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Listen to people die: Slowly drowning woman with 911 operator mocking her for her stupidity

Don't know if there's a hard and fast rule against not having visuals, but this made me go "whoa" more than any eye candy gore I've ever seen on here, so thought I'd give it a shot.

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She WAS pretty stupid. The corner of your cell phone is very hard glass or metal. Itl break car glass no problem, even if you are elderly.

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So fun information about this was that dispatcher had already put in her 2 weeks notice and had mentally checked out of her job already and refused to actually listen to what the woman was saying, she no longer cared at that point what was going on. No criminal charges were ever filed against her even though family wanted it and basically she left that woman die and absolute fear and agony.

The woman had actually slipped over the side of a apartment complex parking lot and was half in the parking lot and half over a ledge that had a river.

So is one of those like a small Creek that ran alongside the complex so it was pretty but because of the intensive flooding it had become a river and she had no idea where she was as the car started slowly pushing itself off the parking lot ledge until she was fully in the river. Then she drowned.

Tldr, Fancy pants construction of an apartment complex + don't give a shit already checked out dispatcher killed a woman

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Nah, woman killed herself a bit. The same phone she was ons corner coulda easily broken a window. Like, so easily. SO FUCKING EASILLY.

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I skipped a lot of parts. Correct me if I'm wrong. Dispatcher was a bitch, but she still did her job didn't she?

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No, she didn’t stress the importance of the call so the first responders did not realize how critical this was. It delayed response time

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Maybe? But she also was talking and laughing with people in the background.

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Yeah, she already checked out. Not her problem.

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let's let the next 911 operator you call be checked out too

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Damn, I remember this one, the operator was a total ass.

Actually I think an audio category here could be interesting, there's stuff like this and other 911 calls, the Bataclan audio etc.

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Oh, and of course the Jonestown tape! How did I forget about this?

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Yea that shit was crazy hearing it. I can’t believe they got away with calling it a mass suicide

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Audio like this can be just as impactful as video, poor woman must’ve been in the dark, silent car for what seemed like an eternity. Hearing the engine / electronics die, the water keeps rushing in. Terrible.

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This is actually one of my most favorite audio calls because of all of the shit going on in it.

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You ever head the Jonestown

Last audio? The last speech that psycho made while ppl are being forced to kill themselves and if they don’t drink the juice willingly, then they get held down and injected or shot

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I have!! It's nuts

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I remember hearing this on one of my favorite podcasts. Still makes me mad

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Other calls?! She wasn't on hold

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I think she did reasonably to try to help that lady. Probably would have helped to advise her to try and crawl out if at all possible or find something to break the glass but the lady couldn’t accurately describe which apartments she was at.

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she was scared

afraid to wade around in a couple feet of watuh

put ya dick away waltuh


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I listened to the whole call the other day and I am perplexed by how this is being interpreted by everyone.

I don’t think the dispatcher was rude, and I didn’t hear her mock the dumb lady who died at all either.

Let’s be very honest guys… that lady who died was very dumb and annoying. I’m not saying she deserved to die, but if I was in the chair of the 911 operator listening to that lady I would have been a bit annoyed too.

The dispatcher did everything she was supposed to do. Unfortunately the lady didn’t know where she was (much later, much too late, she was able to give them a better idea of where she was) and didn’t do shit to try to get out of the vehicle or know how to swim.

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Telling a drowning woman shut up isn’t exactly dispatcher protocol. That is like going to the doctor for a broken arm and the doc says


Somethin like that.

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I'm with you. The lady is not being helpful at identifying where she is. She is understandably upset but just repeating "I'm scared, send someone. When is help going to be here!" isn't helpful. If the water is up to her neck at that point, what is she expecting? A magic helicopter to pop into existence and whisk her away? Clearly that's what she's thinking instead of it taking time for people to get to a dangerous area.

Lady couldn't try to get on top of the vehicle? Couldn't do shit to try help herself?

I didn't find the operator rude at all when she tried to snap dipshit out of her hysteria.

When the operator is trying to summon help for her, she just whines about how no one is helping her.

The operator then says something to the effect of "shut the fuck up. You're wasting your air" only to get "WWWHHHHIIIIINNNNEEEEEEE!" in response.

Why are people saying it's the operator's fault? Any attempt to get this woman to calm down just ends up with RHHHEEEEEE.

Then woman whines about her car catching on fire.

First it was up to her chin, then up to her chest. Did the water go down? First her headlights were on so the rescuers could see her, then the reason she didn't see the water was because they were out. Which is it?

The only way I found the operator rude was when she tried to blame the woman for not seeing the water.

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Why doesn't she get out and swim? "I can't swimmm!" Oh. Well sucks to be you.

"Pray with me." Lol god isn't real.

I only glanced around, but where did the operator mock her? She seemed professional to the end. 911 operators aren't supposed to get emotional.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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"Why doesn't she get out and swim?"-Spoken like a Tiktard who has no idea about water pressure or what happens to a car in water...

Also it has been a while so I can't say for sure if the operator was mocking but she was callous and unhelpful. No, operators aren't supposed to get emotional, but they are supposed to help keep the caller calm and rational until help can arrive. She should have instructed the lady to try and remove the headrests and see if she could bust a window with the sharp ends.

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Roll down the window (before the water gets too high), get on top of the car, go from there. Instead she sat and waited. Me, I would take my own life in my hands and fight for it. Might not win, but it's better than slowly drowning inside a car like a frightened coward. Judging by the voice I suspect the woman was obese which would contribute to her predicament.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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...My guy. Her car didn't have windows that you can roll up/down without the car being on. The water turned off her car almost immediately because she crashed into it. That's what happens to cars when they hit water, their power goes out. No power = no way of rolling that window down. BREAKING the window is another thing and you can use your headrests in many vehicles, but she may not have known that. That's why the 911 operator should have told her, or at least kept her rational so she could think up another plan.

You seriously lack critical thinking skills.

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...My guy. Her car didn't have windows that you can roll up/down without the car being on. The water turned off her car almost immediately because she crashed into it.

That's a good point, I forgot that detail. However you should still bust the window. Everyone should have a window buster in their car.

You seriously lack critical thinking skills.

Nah, no one's perfect. The woman in the car lacked all critical thinking skills getting herself in that situation in the first place, and then had no survival instincts doing nothing to fight for her life.

What I would do if the water was only up to the window as she said and had no way to break the window, is open the door enough to let water start coming in and fill up the car, then when the water level and pressure is equalized open it up more and slip outside, get on top of the car, and go from there. You don't have to stay on the line, call 911, tell them where you are, then fight for your life. Or die slowly as the car fills with water.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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