Baton Rouge woman stabbed to death on Facebook Live.. (shitty watermark)

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I know there's a ton of racism on this site, but as someone who is mixed and got raised by my white mother, I can safely say i distance myself from the stereotypical black people so hard it's insane. I just don't understand it.

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I wish more young folks would realize that hood culture is not something to emulate.

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Why don't they understand that? Genuinely?

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Do you want the real answer? You're not going to like it. The truth is really ugly.

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As i said, mixed. I won't get offended

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Stay maddd bxtch

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That's funny coming from a overly insecure crybaby 😭

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Laugh away. I know you don't fear God. That's all that matters in the end

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God? 🤣🤣🤣 Get back to shining those big floppy shoes of yours.

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Yup I don't believe in fairytales.

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As a mixed raced woman myself(assuming ur female because of your weird dp, and mannerisms) I can tell you genuinely have some unfinished, self loathing, pain due to your father wanting nothing to do with you. As humans it's normal to create schemas in our brain (Google) however “distancing” yourself from a race that is apart of you AND consciously being a cog that holds racism together…. inadvertently makes you so oblivious to a part of yourself which you clearly mask by creating a facade where you're “white inside”. I can assure you that unless your quarter cast, you are apart of the black community. Nigga

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The amount of projecting you just did is UNFATHOMABLY cringy. I said I distance myself from the stereotypical black people, not all black people. Maybe you're uneducated and stuff but reading and comprehending a comment really shouldn't be that difficult to you. Honestly, it's kinda sad how insecure you clearly are. I'd rather not be like "hood gangster" that say the n word in every sentence like you probably do, that shoot, rob, kill, do drugs etc.. It's called being a proper human being actually.

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Yeah that's all you can say because let's be real my ability to articulate well scares you. You assume that I am a hood gangster but I'm proud to know that I am not. The fact you assume that me vouching for my black side is me associating and assimilating with being a gangster. That just shows how sorry and sad your mindset is regarding your true roots. It's pathetic, but of-course you're on a racist violent website like the rest of us so I hope you aren't saved, because you clearly don't have a conscious or any morales (because you're racist)

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Yup, saying I'm distancing myself from the black people who are hood gangsters and stuff like that makes me a racist. Like, do you even think before you type stuff or are you just plain fucking stupid? Genuinely asking here. I don't know where you got this severe anger from but lash it out on someone who's genuinely racist.

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Engaging in mythological 😭

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This is part of the problem, you've described several of the variables that plague modern day blacks.

I've always felt really bad for half-black folks, because of the way I saw them treated by black kids when I was in school with them. Black kids seemed to pick on mixed kids a lot, there seemed to be a lot of envy in the hearts of the black bullies. I was especially blown away at the capacity for cruelty and violence that black girls exhibited towards mixed girls. I recall a lot of talk about how mixed girls/boys have such pretty hair. The black girls that had weaves or wore shower caps to school were jealous of girls like you, with silky smooth black hair.

I got the impression that mixed blacks aren't fully accepted by blacks, and they are neither accepted as white. I imagine this is a nightmarish struggle, and I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Maybe, just maybe our ancestors had this shit figured out? Maybe there was a reason that for about 199,900 years of human existence worldwide, various groups stayed separate. That didn't mean they were outright hostile toward each other- There seemed to be a global understanding that "We are different". Post-modernist bullshit propaganda has slowly brainwashed that fact out of the last several generations.

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ust maybe our ancestors had this shit figured out? Maybe there was a reason that for about 199,900 years of human existence worldwide, various groups stayed separate. That didn't mean they were outright hostile toward each other- There seemed to be a global understanding that "We are different"

it was called science, they thought we were different due to skin color, religion and then smart people did tests and found actually we are very similar sadly fucking morons do still exits that believe some races to be lessor, or borders on a map to be some form of natural law.

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This lady's a Shakespeare! And to the other mixed lady with mental issues you just got destroyed

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It's to late for excuses..

Jail time, buddy!

I'm joking..

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ur right ! idk but most of crimes black people they do it !

if u say its black they ill say ur racist lol

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Bet you feel a lot safer around white people. I hear this from black folks I work with in the suburbs all the time.

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The comment section of this website has got to be rough to read if you're black... I haven't seen it ever get to the point where people are hurling around straight up racial slurs, but there's more than enough people here who will go right up to that line, and post some truly hateful racist and xenophobic stuff that's tolerated since they never dropped any N-bombs. It's really similar to the Reddit "Actual Public Freakouts" sub, where all the racist and bigoted user migrated to after being banned from the real "Public Freakout" sub for saying racist shit. So now there are communities with a large amount of people like that, racial refugees if you will, who ended up here or the more obscure Reddit subs after being forced out of their previous gathering spaces that they're no longer welcome in. So now you get comments like this: "Think of what this future doctor could have done with his life had he not pointed a gun at the police, who is going to take care of his 15 kids now?" It's still completely racist, but I never directly stated I was talking about a black guy or called him the N Word, so that is somehow fine even though my example is literally dripping with hate and contempt...

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Get a brain🧠 bruh🤡

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I got one and I don't steal, cuss in every sentence and say the N word people hate so much yet they say it constantly, don't try acting like a gangster, do drugs or carry guns.

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Youre what people mean when they say one of the good ones. Its not entirely a race issue, its a culture

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Approximately. Maybe i would be different if i was growing up in a culture like that but i didn't and I'll never be like that either

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Its similar to trailer trash whites. Theyre shit too, and some manage to break free. Youll always run into hardline racists but most racists i know understand the nuance. Keep your chin up

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