18 year old drowned after jumping into a deep quarry

An 18-year-old man in Sahibganj district of Jharkhand drowned after he jumped into deep water from a height to make an Instagram reel.

The man, Tausif, jumped into a quarry lake from a height of about 100 feet. His friends, who were bathing in the lake, tried to save him but were unsuccessful.

They alerted locals and police, and a search operation was launched. The youth's body was recovered later.


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https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17168322485821924.webp He bellyflopped and hit feet first then his face immediately after he probably knocked himself out

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17168322906353567.webp Here you can see in the video when he begins to turn belly first

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Feet first is how you're supposed to land while cliff diving. If you're kinda sideways it could jerk your head to the side smacking the water and break your neck or get knocked out, but you have to be straight up. It's really dangerous, and one wrong move and you could die or get knocked out. It's basically the same as a "pencil dive" where you just jump in feet first and your feet break the surface of the water, cushioning the impact. They also should have had people at the bottom just in case it goes wrong, but they just watch him drown instead.

So you're 100% right. He's done for cause he didn't know how to keep himself straight. That's why people flail their arms trying to get into position before hitting the water, then straighten up.

(Sorry I'm drunk ranting.)

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Thanks for the input literally was wondering what actually happened

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Yeah it's kinda hard to tell just from a video, but landing wrong can cost you your life.

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Looked like he was tried plugging his nose with his left hand too just before he landed in the water. It's a habit for many.

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The Mexican cliff divers sometimes land face first, even from the highest ledge. But they must have some kind of trick to not end up like this guy.

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I've got at least 20 years experience cliff diving. His friends clearly didn't give a shit. Otherwise they would have precautions before he jumped at that height. A couple people in the water, or on the shore at the bottom. They could have saved him, yet everyone is at the top and don't give a shit.

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The only trick is to land feet first. With people in the water in case of exactly this.

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Yeah with higher cliffs he shoulda started with the lower ones. It is kinda difficult to get yourself to land correctly. Unfortunately this guy has no experience and no one to save him, they just stood there recording. Not even one attempt to save him. Just watched him die.

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Figured he went unconscious upon landing

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Yeah, there was no struggle to live

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Thanks mate defo exactly what's happened here. Looked like he was swimming at first but prob just reflexes whilst knocked out

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Doesn't he do a few strokes before passing out?

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Probably a last ditch attempt before he passed out he had to have belly flopped because he was OUT and when you watch the clip you can see his feet hit then he goes knees first then his face (keep in mind that's like a 100 foot jump)

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I'm with you 110%

It's funny how I was thinking something and then you so accurately put to words my thoughts and even included freezeframe close ups of the exact moments of each events happening.

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If he knocked himself out, how did he manage to swim for about 2 seconds?

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I don't see any attempt at swimming. His arms and legs don't flail at all. His body is likely moving based on its past momentum and water currents alone.

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What do you mean? When he hit the water he stays in the same spot for a moment and then he starts swimming. You can literally see the white water from his legs kicking and his arms moving to cut through the water. He 100% swam.

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yeah i think he did start swimming. but i noticed that he was only using his right arm. he probably broke his left arm, and maybe some ribs, and passed out from the pain.

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"His friends, who were bathing in the lake, tried to save him but were unsuccessful."

Yeah I missed that part.

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Probably went down and had a bath first lmao

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Dude slowy dissappeared into the abyss. No safety measures no nothing extreme stupidity.

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Yeah, at least have people at the bottom to save him in case this happens.

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I bet u he landed n passed out...

should have learned cliff jumping from a pro first

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same as jumping off a DAMN BRIDGE

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From up here It always looks so peaceful as they silently and slowly fade under the cold, still quarry water...

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I'm convinced anyone who constantly shouts alahu ackbar is sub 60 iq

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He's indian? What a suprise!

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i cant swim so what to do? jump into a deep lake :marseylaughpoundfist: :gooby:

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It's not that he can't swim, it's the way he landed. He was at an angle not straight up. If you land wrong at a height like this the impact will immediately knock you out, or kill you.

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you right bro, but thats rare, most of the time it is their own fault

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Yep, I've been cliff jumping since 5. So I've got 20 years of experience. I bet this was the first time he jumped from this height. At lower heights, you land wrong, you'll just be in a bunch of pain, and I should know, I've done it a few times when practicing. 100 feet, that's just less than half the height of the golden gate bridge, which is 220 feet. You gotta use your feet to break the surface tension of the water before your body hits. A lot of people wear shoes so they don't hurt their feet too.

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Good to know, that wouldn't be for me because I'm afraid of heights :marseyflushzoom:

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Lake?? It's a fucking rock quarry. Oh well...closest thing to a lake those desert fuckers will get, why spoil it.

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I'd rather jump at the quarry near me than swim in a lake. But I've got a lot of experience doing it. It's like 300 feet deep and the only people who have died hesitated instead of jumping out and hit rocks on the way down. There's even old cranes and shit at the bottom, but there's no way you can see them.

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That's pretty cool, but only in a very dangerous way. I would never let anybody I cared about play in water that was effectively industrial runoff.

But I must empathize with those fun days as a kid. I would definitely play in rock quarries, too. Something fantastic and powerful about them.

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It's been inactive for decades. So it's basically just rainwater at this point. And alcohol, tons of people drink there. The one I go to was the one they used in grown-ups 2, where Adam Sandler and the others jumped off butt naked. I jumped there since I was a kid, way before they did. Just makes it even better.

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Very cool, indeed. I'll be the first to admit that some of my fears may be irrational. The fun from those times was definitely worth it.

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I've been thinking of going there recently, but cause of the depth of the quarry the water is gonna be fuckin ice cold. Takes forever for deep water to warm up. Even though it's been 80+ degrees outside most days lol

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stupid fuck landed on his side, which probably winded him

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Crazy to think that this was his last moments out of nowhere

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Rub some dirt in it

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Man should have taken a note from this guys book, but i guess norweigans and indians are built different

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Big thank you to this video's sponsor “Alans SnackBar”!!

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Aloha snackbar*

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Epic dumbass

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Smartest Indian ever bro :marseyflagindia: :marseytunaktunak:

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knocked himself out and drowned?.. the end were he just vanishes is wild.

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His friends recording him sink like “told your dumbass-“

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As humans living in a place which 71% is water-covered why the fuck you don't know how to swim

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Someone told him bobs and vagene were at the bottom

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He was like doggy paddle! Then muerte...

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I think that was just a reaction, he was unconscious cause he landed wrong. If you're not straight up it can happen. Gotta break the surface tension of the water with your feet upright otherwise your head will smack the water in a different place and just the impact at that height can kill you.

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He went down to Jolly Roger Bay from Super Mario 64

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looks like the idiot broke his left arm and probably some ribs, and passed out from the pain when he began swimming.

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He's fine

(No he isn't)

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It looks like a river at first

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When I was young, I thought I'd live if I fell into the water from a high place

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There's a quarry not TOO far from me that was the one they used to film a scene from the movie Grown Ups 2. Where Adam Sandler and the other actors jumped off the cliff butt naked. I've been going there and jumping since I was a kid, from experience, this dude just didn't land right. Cliff jumping is real dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. Gotta land straight on your feet, this guy was kinda crooked in his landing. The one near me isn't 100 feet though, but I have jumped from that high before. If you land wrong it can just flat knock you out, best idea is to have people swimming in the water down at the bottom so they can save you and pull you to shore if this happens.

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Bro I legit saw it on Instagram 💀💀

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If you're unfamiliar with the location, make sure you have a local familiar with the jump. Some places can have depths that vary greatly on one side versus another.

If you feel the jump is too high, don't jump, if you need to, dive.

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Nah at that height you'd get knocked out on impact if you dive anyway. Land feet first, straight up. Sometimes it's even a good idea to wear shoes so you don't break your feet. This guy landed wrong that's why it happened. I've got like 20 years of cliff jumping experience. Been doing it since I was 5.

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You're 25. You're not old enough to make a god damn educated decision about Time Cube. If you're dumb, stupid and evil, you can learn from the lessons of Nature rather than accept deadly math:

1- Cubic Time is above 4e math.

2- Time Cube is the same everywhere. Same for

3- Time Cube is Omnificence (no God). Cubic math is proof.

Educated adults of Earth have no choice but to accept the truth of Time Cube.



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Dammit he's spot on, I'm 25 xD

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Good bot. Anyone else want to read the soap bottles and internet from the timeline where Dr. Bronner and Ray were left alone in a cabin full of DMT?

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Alcohol is fine with me. Drinking right now xD

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Always the sexy Indian dudes :marseyfacepalm:

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