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You know… is it wrong :marseyakshually: that I kinda hate people who are obese. This one time while I was In Sociology we took this test to determine who we were most prejudiced against and everyone :marseynorm: In the class got fat people. Now… I understand that Meat and just food In general :marseyjamesironwood: is DELICIOUS. I could probably lose a couple :marseycupid: pounds myself. But it reaches a point :marseygoodjob2: when someone is SO… GODDAMN…. ENORMOUS… that you can't help but know that they are pretty :marseyglam: much a waste :marseyradioactive: of space. There :marseycheerup: are some people who I'm willing :marseywould: to cut some slack like people who are employed and make good contributions to society. But people who don't do anything :marseycoleporter: with their lives :marseyblm: and are just wastes of spaces… I'd like to watch :marseysal2: them get eaten by wolves or lions. Obese :marseychonkerchingchong: people are the most fun to have VIOLENT, VISCERAL things happen :marseyvenn6: to because I think :marseyoscargamble: deep down we all know… it survival of the fittest and they are like trash :marseyraccoon: that needs :marseyspecial: to be destroyed and so we revel in their suffer. If there :marseycheerup: was some sort of apocalypse :marseyimmortanjoe: they would :marseywood: all be eaten first. They are the biggest, the slowest, and the most taxing to have around. I wish I could watch :marseysharksoup: morbidly obese :marseychonkerfoidindignant2: people walk up stairs :marseyitoldyoudog: all day. It would :marseymid: be hilarious. But then after a while I'd also become morbidly obese :marseyradfem: and that would :marseywood: be an abomination.

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Your words at the beginning 💗🎀 Your words at the end 💀

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Goddamn man. They're people. I mean yeah i have the same visceral reactions too when i see them but thats all it is - visceral. They could be an amazing person who just makes bad decisions on their own health and body. No different to a pothead or a person with extreme body modifications. But yeah obesity itself is gross lol

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I'll never understand people like you who just have so much hate for a group of people that have literally zero effect on your life and wellbeing. Who cares if they want to live their life as a morbidly obese blobs, who fucking cares? Wishing them death just because they're fat is truly insane and screams insecure among other things.

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who fucking cares?

They care.. they're just too fat to do anything about it


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No it's not wrong.. fat people suck! I totally agree with you!!:3

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