Dude gets into a fountain to take pics, ends up drowning

Almaty, Kazakhstan, Jun 19, 2024

Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek commented on the tragic incident at the fountain on the territory of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, where a young guy died, Tengrinews.kz correspondent reports .

On the sidelines of the Mazhilis, the minister said that today the results of a forensic examination on the cause of death of the teenager should be released.

"At 4:00 p.m. after lunch, the weather was very hot. Despite the prohibiting sign, he climbed into the fountain. And a two-tiered fountain. He did not climb into the outer one, but into the main bowl. I just didn't have time to check the report this morning. There were two preliminary reasons: cardiac arrest or an electric shock. But the forensic medical examination should have clarified the exact cause of death," the minister said, answering journalists' questions.

In addition, the minister denied information that the teenager climbed into the fountain after he did poorly in the UNT.

"No, no, no. He did not pass the UNT, because on June 18, due to a power failure in Almaty, we had to postpone this course, which was supposed to be taken on June 19, to June 23. Therefore, he did not pass the UNT," the minister explained .

It should be noted that the tragic incident occurred on June 19. The Almaty police department reported that an investigation has been launched into the incident.


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https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17197066958724613.webp his friends

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Get wet?, or save my friends life?

Fuck my friend i dont have a towel. Lmao

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why the fuck did those idiots wait so long to help, so many deaths could be prevented if some humans weren't complete brainless dicks.

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The water could had been electrified also who the fuck drowns on water at hip level. People simply don't think theres a problem until its too late. Also Darwin Award

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Looks like he slipped and probably hit his head, knocking him out. Definitely a Darwin Award, but you can drown in a puddle if you're unlucky enough.. or determined enough :D

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why would the water be electrified dude… but i agree drowning at hip level water is extremely stupid and unpredictable.

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Sometimes wiring can be badly secured or theres a leak that make the components wet. But what I tried to say is that maybe the other guys must have thought the water was electrified and hesitated to get in.

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It is your duty to read it all in Borat voice and broken English.

Also, imagine dying in a fountain, lmao, gayest place to drown.

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Drowned in the shallow end of the gene pool

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He sank like a fucking rock, I've never seen water take someone like this besides in stormy oceans.

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that's what i call good friends, waits minutes then start takin of their socks and shoes and let their friend die.. anyway still dont understand how people manage too drown and espacally in 2ft of water

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LOL :marseylaughpoundfist:

They look like sims not knowing what to do

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Good. I'm glad he died.

Let this be a lesson to all the other Tik Tok assholes who destroy fountains and fragile light poles by climbing them, and who damage ancient trees that have stood for 1,000 years so they can climb them for selfies, or shitbags who climb rock formations that have been there for a million years - and they knock them over.

I'm sick of these selfish assholes who want their stupid faces splashed all over social media making them internet famous.

Please have someone taking video of you while you stand on the edge of a cliff to get an edgy photo for 'likes.'

We could use the new original content of you falling to your death off a cliff because of your vanity.

/End of rant.

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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Put your tampon back in

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Thank you God!!!

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Goofy ass way to die

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How the fuck does that happen? Moron.

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the edge was very slippery and several metal objects were in the water. It wasn't deep, so he must've hit it with his head and lost consciousness

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On this episode of dumb ways to die...

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literally now everybody will say to their friends "hey did you know somebody drowned in that fountain??" and NOBODY is gonna believe them 💀

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Ahem. Fuck watermarks.

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a tourist visiting from retardistan

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they found the gene POOL....

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Im a wee bit confused cause the fountain shouldn't of been that deep?

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My thoughts too... I was thinking if the water was eletricfied, but they would say something in the article.

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The ones that got him out would of been electrocuted too yeah? I didnt see the guy hit his head either. This one just baffles me. I dont think he even panicked

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I tried pausing and unpausing to get a sort of frame by frame look at it because the video is sped up. To me it looks like he gets in awkwardly, and then slips resulting in him falling backwards, presumably hitting his head and getting knocked out.

His retarded brain rotted friends probably just think he fell funny and continue to film. I get that you could think that maybe he just fell on his ass and will be up again shortly. How that turns into not reacting for this long is beyond me. Some people have no concern. It would've taken him a couple of seconds to make sure his mate was alright and just taking the piss. Instead he fucking dies.

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oooo yeah i see that now!! and yeah, like after 5 seconds he didnt come up why didnt they go and check on him ya know?

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I don't know man. I love the handful of retards who dignify me by their presence and time. I can't imagine not checking up on them in such a situation. I don't understand why some could give so few fucks about a buddy.

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Maybe the friends thought he got electrocuted and hesitated to get in. Sounds logically the line of though someone must had in that moment.

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Had to giggle at the fall. Everything is so much funnier with 2x speed.

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He just vanished, like he's made out of stone. I could almost imagine hearing a "thud!" when he went down. That fountain gobbled his ass right up.

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Natural selection exists for a reason…

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One less retard

The average IQ jumped that day.

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I'm not watching this low-quality shit, with this stupid fucking water-mark covering the entire subject of the video in a completely unnecessary and stupid way.

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I'm aiming this post at guys who are still in high school, or younger

Please leave this sub, delete your account, block the address, do whatever you need to do, to get yourself away from this sub, and any similar community.

Take a long break from anything like this, and go out and live your life, you don't know it yet but you have such great opportunities if you are still in school, so many people (guys and girls) who are available to talk to, even become friends with. Girls are so much softer on guys in school, their standards are lower, and some will be open to speaking to you. You have the chance to be happy, please don't throw it away before you've even left.




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