Man stabbed in neck after fight at mall

24 year old Lauie Micheal Tagalo was stabbed in a Brunswick Street Mall at around 4am. Witnesses and paramedics failed to revive him.

The 20 year old Seyram Kwami Djentuh who stabbed Tagalo was charged with murder. The two other man assisted police with the investigation and where not charged.

It's not believed the two groups knew each other. And I could not get any info on what the groups where fighting about. (Where I got the info)

This is also the first death video I seen

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Sad to read this idiot had an infant son. Why is he out doing stupid shit like this, and why is he putting himself in the line of fire?


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It was a series of bad events, the precision of the cut and that the stupid man doesn't have a bit of reflexes.

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A bunch of losers egging on a man wielding a knife, who's walking away, what could go wrong 💀

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I don't think I've ever seen a quicker death by blood loss

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I swear I was sure the guy bobbing his head was going to be the victim, but the other guy came running out of nowhere to get knifed. It didn't seem like his fight... Don't know why he was so eager to die.

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He thought he could back the guy off because he was a bit bigger than them, kinda worked the first time then the second time you could see he had no plan for when it didn't work, ended up just standing there with his hands down

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Imagining the thoughts of the guy right after he figured that it's over. The stab was precise tho.

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My guess is that “welp fuck” was about all he would muster. Every time I see this one, I’ll upvote. If only for awareness not to do this.

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Never try to recreate the moves you see from Jet Li’s films guys. What a shitty way to go.

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Dude tried to play tough and got a hole in his neck big enough to drop him in seconds

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npc movements

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Dummy shouldn’t have kept approaching the guy wielding a knife, but those saying this is self defense are wild lmao. For self-defense to be aplicable, you have to be able to convince a jury that you had absolutely no other choice but to kill that person, or risk great bodily harm to yourself, i.e. backed into a corner, or the only path away is running into traffic/jumping off something high. If you had a viable option (like the stabber), who could have run away, but kept trying to egg the victims’ group on; you goin to prison 9 times outta 10 homie. The victims’ group only gave chase after the stabber made his final approach and stabbed big guy. P.S. this obviously doesn’t apply to police.

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But it's totally fine and self defense in this exact scenario as long as the victim is a robber to most on this site.

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Doesn't matter anyway it's Australia. This guy & whoever else is arrested will face menial jail time compared to what they deserve.

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Why he ran up on him with no defense after seeing he wasn’t bluffing about using the knife is beyond me

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Poor dude I feel bad for him, he bled out so fast. Rule number one never approach a dude with a knife, especially without your arms up.

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Eshayyy bahhhhhhhhh!

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Should have asked him for scissors to cut up some weed, use speechcraft to disarm opponent

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How’s that keeping it real working for y’a?

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I'm glad he was charged with murder, and hopefully will stay in jail till he dies of ass cancer. But on a side note, that was an impeccable shot to the throat, clean stab, dude bled like a pig.

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I love this video.

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Imagine leading with your head in a fight. Let alone a knife fight

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This is why you don't fuck with people. Youll never know how insane the other guy is, till its way too late.

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I think the insane guy was the fella that terminator walked into a knife.

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"...was stabbed in a Brunswick Street Mall at around 4am"

You know what they say about the nightlife;

Nothing good ever happens after 2am.


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Well, should have kicked the man with the knife or walked away...

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how is that a murder and not self defense ??

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My guess is because instead of backing away he came back and tried to stab the man bopping his head around. Also in some country's killing someone in self defense when there are other options can be illegal. Running away after killing someone accident or not is also a crime. Failing to appear in court doesn’t help either.

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He was backing away actually. I consider this self-defense

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Technically he did defend himself. But I think the method was unnecessary. Already is carrying a knife for self defense illegal (Australia). According to the research I have done using more force than is threatened to you in the situation of self defense is not legal. So he would need to prove that using lethal force was the only option left. So my take on this is that he was the threat by pulling out a knife. And since the victim didn't seem to be armed, stabbing him in the neck wasn't really necessary.

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The approacher was big, could have bonked him into unconsciousness

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Wait how does he have a knife in public that's illegal

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small brain charge knife guys, good title

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the accent. As soon as you hear that accent yk someone getting sliced.

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awww shit. Didn't know it was already uploaded. Sorry.... Should I delete????

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If you saw what I said before I edited I was being a goober. That post is from 2 months ago, your good.

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Oh alright thx. Am kind of new here so I get a bit confused.

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No problem, repost are perfectly fine as long as the video hasn't been uploaded within the last 60 days :)

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well deserved

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Never charge at a guy with a knife. He deserved that shit for being a fucking idiot

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This is why its good form to run away in almost every combative situation. Better to look like a "pussy" than be fuckin dead.

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I actually ended up in the exact same situation once went I went out partying with a group of people, we were all drunk and when we were outside the club a black dude in our group decided to pick a fight with a random group of strangers outside, he threatened them while the other group of people were armed with knives, I immediately backed off and ran away from the situation and I could still hear the argument from a long distance, even tho i was drunk I wasn’t stupid enough to get involved in a situation like that. Unlike these group of fucking idiots approaching a guy that’s threatening them with a knife. I would never be stupid enough to go up to a group of armed guys and try to start a fucking fist fight with them.

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Good call. Hope the black guy didn't suffer anything longterm. I honestly don't understand what was going threw this groups mind. One of them men was already dodging swings. Tough guy had it coming. Can't help but feel bad though.

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discretion is the better part of valor as they say.

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They all were acting young and stupid, fueled by too much testosterone and the excitement of the altercation. I see too many people quick to judge that a death or very serious injury was "deserved" and it reminds me of this quote by Gandalf in Tolkien's "Fellowship of the Ring" after Frodo tells Gandalf that Gollum/Sméagol deserved to die:

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”

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You charge with a gun, if its a knife, you run.

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What a fucking pussy, put that knife away and fight like a real man

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