Pedophile :marseyahs: who did horrible things to a six year old girl has his balls and head beat by a crowd of people - India :marseyshiva: (Description Included)

The district. Sridhar, a TDP activist, sexually assaulted a six-year-old girl. With this, TDP activist :marseypussyhat: Sridhar was arrested :marseymugshot: by the police. Public associations rallied to demand that the accused be severely punished :marseycorner: in the wake of the incident. As the rally continued from Supermarket Street, the rally was attended by women, civil :marseysaluteconfederacy: society :marseymisssize: leaders and leaders of various parties.

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My college math/engineer building used to have the doors kept open with large fans blowing air outside. Why? Come on, you can guess.

The halls smelt like absolute BO from all the Indians. Not a made up story or racist. It's the fucking truth and thats why the department did what they did. It was disgusting. I can't imagine living in India. Must be that smell 24/7 no matter where you go. Ugh

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places like this usually only the higher class people shower daily/often

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This was in America. There is 0 reason for any adult in America to have such horrid body odor, especially college students. They have the money to study in an American college but not enough decency or self respect to wash and use deodorant. Humans really are just mammals and part of the species should go extinct.

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The sheer numbers of people and crowds in India would have me thinking 'I gotta get the fuck outta here'. Never travelled there but part of me would like to see it in person. I'd have to have an exit strategy in place though prior to going.

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