(Paranormal?) when a certain man appears at a certain bend in the road in China, death happens. Repeatedly.

maybe not the same man, but still

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woah... i didnt know that curses actualy exist

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I believe curses, or any paranormal manipulation in history like say witches or mages or whatever in Christianity, are people who have discovered how to manipulate dark matter, the shit that makes up 80% of literally everything. Shits called the God particle for a reason and I think if theres any truth to that stuff it involves manipulating it, like any form of physics, we just havent been able as a collective in science or anything to fully study or contain dark matter.

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I think you should research what dark matter actually is, it's really just matter that doesn't interact with photons, nothing crazy. Also the God particle is the higgs boson, and it doesn't mean anything, most people in the field don't even like the term because it makes the higgs boson seem really special and fancy when it isnt. Quantum mysticism is mostly just people misunderstanding quantum pyshics

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I know what dark matter is and equate it to the ancient elemental aether, but thanks:)

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elemental aether

Thats funny because the aether was meant to explain how light moves through space, but dark matter doesn't interact at all with light

They're actually opposites from each other

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I think what I should be referring to is the God particle, as you stated earlier, which is not dark matter

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Yeah thats the higgs boson, another very misunderstood particle that doesn't really do much but gets a bad ass name. The name comes from a book written in the 90s about it that was mostly just speculation. We only confirmed the existence of rhe higgs boson in 2012, but the primary idea is that the higgs boson and the subsequent boson field allow certain particles to gain mass by interacting with the field, specifically quarks and leptons. Not all particles get their mass from the higgs boson, another common misconception

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my brain is too fucking sleep deprived and fried to process sny of this but I promise I will come back to this when I recharge, thank you for the information:DD

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Also I feel I should mention, I am by no means an authority on quantum stuff, my degree is in philosophy. I just keep tabs on the current research when I can

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Anytime friend

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i realize I'm being overly hostile for no reason, my bad. i don't know why I got so defensive here lmfao you clearly know more than me on this and can genuinely help guid me my bad dawg

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No worries uwu

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I think it's also funny how you sum up dark matter, something we've tried to understand with zero progress for a significant amount of time as "just matter that doesn't interact with photons", nothing special at all right?

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Science is a process.

It gets screwed when people who have no interest in understanding the process of science take one question that science is in the process of exploring and think too little about it but add all their nonsense to it and lay claim to things like you are in this post.

If you like religion, keep praying.

If you like science, learn to be comfortable not knowing everything.

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I means that's what all the research has lead us to so far, it's matter with mass that doesn't interact with photons or bayronic matter (for the most part)

As far as we can tell it doesn't do much other than allow duper structures to form by adding more gravity to those systems

If you have information that contradicts that idea I'd love to see it

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I wouldn't waste your time with that clown, it's nice to see an actual based comment.

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It turned out good in the end :marseyjam:

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For you maybe, they were so offended by me they blocked me after trying to insult me haha

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i know you think you're so holier-than-thou at correcting people and trying to throw your beliefs onto other people.. but the way you approach it is kind of douchie

you probably like to think you can easily offend people, but maybe he blocked you because the douchiness gets annoying after a while.. i'd block you too, but i like watching douches talk out of their ass so i can shit on them when they're wrong(it will happen)

lol, but hey, maybe that's just me

oh yeah, did i forget to say "douche"? maybe i did forget to say douche.. so i'll say it one more time- douchie

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If you're talking about me, yeah I blocked him. Life is too short to be arguing with a douche bag that wants to think he's better than everyone. I know what I saw, and I know it can't be explained away by science or trick of the light. Or whatever BS he would have spewed. I came here to get away from drama that other sites have, and then I run into someone that's a lot worse than anyone I've ever encountered.

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Which annoy you more: douches or clowns?

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probably douches.. clowns have no valid points or arguments, yet talk out of their ass with confidence, and they go nowhere with me

douches are the same, but are so proud of it, and yet oblivious to it at the same time.. they just don't stfu even when they're wrong or look stupid aF

like this dude here commenting

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What beliefs?

This is a site to see people die, if you're easily offended, you really shouldn't be here, so no, I don't think rational thought should be easily offensive.

After a while? I made one post before they panicked and blocked me.

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"cUrSeS aReN't rEaL!!".. idc, so don't even bother explaining, cause it means nothing..

all good, but if you're here to be solely offensive, maybe find a life or some pussy? js

also, you can downvote all you want, it doesn't make the comment any less factual

the "after a while" was pertaining to me(i don't get easily offended or annoyed).. maybe he got tired of your shit immediately.. can't blame him, tbh

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But how can light appear as either particles or waves, depending on which one is being monitored?

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we don't understand any of it so I don't know why you're correcting me when dark matter isn't even understood, there are clumps that make up more sectors in space but it literally makes up everything

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I'm correcting you because what you said didn't make any sense and it gave off the impression that you had no idea what dark matter was lmao

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yeah I clearly don't thats my bad :/

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I like these weird kinds of comments

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also <3

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my brain just goes off when I'm off that loud

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I love your pfp, im also a stoner that believes magic is just science we havent figured out yet

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based, and thank you :)

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witch is cool. but dark matter bender? its cooler!

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Must suck to be retarded

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I have a higher IQ than you on average, sleep deprivation sucks though

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Go to sleep, drink water, take a walk, quit cranking on your dick. You'll be surprised how retarded you sound right now when you look back.

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genuinely good advice and true. I'll take the L, wasn't at my best today but we'll get back tomorrow :P

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They don't.

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down vote me more cute twink

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