CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Raleigh High School Stabbing Write Up (cw)


November 27, 2023 A 14-year-old Fatally stabbed 15-year old-Delvin Ferrell and Another student, age 16, He was charged with murder on a juvenile petition. Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman said the 14-year-old charged with murder in the deadly stabbing at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School could be tried as an adult.

Video posted on social media by multiple students show a fight breaking out in a hallway before 11 a.m. on Nov. 27. In the melee that spilled into the gymnasium, Ferrell and a 16-year-old were both stabbed. The 16-year-old suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

In the first call at 11 a.m., a student tells a dispatcher they're hiding in a bathroom amid the commotion. “They talking about stabbing people and guns,” the student says in the call. “Can you please come to the school? Please?” Raleigh Police have not reported finding any guns during their investigation of the stabbing. A 14-year-old student has been charged with murder and could be tried in adult court. “I'm a student, I'm scared,” the student later tells the dispatcher. The student can also be heard on the call asking other students what happened. A minute later at 11:01 a.m., a school employee called 911 asking if police are coming. The dispatcher tells the employee that the school resource officer has already called asking for EMS to respond. “We're on a lockdown,” the staff member says. “Can you tell me anything?” The dispatcher tells the employee that the school resource officer was handling the situation and to remain in place.

Released 911 audio

According to the news police say video taken by students shows multiple perspectives of the fight (even though this is the only video i know of, of it), which outside the gymnasium and then spilled inside, with students following the fight as it unfolded.

Police Arrive

From reports a woman's voice over law enforcement radio traffic can be heard saying:

"He's losing consciousness right now. We're in the main gym,"

A male's voice can be heard saying, "Can you make sure the administrators put the school on lockdown?"

The school remained on lockdown for the rest of the day

Police Interview Post Incident:

After the Stabbing

At a community forum Jeremaine Cotton, Ferrell's older brother and a student at Southeast Raleigh High, told the audience of nearly 500 people that packed the school auditorium that he witnessed his brother's stabbing. “I no longer feel safe in the school,” Cotton said. “I'm a junior and I've seen my fair share of violence in the school. I don't think people really care about us like they say they do.”

Laura Grimes, Ferrell's grandmother, attended Monday's forum and said she heard that the school received a call ahead of time that something was going to happen on Nov. 27. She said her grandson's death was a tragedy that should have been avoided. “When that call was made, something should have put in place,” Grimes said. “I'm grieving.” The mother of the 14-year-old suspect has said that she warned the school on the day of the stabbing that her son was going to be attacked.

The Schools Record

Principal Eddie Harden told the crowd at the forum that additional staff are now at the school to help supervise the students. He said the school will focus on lessons on conflict resolution and getting students to report information that could impact the safety of the school. Students can anonymously report tips at 919-856-1911. “We have to move beyond being silent due to past norms,” Harden said. Harden was among multiple people who said the school and community is being unfairly painted with negative stereotypes. “You're not going to talk about my students, you're not going to talk about certain neighborhoods,” Harden said. “You're not doing that. We can't accept it.” News reports have pointed to the crime rate and academic performance of Southeast Raleigh High compared to other Wake County schools. But Wake County Superintendent Robert Taylor said the successes of the school also need to be pointed out.

According to the most recent data from the North Carolina Department of Instruction, which is from the 2021-22 school year, Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School has a higher rate of reported crimes per 1,000 students than Wake County Schools as a whole. That includes 16 categories from alcohol possession, to weapons possession, to sexual assault.

The data also shows twice as many reported acts of assault and possession of weapons district-wide compared to pre-pandemic.

That state data also shows 13 reported instances of students bringing a weapon to Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School in the 2021-22 school year — none of them were guns.

Check my page and follow for more write ups, gore, and funny severe injuries :marseyblowkiss:

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Little nigglets laughing at someone getting stabbed. Theres no hope for any of them

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Baaaaaahahahahaha.. Couldn't have said it better myself.. But what do we really expect? The best we can hope for is that is always stays black on black crime; my personal favorite..

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Like any of them know he's got a knife??? Wtf kind of dumb ass statement is that. It's a high school fight of course they're all geeked up.

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Welcome to America baby

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i understand your point and yes it's pretty disrespectful to laugh at someone in your school getting stabbed.

a lot people uses laugh as a way to cope from the fact that they've just witnessed something that might be traumatizing for them

they will laugh if they're either nervous, scared, shocked or just don't wanna believe that it actually happened so they try to laugh it off

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did you use ChatGPT for that reply

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No I'm just a autistic borderline

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Are we not here to laugh at ppl getting stabbed? That's what I'm here for.....

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wtf? you can't tell the difference between a public school with a stabbed kid in the background and a funny-videos website?

you're on website now, so we can laugh HAHAHAH

but when you're in the public you can't

is that so hard to understand?

I want to see you laughing now, go, laugh, isn't that what you're here for?

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That's what ALL rap sounds to me

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Do you know what site you're on retard

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Can no one realize he is talking about the school kids present laughing?!

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Its not about that its the fact that he's logged into a gore site watching people die and be murded talking about these kids laughing at someone getting stabbed. I truly don't know how you cant see the irony

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yes, there is irony in there, but still a big distinction from real life

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You're actually just braindead dawg

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THIS is PERFECT! My sentiments EXACTLY... All of them.. Such a fucking annoyance..

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They say no one cares because they are black and yet they bring this trouble on themselves

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Do they EVER hold themselves accountable?? Lol

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The other kids in the school were literally laughing when one of their classmates was stabbed, yet it's "society's fault". I'm surprised they can find any educated people to teach in the school.

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9 times out of 10 the schools are run by brainless morons anyway

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I'm surprised they can find any educated people to teach in the school.

Really?! There's so many people trying to pay off student loans they don't have a choice but to take these shitty gigs.

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He's talking about the school administration.

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To whomever previously posted this here. TY

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Fucking retard

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Self defense who cares if he's not supposed to have the knife and fuck a ego battle it's play to win always

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Knife at a school is a big no no lol

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Thats not grounds for a murder charge

Weapon on school property sure

Acting in self defence

The stabber could EASLY be killed by the jumping

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Oh yeah I know. What I was saying was he'd probably still catch a charge for having it in the first place.

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Aint NO mystery.. Act like this shit is a game if you want to.. Personally? Thats why I dont fight over ANY bullshit.. And IF its EVER serious enough to fight over? ANYTHING goes.. Im fighting to keep breathing..

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All these negros have no fucking morality and jump into shit they were never involved in and it leads up to this

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These American prisons are wild.

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So the 14 year old that did the stabbing was the one being attacked by the two older boys who got stabbed? Do I have this story right?

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No. The 14yo was attacked by the whole gang. Only two got stabbed tho and those immediately became angels once touched by the holy blade

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One lived, one died

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Sorry. Yes! I mean sanctified by the media. One went to hospital and another to hell

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Fair enough

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So the two who got stabbed were the aggressors and doing the beating. Seems like a great case of self defense, I hope it goes to a jury and the kid at least gets multiple hung juries till they quit trying to prison time him. A Not Guilty would of course be best

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By the looks of it they want to charge him as an adult yet I'm with you that it was a clear self defence case. It annoys me that the media portrays it as a random fight that broke out instead of a group that premeditatedly gang up on him. Let's hope and see how it goes, or not see anything at all as the media often suppress court outcomes in fear of public reprisals

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“immediately became angels once touched by the holy blade”

Well said lol

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What a fucking zoo.

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0:08 I was looking at another tab while the video was playing and I thought I was suddenly listening to some monkeys screaming on some nature documentary. Had to quickly click back and I wasn't surprised. :donkeykongputemup:

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Look at all those chongos

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School full of fucking apes 🦍 is Hell

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Im really hoping

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14 years old and has already killed somebody, and the sad thing is that it will only get younger next time 13 and then a 12-year-old, they are so young why do they have to try solving problems with killing, hate, and violence :sad: :marseytears:

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Clearly self defense. I was just talking about this on another video, and of course yet again absolutely no accountability - this dude's little brother attacked a kid with a gang, the kid defended himself, and the big brother's on the news saying "I don't think people really care about us like they say they do.” Dude - your brother was fucking jumping a kid. He deserved to get stabbed. "Black people keep attacking black people. Why aren't white people doing more about it?! But also white people need to stop doing anything about it because it's racist for white cops to try stop black people from killing other black people."

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Yeah their logic will make your head spin. Your statement is 100% dead on

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The brother and grandmother at the forum…….um excuse me, Mr and Mrs dumbass……Delvin was the clear aggressor lol dare I ask the status of his parents? Lol

I have to say I'm pretty surprised this wasn't ruled as self defense

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These monke are the future of America 🤣

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Am i missing something?

Dude who got stabbed swung first then chased the stabber with his friends and jumped the stabber.. The stabber was in possible grave danger or great bodly harm and acted in what i see is self defence.once the situation stopped our stabber ran away to safety.

So i dont know why this is murder but rather Justifiable homicide.

In the outside world this gets people who jump a singe guy end up with free holes and its 100% justified

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So many future nobel prize winner right here.

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Oh look, the Pavement Apes are at it again.

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Idk how anyone can learn in that HS look like a buncha animals.

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These BIPOClets need to be in cages not schools.

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did they file charges also to the mobs? in the face of those mobs, who doesnt fear for death thru beating.

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Literally making chimp noises.

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Nice post

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Most intelligent 13%

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i used to live in ragleigh i live an hour away from it now NC crazy

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Noise Warning: They turn straight up Monkey....squawking and shreeking like they're back in their native jungle.

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Annoying ass BLk girl

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Jesus sounds like feeding time at the zoo exibit

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Kids getting stabbed were to stupid to notice. Poetic justice.

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City people things happening in the city, imagine that :lolsign:

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Black people these days.. We have no hope for them.

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That goffy ahh laugh

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Sorry I'm dense can someone tell me if we saw a stabbing in the first video? When was it? Was it the boy who was being attacked did the stabbing?

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Yeah, kid with the gray hoodie :marseyerenabs2:

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Why are kids becoming more violent every video i see of them? I barely even witnessed a tussle when i was in school now people are bringing knives?

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i went to a shitty ass middle school around 2015 and tbh stuff like this wouldn't have surprised me. People attacked eachother every single day and there was a period of time where an ambulance had to be called from these incidents near weekly because the stupid rivalries got progressively worse. One of my teachers got in trouble for stopping some girl from hitting another students head again the lockers repeatedly. I also saw and knew kids who get in trouble for carrying around knives and threatening people with them.

BUT i didn't hear about things like this happening as much as it seems they are now, but I've always thought teens, especially like 12-14 can be absolutely cruel. It's like they get out of elementary and gain blood lust. And maybe it just seems more common or escalating as phones become more wide spread (in 2015 it was a bit less likely in my area for everyone to own a good smart phone bc we were all broke as shit, in contrast to the millions of toddlers running around with a damn phone or personal tablet now) but i also wouldn't be surprised if it's actually getting worse either tbh

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I think its slowly becoming more acceptable, kids want to be tough but the standard is getting higher so they are being more and more brutal

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same. shits crazy :marseyschizonotes: now. the most i saw was two guys get in a 30 second :marseygunnut: scrap when i was like 14

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Legit, they would always get split up by teachers before they could even get close to doing any harm, but nowadays teachers arent allowed to even split up fights because the parents will cry about it.

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Pretty :marseyglam: much. teachers are pussies now

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Legally, they can't lay a finger on the kids without creating a fucking shitstorm. This plus shitty shitty parents that think their horribly raised kids are actually 100% angels……it's not a good situation and it will only get worse

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of course they do, that's why when they get shot they show their preschool graduation :marseygrad: pictures :marseylaughpoundfist:

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I fucking despise teenagers and their slang.

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Pls don't homeschool your kids. That's how you get Christian fundamentalists. I'd rather have the nigs tbh

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:marseylaughpoundfist: then move to a black :marseypastor: neighborhood and enjoy being robbed everyday, most homeschoolers aren't religious :marseyjesus2: lmao

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You don't have data to back that up. The best I could find reports that religious reasons as the primary motivating factor for homeschooling has dropped to 34% from ~66% pre-covid, however I do take some issue with using primary motivating factor as a valuable data point. I assume the percentage of homeschool students receiving religious education is far higher than 34%. You can assume otherwise but the fact is, you don't have data to show one way or the other. If you have it, post it. I won't pretend I did a thorough search.

Lastly, I doubt you've ever been to a black neighborhood.

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Private school is a good start. Expensive but I sleep very well.

Public school system is fucked and will only get worse until accountability becomes a thing again (it won't )

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You are beyond retarded :marseybrainletclapping:

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