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The lack of awareness by most is insane. Even tho we try to meme on and mock how others would react in a situation on here, I would honestly like to believe ppl who watch gore have some perception of danger around them. :marseytunaktunak:

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Theyre black, thats why, nothin else bro

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Thankless mother fuckin retard, brutally killed a promising young man who has been helping him for two days, gifting him a jacket as well. This is fuckin insane. Psychopaths are roaming free. Fuck you loser. Rot in jail forever.

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Homeless and a drug addict or homeless and unprovoked killing, doesn't matter. Guillotine and feed his remains to the other drug addicts.

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In jail they will pick the scabs of a meth addict as small amounts of meth will be stored there. Put the scab in their mouth like chewing tobacco and get a bit of a high from it. So yeah, the other addicts would actually eat him...

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What the fuck? Is that actually true or are they just so far gone that they think it gives them a meth high?

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This is 100% true, people will eat someone else's puke in prison to get a slight high from methadone, using the spit of suboxone script users etc.

I've heard of meth heads literally smoking there scabs on the street when in withdrawals. Never doubt a junkies length when in withdrawals

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Exactly why i don't have a single heart at all when it comes to these diseased fucking parasites, everyone of these motherfucking bastards should be fucking shot and enough fucking times that there isn't a single viable cell left.

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What a cunt, he already had the money and went back to hit him some more. Waste of human organs.

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This type of homeless needs to execute ASAP

Reason 101 US becoming shithole because of this homeless retards

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absolutely, must be executed, no other option

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Damn he had been buying the homeless guy snacks too. Fuck the homeless. "Never turn your back on a drug" Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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I dunno, when I see stuff like this I wonder if something else was going on. This stuff absolutely happens where someone just snaps and kills, but usually there's a reason they snap, and a reason they kill who they do.

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It's not easy to be homeless. Perhaps he was looking for a easier life in jail (food and shelter)

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Possibly. I just feel like there's easier ways to do it. At the least I'd choose someone I thought to be a "bad" person. I'd probably just steal and destroy something expensive.

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Yeah. Most people who do this, do it to skip winter. A life sentence is a bad deal and for this crime he may even get death

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In that case you don't kill a person. Go piss on a cop car or something. Then piss on a guard if they are about to let you out and get more time.

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Well, he made no effort to run away, but I find hard to find an excuse for what he did. Brutal, to someone who treated him nice. My bet would be schizophrenia.

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He did it for a roof over his head.

What's even more deranged is at least 3 people witnessed it in progress. Two seemed to just walk away like they were exiting a public urinal.

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fucking hobo scumbag, i hope he gets fucking obliterated in jail.

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This is bad. The homeless man will be rewarded with lifetime food and shelter now.

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Here in the UK, a teenager stabbed another teenager in the head. Luckily the poor guy survived. As for the attempted murderer? His sentence was to simply write a fucking letter of apology to the victim and pay a court charge of £50.

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what the fuck

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Absolutely disgusting eh.

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As long as it's laced with high dosages of rat poison im cool with that.

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With the homeless population growing bigger and bigger and the amount of foreign student around my area, I'm suprised it didnt happen here already.

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Canada? They need to crate up the whole lot of them and ship them back to fucking India. Exploitative fucks.

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For real. Wonder why are housing and job market is so fucked?

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Exactly. When you're from a country of 1 billion plus, you learn that you NEED to be pushy, you NEED to exploit, you NEED to lie, scheme, and scam…to push your way to the top. Indians are absolutely disgusting. They are the German cockroaches of the human race, and it's not even close.

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sounds radical .

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No, sounds realistic. We need to make sure that our OWN CITIZENS are taken care of before we allow too many immigrants, mainly Indians, to come into the country and exploit our social safety nets. Are there Indian students that are being lied to and taken advantage of in Canada? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean that my first point isn't valid. We have Canadian-born citizens SUFFERING. They are homeless, they don't have enough to eat..why should that idiot Trudeau and his liberal government be allowed to continue sending billions to Ukraine? Why should we keep allowing levels of immigration that care clearly disrupting the housing markets? Where is the accountability? Hint: there is none.

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as an indian i agree to most of what you said not all of it thought. Canadian housing market surely is inflated because of huge immigration by indians but canadian dont have food to eat is dumb. no amount of immigration should cause food storage to the brink of starvation.

Indians/subcontental people are some of the most stupid, toxic people on the planet no doubt so ask your government to keep them in check

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this is the price we have to pay for being an indian.

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Filthy fucking animals.

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always be aware of your suroundings

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america a shithole country full of Psychopaths, similiar incident took place where an indian student gave a homeless man food daily, that cunt kill him.

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I guess he wasn't able to redeem his giftcard before he got scammed.

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fml this is sad! hope the cunt gets bumfucked for the rest of his miserable life

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And you wonder why we need a purge

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Violent grandpa 😱

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India's are animal's

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He wanted to make sure💀

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This homeless retard should have gotten a visit from 2 Ukrainian kids that enjoyed killing random homeless cute twinks

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Hammered him to death and waited patiently to be thrown in jail so he can live warm or something.

You can see they haven't noticed the dead guy yet, so he walks around other side and waits. Still no one notices.

His co-worker still helping customers even though he looked out the door 3 times to see this guy killing his co-worker?

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I counted 31 total hammer blows. Holy fuck, that was an amazingly savage attack. That man released some serious pent-up rage, whew.

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