CHILD WARNING Kid drowns in pool [CW]

🇨🇳 Boy drowned for almost 10 minutes before anyone noticed or tried to help. It was too late and he died.

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This poor boy drank the pool water level down from the mans belly button to the mans waist level and yet no help smh

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Thus was exactly what I wanted to comment.. he must have been a retard fir Christ sakes

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“I hope he goes to hell” 🤓🤓🤓

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“damn this kid can hold his breath for ages”

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why are people from third world countries such NPCs it's crazy

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Is China considered 3rd world? I know it's basically is a third world country, but is it classified as one?

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it's classified as a developing nation but it's more of a 2nd world country

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Those terms ARE mutually exclusive fyi.

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Poor countries are third world China is super rich but it's societal ethics are dumb af

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It's in our blood

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Ironically, from the Chinese perspective, we're the NPCs and they're the main characters of world history.

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Theyre not. You just have a tragically small perpective and seemingly little life experience and are mega generalising as well as using antiquated terms. Besides, 2nd world would be more appropriate

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Don't use that stupid old term.

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Why are people from shithole countries such NPCs

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this mf, standing over the kid's body for five fucking minutes, and another came, went underwater to check. WHY TF DID THEY TREAT THAT CHILD'S LIFELESS BODY JUST LIKE THAT? ALL OF THEM. BRO.

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Because they're communist chinese and have no souls nor morals

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China is state capitalist

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Why there is always stupid people like you? Just because China is under rule of so-called "communist party" does not mean they're communists. China is 100% capitalist. Learn politics and what communism is.

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Referring more to the loss of morality that happened after the COMMUNIST Cultural Revolution. Stemming from the Red Guards punishment of educated and scholars after the Cultural Revolution Chinese citizens tended to not follow the tenets of Confucianism which pushed respect towards elders and chivalry. Instead following more in the tune of an atheistic COMMUNIST ideology that steered the society to become brutally cut-throat where it is pushed that you should not help others if it does not benefit yourself. It may be the case that China today is not an economically COMMUNIST society, but the social and moral aspects of COMMUNISM still exist widely throughout their culture.

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what do you mean they're not communist? their flag is red!

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Blur your eyes and look at the US flag. Also red

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ah, YES, the situation definitely has something to do with communism or the fact that these people are chinese... Go to NYC, i swear you'll find people x1000 more dumb, hopeless and soulless than them.

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The Chinese don't value life at all, just see how they treat their animals. Live baby turtles in keychains etc

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You know the guy I'm talking about. Fuck that waste of breath.

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Fuck that guy, spotted the kid before he hit the floor, proceeds to ensure the kids demise by doing nothing but actively watching over him lifeless for five minutes, barely or no announcement as his brain experiences cell death.

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Maybe this Chinese eyes are so narrow they cant see things properly

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Means they don't need goggles.

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Sorry, but this is a killing, not an accident. I read the comments here first, so I figured 'oh, the guy might have noticed the kid, but drowning is often missed'. But, then I watched the video, and this piece of shit was literally standing right above this kid, looking down on him from above, as he died. AND THEN THAT BITCH WENT UNDER THE WATER TO CHECK ON THE KID, THEN HAD A CASUAL CONVERSATION WITH THE BASTARD!

What the hell, man... 🤦‍♂️

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I dont think you know how killing works. Also, guy could easily be loco in his coco. Look at the weird flopping into the pool he was doing. What a penis

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Maybe you are autistic and can only take things 100% literally lol. Video was so frustrating, his lack of action was so severe it feels like this is the closest anyone can possibly come to killing someone whilst not literally participating in the act of killing.

But you are right he is a penis forsure. Hopefully the video went viral in his area and everyone knew who the guy was. He should have to answer to this for the rest of his life.

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fking minecraft villagers iq

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"Man, that kid can really hold his breath ! Must be a talented free diver in his spare time !"

It's like they're all standing around saying "I thought YOU were gonna do something ! No, well I thought YOU were gonna do something ! It's not my job - I'm not a lifeguard ! Well, it's not MY job either !". The cynic in me says there isn't exactly a shortage of Chinese people, but STILL... unbelievable.

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Man as an asian myself, i only heard stories of how much dumb and stupid we are, today i witnessed it. Fuck that mother fucking guy.

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I have never had video footage anger me so fn much!!! They all need to fucking be shot in the head.

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Its hard to see when someone is really drowning, but if you see a person on the bottom staying still, they most likely drowned. That's because when you dive down whit your lungs fool of air you are buoyant and its hard for you to sink, but to say on the bottom you definitely need to swim to keep your self in place. After a persons lungs are filled whit water they lose that buoyancy and sink down. Maybe you think now, why do dead bodies rise on the surface, well that's because of a bacteria growth in the process of decomposing, they create pockets of gas inside the body and under the skin.

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Where is the lifeguard?

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All the people couldn't notice him moving around frantically in the water? Yes I know that drowning isn't loud and fast splashing around, but couldn't they see the child panicking because it was drowning? A question that may be left unanswered forever.

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Eu olho os vídeos desses chineses e não acredito que eu Brasileiro, tenha menos QI que esses imbecis, os cara são uns completos sem noção.

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"Damn this guy's really good at holding his breath."

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Good thing that guy on the Right is there,,., or else the corpse would have clogged the pool filter :marseythinkorino2: :marseylaughpoundfist: :waterjet: :marseyspit: :marseylongsurfing:

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I'm honestly wondering if the guy standing over the kid was maybe a bit... slow? In the head?? Really, I mean it. I just can't fathom any other scenario where this plays out, the dude KNOWS the kid's there, and does nothing. Unless maybe he's a psychopath 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Yeah, it could be. Look at the retarded moves he's doing flopping back onto the inflatable ring. Not normal

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A lot these people are literally like sheep. I wish I were joking.

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What the actual fuck? He let that child die on purpose, what the actual fuck :marseylaptopangry2:

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I hope that guy dies in a freak yachting accident

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What a dumb cunt

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I can't comprehend that no one understands what's going on.. No one seems to able to swim and no one knows obviously how to give mouth to mouth or cpr !! WHY !?

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absolutely mind boggling and infuriating

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That stupid mf who was right next to the kid OMG. The kid clearly needed his float ON HIM yet, no one helped him put it back on. It was Obvious the boy was struggling to remain above water, and MULTIPLE times went under that little bit too long. He was splashing LOADS and not ONE person helped him. That mf who was next to him didnt even help him, yet looked over at him multiple times. Even when the kid was dead and had sunk under the water, that IDIOT man just stood watching him under the water and didnt even help him or pull him up! Poor kid could still be alive today but sadly he was surrounded by irresponsible, completely oblivious people.

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the average chinese, is an animal. zero care for anything. they snort & gargle snot in public like it's nothing... zero fucking sense of decency. they don't have the intelligence to care about another human

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Why was that stupid jerk standing right there, looked at him under the water motionless and did nothing!! WTactualF?

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"Wow this kid must be going for the world record!"

Seriously though this is some of the stupidest shit I've ever witnessed. I can't believe that not a single person tried to get this kid out of the fucking water... :donkeykongsad:

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