They kicked his head in.

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“Somebody call the police”


The same retards who say all cops are bastards and want to defund police.

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How do you know just by a voice that's she's one of those "retards"? Because of the blaccent?

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Nah, the same thing happened when American Hero Kyle Rittenhouse shot all those rioters who attacked him while protesting police, looting and calling for defunding the police.

“Defund the police” is a stupid slogan repeated by retards, most of which are actually white, privileged progressives.

It’s an educated guess, I could be wrong, but I’d be willing to bet money that she has a Black Lives Matter flag or shirt somewhere and has posted hashtags that call for defunding the police or that at the very least suggest the lie that they are systemically racist.

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I’ve been seeing alot of your comments and ya your a fucking closet racist it should be expected since it’s a gore sight

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Everyone is racist and if you say you aren't you're lying. You can try to appear not to be, but deep down you know

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I’m not, you clearly are you fucking loser. Eat a gun and become an hero,

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Become an hero. Go back to ESL class and try again

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A* hero.

When making fun of idiots, it's best not to look like one while doing so.

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an hero:

  1. to kill oneself, especially over something trivial

  2. someone who kills himself, especially over something trivial

Mitchell Henderson: an hero; awakening

The term originated in a poorly written eulogy posted on the MySpace memorial page of a boy who shot himself after he lost his iPod. The poem frequently referred to the boy as "an hero." Though the use of "an" with words beginning with 'h' is acceptable when the letter is silent--as in many varieties of British English--it was incorrect in this case, since the author did not write the rest of the poem in British English. The use of "an" before "hero" might also be inferred to be a careless error from the many other instances of poor style and grammar found in the rest of the source material.

The term subsequently gained wide acceptance as a means to refer to those, such as the aforementioned boy, who kill themselves. Though the term is frequently applied to people who kill themselves needlessly, many famous, easily justifiable suicides are regarded as an heroes (e.g. Adolf Hitler).

Considering its origins, the term should be used with caution. Most are unfamiliar with the term, and those who are familiar with it may be offended at its use, especially when it is used in reference to a deceased loved one.

He was such an hero, to take it all away ... He was an hero, to take that shot, to leave us all behind ... He was an hero, to take that shot, In life it wasn't his task, He shouldn't have had to go that way, before an decade'd past. ... Lacking, nevermore, He died an hero, Mitchell did, And we'll love him forevermore.

Robert an heroed himself on live television.

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Upvote because MySpace was cool

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misses the reference, doesn’t bother trying to find it so he can fire back with something cohesive

They lock eyes, he winds up for the pitch, the consternation is palpable. It’s a fast ball! The batter swings and….a miss, strike 3 * f@ggot.

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Not surprised you can't tell a strike from a ball

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I call this little sentence here, projection:marseypopcorn:

you don't know what goes on in other people's minds, as much as you'd like to:marseyxd:

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I'm not the one being defensive

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"Closet racist"? Seems pretty out and proud to me.

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Yo wocksta, fuck that dude with his fake ads Nordic fake tough guy shpiel. Don’t sweat him,

I wrote him this but he blocked me because I’m smarter than him. He doesn’t really enjoy it when somebody knocks his cunty ass down a few pegs.

Yo Ragnar you fucking nerd

I fucking hate you.

That American hero was a 17 year old kid scared shitless.

Clearly he (and most likely you) can’t fight so he started shooting, which echoes the resounding comment made from you fucking idiots on the right. I assume you with your Viking insignia are probably of the same Echelon if your applauding a fucking murderer that was too much of

A fucking pussy to “knuckle up”. Anyways; you can get locked up and admonish him with your mouth while you go “gay for the stay”

Also. I’m guessing this situation is

Probably why your a pistol instructor, some Freudian metaphor for your impotent little penis, f@ggot.

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Get shot by your cousin, you nappy headed AIDS baby

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Wow... why do you give someone soooo much power of you??

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I’m really not all that invested. I’m trying to inspire an angry or inflamed response where they make themselves look like an idiot. (Yeah, I’m aware I look like an idiot initially)

It’s a thoughtless endeavor; you throw a bunch of generalizations and sweeping judgments in an individual’s direction and hope one of them sticks.

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American hero the pussy ass boy who faked crying on national tv lol

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You're talking about protesters holding signs saying that...this is just a black lady witnessing a crime. She could be a military veteran, could have family on the force, could be conservative and pro police for all you know. They do exist.

If it was a white sounding voice would you have come to the same conclusion?

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Remember when this site has an air of sanity? Remember when we used to compliment each other for not being a fascist, racist gathering place? Well, those days are long past as individuals who are 1 part aspie and like Ragnar, a loud and proud nazi who has a cuckholding fetish. He hates the blax, but he sure loves the taste of their cum. He also has a serious incest fetish. And not in the “not in my own family, I just like the taboo of it man; it’s the idea that it’s forbidden” no, not Ragnar. Like his heroes, the Vikings, he’s really into the idea of impregnating his immediate family. He slips sedatives into his female immediate families drinks and him and his dad have a name for it, In honor of being a super douchy Richard Spenser wanna be, a pseudo intellectual who can’t form a cohesive thought beyond “man, I hope my mom didn’t shave that sexy fucking bush”

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Get used to it monkey

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Also you newstrag cunt; it’s “jooz did 9/11 kosher jetfuel can’t melt steel Beemz”

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No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.

You’re part of a failed generation, a mass sycophant regiment , a line of failed seekers who never tuned in with that mystic fallacy

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if it sounded like those crazy white bitches with purple hair, yeah, same conclusion.

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