are defying Putin.

Born in sub-Arctic city Archangel, or Arkhangelsk, he had moved to Moscow before decamping to Egypt amid the war with Ukraine.

His girlfriend, Anastasia, who is in her early twenties, has so far not spoken of the tragedy.

One female friend said: 'Vova [Vladimir] was a good guy.

'He was only a month away from his birthday.

'Friends say that he moved there [to Egypt] with his father.

'As far as I know, he really liked living in Moscow, his whole life was there.

'Vova was a wonderful person and loved his father very much.'

Oleg, who knew the deceased man, said: 'He was into music. He recorded songs.'

There was speculation that a woman seen on the beach being conformed by two other women was his mother.

But 360TV reported that she was at home in Balashikha, Moscow region.

A source said: 'His mother cried all day. She screamed that she had lost her son.'

The commotion was so great that a neighbour said 'we were even afraid that someone was being killed there'. Locals wanted to call the police.

The 23-year-old is not the first victim to be killed by a shark at the resort.

In July last year, 68-year-old Austrian Elisabeth Sauer was attacked in front of horrified onlookers at a resort in Sahl Hasheesh - 15 minutes after English speaking guests warned Egyptian lifeguards about sharks and their warnings had been laughed off.


The resort is a 30-minute drive from Hurghada, where Vladimir was killed.

A second woman - identified only as a Romanian national in her 40s - is thought to have been killed in a similar attack just 650ft away from where Ms Sauer died, with her badly disfigured remains found on a nearby reef the same day.

Ms Sauer lost an arm and a leg in an attack that was caught on film, as onlookers tried to distract the shark and get her to safety.

She reached the shore with the help of a flipper, but died a short time later.

Reports at the time - from news agency AFP and Austrian news outlets - pointed to the attack being committed by a Mako shark, while local Egyptian newspapers named the animal as an Oceanic whitetip shark.

few pics with him and his gif that i cant edit in here idk why!

pics of the area and the beach

source for more pics and videos

the irony

A Russian man who was attacked by a shark in Egypt recorded a video a few hours earlier in which he said:

"Well, how are you doing there, free Ukrainians? Do you swim?"

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Ever hear that bullshit "Just punch it in the nose and it'll leave you alone!" Reminds me of the same people who think they can win any confrontation with an aggressive person by simply "kicking them in the balls" or "poking them in the eye". Has that ever worked in any of the videos we have on this site?

The whole notion of punching something underwater is funny to me. You're literally fighting against the weight of an entire goddamned sea to throw a punch, it's not gonna do shit.

This is what those diving knives with pressurized air are for, right? You could stick that into a shark's side or belly, and release that pressurized air into it, rearranging its insides and almost surely killing it.

So much for "sharks don't kill humans". I guess it's pretty rare, but I always thought the danger of sharks was downplayed a lot, even by shark experts.

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You’re not killing a white shark with a knife lmao. “Surely killing it”

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Read the comment before talking shit, retard. I said:

>This is what those diving knives with pressurized air

As in, one of these:

Skip to 5:45 and tell me that won't kill anything it's stabbed and fired into.

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just stab it bro :marseyemojirofl:

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Haha, get fucked:

That's what those Wasp knives are meant for. It's not the blade poking it that does the damage, it's the sudden burst of pressurized air into the body cavity that does the hurting that can split a fucking skull open after it's stabbed into the bone. It can also make the target way more buoyant, causing it to rapidly ascend to the surface- you know what happens if you shoot to the surface from a significant depth? It's called the bends, and I'm pretty sure even aquatic life can suffer from this often-deadly condition.

If a shark decides it wants you, and you aren't close to safety, you're not going to outswim it. You're left with very few options, assuming you don't have a speargun and you're good with it. You could do an emergency inflation, which will send you rocketing to the surface, probably giving you the bends- now you're fucked up and the shark is still chasing you. Idk if these "Wasp" blades have ever actually been used by a diver, but they do carry them, so they must think "It's better than nothing"- I trust their expertise over a person who goes by "fucktoy", no offense.

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shark knives fill them with gas so they will float away/ to the surface apparently:marseyskull:

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Yup, and if they shoot up from a significant depth, their blood cells literally "bend" and break (a condition called "the bends", often fatal).

If you were diving, and you encountered a shark that wanted to munch your ass, I think you'd probably want to have one of these on you, along with a speargun, maybe a fucking torpedo launcher from a nearby submarine, right?

I also posted a link to an article where an old man got bitten, then he stabbed the shark with a regular diving knife repeatedly until it released him and swam off. Just a piece of sharpened steel saved that man's life, even after he was badly bitten.

Fight, struggle, endure, to the end- that's the lesson I learned from that man's story. Even at 68 years old, he took on a shark and came out alive. If he can do it, a young man has a chance at surviving a similar attack.

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i think a better idea is knowing ur surrounding, and not go swim as a tourist in unknown waters and get killed by a shark.. how would a russian tourist even get one of those tools, not bringinf one over when border crossing for sure:marseylaughwith::marseywhelmed:

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For sure, the best way to deal with a shark is to not encounter one by knowing where you are and such. The locals would probably tell you "Yep, don't go there, fucking sharks, bro. They might bite you." There are freak incidents where sharks appear in areas they don't typically go- and this is an indication that they are very hungry, having left their normal hunting grounds. They're going to be more likely to bite anything they can, like an aquatic bear.

As in most situations where someone ends up dead, being more aware of their surroundings seems to be the one thing that might have saved a person from their untimely death.

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Oh yeah I’m sure an animal which can survive direct boat propeller slashes and bites from other sharks, who have the strongest bite force of all animals, is gonna get killed by a guy with a knife lmao. Idc if it’s “pressurized” it’s not gonna do shit.

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Superficial slashes are not the same thing as having their insides rearranged by a burst of pressurized air shot into their body cavity. Apples to oranges. The evidence of the potential effectiveness is in the video I posted. The ballistic gel expands and ruptures, and shifts the "organs" around. That can kill or disable.

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Those aren’t superficial scratches you dumbass 😂😂😂

They’re scars from cuts that would decapitate a person

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Yes, and once you get bite once out of the blue your already done. You ain't even gonna grab your knife when you body is in half and half your blood is gone in seconds.

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Yes, and once you get bite once out of the blue your already done.

Oh yeah? You must be an expert, how many dives have you been on, and how many shark encounters have you had? This 68-year-old man would probably disagree with your hot take of "once you're bit, it's over":

Bit by a shark, badly, and used a regular diving knife (not the fancy CO2 shooting kind I'm talking about) to stab it until it released him and swam off. Maybe pipe down until you do some research, your malformed opinions don't mean shit. Same with @ThanksIzzyGrim, who I suspect doesn't even know how to swim.

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Exactly. And sharks have incredibly thick skin, up to 6 inches. Bro is delusional lmao. Knife won’t do shit

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I’m not saying this knife is going to work against a large great white shark. However now that I have looked into it, I do believe this knife has the capability to realistically kill a bull, nurse, and maybe even a reasonably sized tiger shark or a small juvenile white. The internal cavity and organs of a shark are not meant to handle extremely high internal pressures of 800 pounds per square inch. If you can get through the skin and inject the gas it’s probably going to kill the animal to be honest. Even if that animal weighs half a ton or more. This guy was struggling forever with that shark before he finally pulled him under. More than enough time to make an attempt at using this knife.

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Or play dead if confronted by a bear.

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"If the bear is black, fight back. If the bear is brown, lie down." Old saying from hunters. Supposedly, a brown bear will ignore you if you're playing dead, and a black bear will try to eat you if you play dead.

Bears are why any sensible hunter brings a nice beefy sidearm whenever going into bear country. A rifle could put it down, sure, but if you miss and it pounces on you, getting your rifle lined up to shoot it might be impossible. Much easier to draw a pistol from the hip and press it right into the belly of the fucker and shoot it till it lets you go.

I think death by bear might be one of the worst wild mammals to be killed by. They're not efficient killers- they grab their prey, use their immense weight/strength to pin it down and maul it till it is too tired to fight back. And then the bear starts eating it alive, usually groin-first. At least most big cats and other animals capable of making humans into their prey will choke your ass out/to death before they start munching on your dick.

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tries to do a better job of reading his replies

As much as I like knives I had never heard of a pressurized diving knife. A diving knife yes, but not like the wasp. I’m sure the wasp does work but from what I understand I thought the wasp functioned by increasing the buoyancy of the animal and forcing it to surface and not through killing it.

Edit: I looked more into it. It does say it forces it to surface too, but now that I have seen the videos I could see how such a rapid expansion of gas within the internal cavities would cause massive damage that would almost certainly be fatal if the knife is well placed.

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