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That was creepy. I feel bad nobody helped her out. I would've tried it but then I'd get stabbed too. But I bet if all 4 of them went after the guy it would work. Hard to make that judgement in the moment. RIP to that poor wife.

That guy has a small pecker. No

Normal person does that.

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Exactly, I mean I don't really have empathy for the ex wife but there's three other men there that ran, the dude shouldn't have even stabbed her to death in the first place, that's genuinely some bitch shit.

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I really love the way you said that its so true but People are scared be be killed or hurt them selfs wen helping somone nobody wants that

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Maybe she was a real cunt and deserved it??🤔

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So that's how you would deal with it, stab a woman? Shows your true sense ...

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No, i wouldn't. I just wouldn't interfere.

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He's prob just trying to say that the woman could have done some realy bad stuff to her husband making him stab her. (Highly doubt it but could be a possibility)

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Only thing that would drive someone that do this was probably the fact this whore was cheating.

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Maybe she was, Idk the back story...but so many women are murdered by a man just for rejecting their advances, for leaving them or because the dude is just a mental, controlling freak who THINKS she is cheating or she might cheat.. then some are just pure mental illness. Who knows.

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Must've been terrible to see so many people in the lobby and then nobody once youre in real danger. Rip to her i guess, rot in piss to her husband. Real big man to attack your wife with a knife

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Men are such pussies nowadays. I knew just by looking at them that they'd just walk away like bitches. They aren't men.

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Oh, this must be what real men do, cut themselves just like females!

I can see you are a great authority on the topic


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If someone isn't afraid to cut themselves. . . Would they be afraid to get cut with that knife from the husband? That's interesting. Of course its not cut - its stabbed, and yes, fear took over the entire room and yes multible people left someone in there to die and no that shouldn't be the case. Why? Because you should not fear death - especially when it's YOUR time to KILL. The killer's minset was fearless, which is why he was willing to take on all the guys in there if he had to. In order to really be of use in a situation like this - you gotta be ready to kill and you gotta be ready to die. It's why if this woman was their sister, mother, aunt, they would of probably jumped in regardless because they'd be ready to kill the killer, with anger, like the killer was ready to kill, with anger. This is something almost no one but maybe army personal understands. (Everyone is your brother, or sister) I'd say even officers who weren't from military background maybe don't quite understand it fully. These guys are men, but they are simply afraid, unfortunately.

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me getting a thrill from bleeding doesn't mean I don't have the balls to help someone being stabbed to death. You don't know me in person

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cutting yourself is pretty fuckin gay buddy.

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Your right, I'd rather cut you

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good luck cute twink

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Bro, get a life fr

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Id make a warm stew out of your flesh, and use your skin for my lounging chair

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Why get stabbed for someone you don't know. It's not their problem boo

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Because wouldnt you want someone to fucking help you in the same situation?

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Because it's the RIGHT thing to do, I shouldn't have to explain that to you.

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Is the right thing to do visiting a snuff site to satisfy your urge to watch people suffer?

Get off you moral high horse princess.

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Maybe that's how it is for you, I come here because it's educational, and it reminds me of my own mortality. I also enjoy watching people in agony.

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Ok whatever you say to justify your addiction sweet heart.

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Yeah that's how it started for me too. “Educational purposes, mortality recognition, etc”. But then you can't stop. It becomes habit. You become desensitized to the extreme. With that desensitization comes reduced empathy.

If you really are in that stage where you're viewing it as educational, I suggest you consider yourself sufficiently learned and leave. None of this is good for mental health.

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Men don't owe women shit. If you are stupid enough to risk your life for some rando who will go on TikTok the very same night your dumbass gets stabbed to post her 40th “men are trash” post that week, go for it.

If you believe what makes a man is his willingness to value every woman's life above his own, and be a subservient little purse poodle, then you are probably correct, your life has no real value.

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No idiot they don't want to be stabbed or have the risk of being stabbed why don't u help her

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I dunno man they look like men to me

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No there not if i had a son he will not put him self in danger for a woman how put herself in dangur

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It just isn't their business. The woman may have deserved it for all they know. Not risking my life if I don't know anything about the situation.

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Imagine begging for help while youre being stabbed and the men that was in the room with you just flee :marseydisagree: so what if you get stabbed if you helped out just a little, get the knife outta his hand and save a life yknow? :stab:

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Her bad choices brought her here, not mine. I'm not getting stabbed up because some woman wanted to date/marry a piece of shit.

I know they all say choose the bear over men, but how about use some fucking judgement? Men aren't the only problem. Dumb is too.

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Most of the times its forced marriage :marseyshrug:

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The men or bear shit is just one of an endless string of shittalking and baiting now. If that's how they feel, so be it. Leave them to the men and the bears. They are independent and equally capable, so they should be able to figure it out

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if its a 'so what you get stabbed' for me then its 'so what you get stabbed' for her too lol

i carry a gun, and you are allowed to protect people if a deadly wpns being used again em, but if its bare hands no way im catching a couple extra holes in me, no way

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Honestly its the bystander effect. Everybody thinks someone else will be the one to help, thus nobody helps. If all those men made a quick plan to just throw as much shit as they can at the husband, the wife might've survived.

But yeah not blaming them. Just unfortunate

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Guess thats understandable :marseyembrace:

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Imagine viciously fighting back like your life depended on it(like it did here), instead of expecting randos who owe you nothing to come to your rescue

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unlike these pussies, if i was there I would've roundhouse kicked the killer, while doing one-handed pushups, all the while performing surgery on the woman to save her life.

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Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need

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and she'd friendzone you afterwards and go back to her stabbing ex

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We would pack him up while performing surgeries together

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That's gotta be such a horrible way to go, surrounded by people who look like theyre ready to step in just to not even attempt to help you. Hope she's resting peacefully now at least :marseysad:

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Fuck that guy and everything, I may sound like an asshole, but it was kind of funny how she put herself in that position behind the desk assuming the clerk would protect her. Women choose to be with this type of guy, and then want other men to help them when they act accordingly. It would be awesome if the men helped her, but they're under no obligation to.

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That lady had more balls than those, what 5 idiot scrubs that just ran. like they couldn't have just kicked this dudes ass. What a bunch of fucking low life PoS. Seriously how the fuck do these people even make it that far into life? A bunch of dumb shits breeding is out of control. Bring back the fucking Vikings! They were hot and didn't take no shit! https://media.giphy.com/media/V8RVLsxuntsX6x3GkF/giphy.webp

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They probably ran from instincs. If you were to see a man with a knife, its not like you will go straight to him. You would wanna try and save yourself. But the men should have gotten something and smacked the guy's head

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Same, I'd find the nearest heavy object and bonk that motherfucker. I don't care how big I am or how long I've kickboxed, I'm not diving after a dude with a knife unless I have a weapon of my own

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Egxactly, everyone who is complaining that the other people should have dived in straight away would prob just run away.

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….They make it that far in life by not needlessly confronting a murderous knife wielder. None of them were in danger, why would they alter that?

You say the lady had more balls than them, okay. How did that work out for her? If “balls” equals taking a blade into your body, more wise people would happily remain ballsless.

All of them could have taken that guy for sure. At least one of them would have been cut pretty badly first. And again, to what end? So this random woman lives? Why would they give a shit about a woman they didn't even know existed on earth until walking in?

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Damn as a turkish guy i can confirm our people are pussies but if i was there i THE HONONORED ONE i would hit him with cursed techniqe hollow purple all while opening my domain and using my reverse cursed techniqe to heal the lady at the same time

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That's exactly what I would do too

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Some people don't deserve to have women. Like people like me are struggling to find a mate while bastards like these men kill their wives.

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be fr, youre on this website and you used "men like me", it does sound like youre a weirdo tbh

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I don't know what you mean, he sounds like a supreme gentleman to me.

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upvote ur funny 😂

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What? How does it make me a wierdo. You're on this site aswell. Acording to ur logic, that makes u a wierdo aswell.

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nah thats not what i meant, its not being on this site thats weird, its the combination of saying "girls are stupid to not like guys like me" while being on this website thats an indication for you being weird

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Well clearly you didn't read the statement properly. Let me dumb it down for you: Its sad to see men who have wives beat/kill them showing them no respect

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Ex wife

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Holy fuck what a bunch of pussies.

Poor woman.

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Why the fuck was the front desk guy just sitting there merrily watching their argument instead of pressing a panic button or calling the police or literally anything. Like bro this woman is trying to hide behind your desk out of fear of this man, and then the guy even raises his hand like hes gonna hit her, and still the employee takes zero action and just watches. I wouldnt really blame anyone for not getting involved once a weapon is out, but wow, she really had no chance from the start

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You seriously think some third rate hotel in a backwater shithole has a 'panic button'? Come on man

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The point is they should've separated the couple once it was clear dude was about to get physical.

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Three fucking men and none of them helped her...those motherfuckers deserved to be stabbed too

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Nah, they don't owe her anything. Did men sign some contract saying they are responsible for the safety of random women?

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You're beyond ignorant

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Can you explain, in your own words, why you believe men have an obligation to risk themselves for random women?

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They aren't obligated, it's just the right thing to do, if you were that woman I'm sure you'd want them to help you, the reason this world is so heartless in the majority of places is because no one cares about one another, genders fight each other, and can't just accept their roles. Tell me, what kind of man kills his ex wife for any reason? How much of a bitch do you have to be to do that just because it didn't work out. The killer is more feminine than the woman being attacked.

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