A game where you run across the River on a long floating pad. Impossible task. Laughter turns to concern turns to disbelief as boy drowns in front of everyone.

Just let me know if it’s a repost and will be quickly taken down

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How can you be so retarded to play games in the water if you don't know how to swim

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My exact thought!

“Oh hey, lemme just run across this barely buoyant bridge that will sink when I start walking across it unless I run fast enough! Even though I dont know how to swim.”


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It's a fucking kid. Are you kidding me? I know the people who come on this site aren't exactly angels but I thought this was out of morbid curiosity, not including a cruel indifference to human suffering. You are type of people I hate.

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A kid who’s also old enough to make smart decisions. And also one who should be old enough to know how to swim. Idk why no one wouldnt wanna know how to swim unless youre afraid of waters.

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a cruel indifference to human suffering

is EXACTLY the reason I'm here

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It's like playing games on bridges even though you can't fly

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Avoid water activities if you can't swim. Simple.

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I don’t feel sympathy for him tbh, if you don’t know how to swim why would you ever try something like this. Charles Darwin wins again

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Imagine not be able to swim

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Imagine being black.

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Having a room temp IQ

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Imagine not being able to feel sympathy.

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I feel sympathy for him because of his stupidity

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You are seriously messed up. Get help.

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It's a fucking kid. Are you kidding me? I know the people who come on this site aren't exactly angels but I thought this was out of morbid curiosity, not including a cruel indifference to human suffering. You are type of people I hate.

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A kid that should have realized water and not knowing how to swim don’t mix. Cry me a river

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Cry me nothing at all, you unfeeling demon.

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Normally i wouldn't share my personal opinion like this but in this situation the person who attempted this "game" did it knowing he couldn't swim.

There is no logical reason to be sad for a person when they willingly put themselves in danger and die as a result.

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another demon coming to back up his brethren eh? It's still very sad that kid died due to making a mistake. It's doesn't take away from the fact he didn't want to die, thus making it heartbreaking he had to go through something like that. A lot of people make careless mistakes, he was just a kid after all. NO ONE deserves to die against their will whether it was their fault or not.

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No healthy person wishes to die, that's correct but it already happened and there is no going back.

It is illogical to lament after someone when they died because of their own mistakes. He might not have wanted to die but the same is true for most people, what matters is that he did a idiotic mistake and paid the price for it.

I won't cry since no one will spare their tears if i were to die, people will go on with their lives no matter what because they seek peace and we are not demons for wanting the same.

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"I won't cry since no one will spare their tears if i were to die" - hmm I wonder why...

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I explained why they wouldn't.

You call us demon but your ignorance is the real sin here, you should experience life more to see what I've seen.

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you must've killed an angel, for a demon like you to wear a halo like that

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OMG !!!! HOW FUKIN STUPID ARE THESE PEOPLE !!!! Make a game whereby people who don't know how to swim participate, but we don't force them to wear any kind of life preserver / vest, we have no lifeguards, and no one around who will save you, and to make that much easier, and quicker, (to drown you) we're going to tire you out first by running across a stupid sinking mat. Yea. Where do I sign my children up for this well thought out, safe, watersports game ??? It's truly mind boggling.

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Imagine not being able to swim. It's just a basic thing. Hell you don't even need to swim, assuming the water is fairly still you can pretty much just float on your back indefinitely.

I get the whole "panic" thing, but god damn if you somehow don't grasp the simple human function of swimming then why do you go in the water? Fucking retarded.

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not everyone has the same buoyancy. i dont float but i can swim. if he knew how to swim even just a little bit he could have held onto the floating thing though, just kick a bit pull on the floating pad to shore. some people float above water level, some just under, some sink. i'm just under where if i don't move, my head won't be above the water lying horizontal.

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Man, the dude trying to save him was only a few seconds too late.. WOW!! One of the first things I did before my kids were ever even school aged, was have them take swimming lessons at the YMCA. I remember as a kid myself, I "thought" I knew how to swim OK because I had been in the deep end near the edge of the city swimming pool many times, but one day when we were out swimming at the lake with my uncle, I went out a bit too far, panicked and started drowning my dumb ass by flailing everywhere. Lucky for me my uncle was nearby and saw that I was going down and saved my sorry ass. That experience put it into my head that if I had kids, they were damn well gonna learn to swim. Scary when it happens to you and would be a shitty way to die.

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Also even if you know how to swim... you gotta know how LONG you can swim. So dont go so far that you cant make it back.

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Probably would of drowned too other guy pushing him down

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Yep, my daughter started swimming lessons when she was 3

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Thats nice she learned the easy way! It took me being shoved into a pool when I was 6 to learn. Shit was terrifying.

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Dude was fat enough he would have floated nomproblem if he would just stop trying to drown himself.

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I bet there was under current

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If it was under current he would've been swept away, the guy just didn't know how to swim, he's not pushing the water, he's slapping and kicking it.

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I hope the guy that misses saving the kid by a few seconds isn’t related to him. That would feel freaking awful.

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The kid would’ve drowned the other guy lmao

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Bro how do people not know how to swim. Im not very bouyant but if u was to sink i would have to TRY. You ever try swimming to the bottom of the pool to get something? You have to FORCE YOURSELF DOWN THERE. How do people just sink like rocks is beyond me. Must be some extra chromosomes in their cereal

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everything you’ve just mentioned, they have no experience of.

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Seemed like a good idea at the time

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Not a repost - but he was quickly taken down


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Just wear a life jacket ffs problem solved

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he's so fat and his legs don't even extend properly :derpcrying: not to mention not even knowing how to swim :pepeleave:

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This is why everyone should be taught how to swim as a kid. Or even just, the fact that if you don't move at all, in most cases you won't sink.

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So water meant death for him, but he still went for it.

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The wisest advice my dad gave is that "whenever you're on vacation be very alert cos it's in the midst of euphoria our senses on impending dangers weans away which will not only result in a totally avoidable tragedy but the intense regret of why the hell did i even do this will test or break our willpower to be saved" whenever I see an avoidable side quests like these i promptly avoid it

It's better to be alive and unadventurous than to be dead and famous in the news

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All those people, and only one tried to help. Also no one told the guy who cant swim not to go...

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why is the person recording always so shit at it

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Most people dont know how to record properly+they panick at these moments which screws up even decent footage.

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he's with Aqua Man now.

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He never needed to learn how to swim he should have learned to run faster and for longer if you want to run across this thing. Could've avoided the whole drowning thing

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If you can’t swim, please stay off the water

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Being that he couldn’t swim in the first place, I wonder if his heart was thumping and if he had tunnel vision as he stood on land and looked down the water bridge. There’s no way his body wasn’t giving him a (Bro get tf away from here) signal as he prepared to commit suicide

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Why did everyone stand around and watch him drown ?

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That's how 3rd world shitholes work. Nobody give a shit.

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No sympathy for those who can not swim.

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for real like wtf, so fucking stupid

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Can't run. Can't swim. Why's he doing this? Oh yeah... machismo.

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I don't get it. Just inhale air in your lungs and you'll float. I know some people can't swim but i still can't get it. Why can't they just inhale air and float? i don't think you need to know how to swim for this.

I mean for Christ's sake you don't even need to move in order to float. So i guess he just drowned himself due to panic?

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not everyone floats. blacks are notorious for having high bone/muscle density and being negatively buoyant.

that said, it would not have taken much to survive even if you are neutral or negative buoyant. you can lay on your back but still need to use arms/legs to counter gravity. but someone needs to teach you that if you are not positively buoyant.

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Wtf? How can yuo be so dumb? He was safe on the path but he left it

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