
Girl gets stabbed and loses a lot of blood

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Fucked around and found out

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Didn't know Chile was such a shithole, looks like one of those 'nice' slums they allow near expensive areas in Argentina.

That said, however 'nice' the slum looks, if the population is made of monkeys, all you get is monkey business...

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Bro yo soy de chile y tienes toda la razón

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No dejes que un chino te diga que tu país es mierda, incluso si lo es. Es el principio del asunto :marseydisagree:

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Hasta los chinos tienen más sentido que tu pendeja jeta

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Pinche par de putas.

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monkys? they have niggars in chile??

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They do. But he didn't mean monkeys. These are more beaners/hard-working Americans.

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no he meant monkeys, any race w brown skin gets called monekys its just mainly targeted toward blk ppl. Also these ppl are clearly hispanic. calling them hard working Americans is so forced considering they aren't American, hispanics have other more accurate stereotypes if u really want to shoot one off

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Turn off your filter. I didn't call them Americans.

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Look at the last word in your previous comment.

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Again, turn OFF your slur filter. I called them something else but you are seeing the edited version of it. Just like when you see basketball americans, that is also site edited because of the slur filter. I did not call them Americans.

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Play shitty games win shitty prizes

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Instant karma. :marseyshy:

Maybe that will be enough for her to wake up to stop acting like a hood rat.

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Watching gore sites for a bit made me realize it doesn't take much self control, logic to not end up on one of these sites...

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cute twink

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I love how she is trying to break into a place and then plays cry baby victim. Fucking typically BSB

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Damn, gotta give props on how he hit her neck in that tight opening

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What a fucking quitter. :#fuckoff:

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Here in the UK that would be considered 'self-defense'. More and more, courts in the UK are adopting what American Law defines as 'castle doctrine'. Karma is a bitch, lady!

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I saw this a few months ago on TheYNC , buddy got her good , but what was the context .

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This happened in Chile a time ago, I read something like he owed them money or, was simply a dispute. The thing is they came to his house, there's the video and after that she's rushed to the hospital. She bled to death, so it just got worse because now it's about a death person and not just a disagreement. They ended up killing that dude's son in revenge too

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The worst part is that the bitch wasn't even involved. She was a colombian immigrant that happen to know them and for some reason they asked her to come

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I'd like to know as well just to get a better picture. My gut says they were antagonizing the person inside for a dumb reason.

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Tu puta madre guey!

NO, TU puta madre guey!

There you go.

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nice hit

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deserved bitch

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Question. If you get stabbed, would you not hold the wound with your hand to avoid losing blood, or put cloth around it? Why do people keep on letting it drain, not doing anything about it?

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sometimes people panic and don't know what to do

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People down voting because they think i called then americans when I actually called then hard-working Americans. Stupid cute twinks don't even know about the slur filter.

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Rebarb to the heart. Thats gonna rust

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Oh well.

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Probably didn't know what she was aiming for or at but that's a certified bullseye poke with a knife.

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she thought that they are afraid

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Ahahaha stupid bitch enjoy the stab wound! :marseyrofl: :marseylaughpoundfist:

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Do people in countries like this not know how to apply tourniquets? It seems she was stabbed in the shoulder or a part of her jugular which could easily have been helped via tourniquet.

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damn. that was no small cut. it hit her right in the jugular vein

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Thatll teach you bitch

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This is a repost. I believe if I remember correctly, she died.

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latino cockroaches as usual

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Whoever took that shot. Certified Boomer

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Guys i think she lost a lot of blood-

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conchetumare weon:marseyscream:

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Woman activated the trap :mersya:

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What do people expect to happen when they do stuff like this?

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welp, that was 100% deserved.

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Not today Jehovah Witnesses!

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You should expect the same if you try to bash your way into my home.

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What a bitch

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Friendly fire will not be tolerated https://media.giphy.com/media/11StaZ9Lj74oCY/giphy.webp

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No se uds pero eso fue satisfactorio...

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It wouldn't hurt right

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Well deserved 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Darwin Award.

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Like a fucking viper lmao damn. Look at the idiots not learning from her mistake. Did she die?

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this happened in Chile, and yes, she died. I think it was some kind of hood reckoning, after she died they killed the guy's son, as a revenge

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Ayo wtf. Why his son? 😬. Why not the dude himself

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He got away, that's why

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Do you know the context behind the video?

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Yes, ofc. I gave it in another comment:

This happened in Chile a time ago, I read something like he owed them money or, was simply a dispute. The thing is they came to his house, there's the video and after that she's rushed to the hospital. She bled to death, so it just got worse because now it's about a death person and not just a disagreement. They ended up killing that dude's son in revenge too.

The worst part is that the bitch wasn't even involved. She was a colombian immigrant that happen to know them and for some reason they asked her to come

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So Similar to gang violence but not really, oh well the dumbass woman just simply shouldn't have gotten involved and the stabbee shouldn't have borrowed money they're all fucking idiots in all fairness

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Dang. Starting to really appreciate our civil courts

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Idk man, Latinoamérica can be messed up

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So it was gang violence? Cuz like i dont know what they expected after coming to someone's house like that, if it wasnt gang violence then they're just fucking idiots

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Man, I thought the same thing, I had to watch twice to see the slash that came through the broken spot in the door. You see an arm flash out and the bitch wanders off and starts screaming.

I wonder what this incident was about? Why are they trying to break into that guy's house? What'd he do to get this woman so pissed?

Finally, it's nice to see that the woman got it here. A lot of scenes like this only happen because the woman goes to her brothers or male friends and rallies them to go beat someone, and usually it's the men who end up dead or maimed. She's calling the shots here, I think- the guy with the metal tool is just a SIMP following her orders, for whatever reason.

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stfu no one cares

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U stfu

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go fuck ur mom

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Your opinion apparently is that people should be allowed to use reddit to organise criminal conspiracies and aid, abet, command, counsel, induce or procure criminal activity.

You. Are a mental midget. A functional retard. An intellectual cripple. A dipshit. Clueless. A waste of oxygen. Your nasal mucus has more cognitive capability than what is between your ears. You have no career future. You're incapable of avoiding the moral pitfalls of a children's playspace. You eat unidentified food off the floors of fast food restaurants. You think your feces is fingerpaint. You cannot be left unattended in the restroom for more than thirty seconds lest you choke on toilet paper.


Burn everything you have that has a keyboard and go back to kindergarten.

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That wasn't her house, try that at mine & see what happens

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Ok "tough guy"

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She play the game with low fps :lelolidk:

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saw this like half a year ago on livegore. if im not wrong, this happened in Venezuela. they wanted to kill the man inside because he had borrowed money and not paid it back. so he sliced the girl with a machete

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or the man could've tried to molest some kid and these 3 youth were trying to set an example of the man?


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Never trust these post titles. A ton of videos get posted with descriptions like "Pedo gets stabbed to death" or something... but if you understand the language being spoken in the video, you'd know that it's a fight over a woman, or money, or drugs.

I suspect people title videos like that because it's much easier to watch something horrifying happening to a person when you believe they deserve it. In this video, the guy who slashed the woman apparently owes her money, so they're trying to break into his house and fuck him up.

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https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17198133937334783.webp This woman was Eated to dead too

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