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Rip, out of all the videos here, this is just a guy who is trying to enjoy his vacation and dies.

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Am I missing something? He seemed to be rather close to the ground so I'm not sure if the fall was enough to check him out of this realm.

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The height wasn't the factor here, but the speed.

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It still pays to be wary of any recreational activity that have you suspended in the air

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While I'll agree safety equipment is important, in this specific case I don't think even a helmet would of helped very much considering his brain basically went splat inside his skull because of the speed of impact, which helmets are not really designed to counter :bitchplease:

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That wasn't the point I was trying to make but rather that recreational activities like ziplining, skydiving, rockclimbing, etc, are inherently dangerous because of the many possible points of failure, with only one necessary to cause death. There's nothing that can be done once you're in the air, you can only hope for the best

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Fair enough, I think I might of jumbled what you said with what I read elsewhere or something, gotta lay of the meth I guess :bitchplease:

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Usually we see someone doing something stupid, at least contributing to their death. Thought for sure him having his back turned was the issue but nah, shit just broke. RIP.

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Disagree. Voluntarily jumping off a platform like that is contributing to your own death. The other people who were standing at the top watching didn't jump and didn't die. It wasn't just a lucky coincidence. The guy overrode his fear impulses and did something risky and dangerous and died as a result.

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Damn this is sad. I wonder if that was his wife watching.

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I think it was. Firstly because you wouldn't record some random person going down the zipline, at least not focusing on the person like she was doing. Secondly because the moment he falls she says "my God" and starts running in his direction while someone else is asking her to stay calm.

That sucks.

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He died from "cranioencephalic trauma". Brain shook inside skull, swelled too much, died.

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Don't ride anything in shit hole counties

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Don't go to shit hole countries.

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Especially if you're a fatty. Whatever they have usually won't be able to withstand your fat ass

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Rip, the impact didn't even look that hard

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Not sure if serious.

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the cable cut him in half

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Nope, died from head trauma.

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how so

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speed x force x soft human body

the cable snapped

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i wish i could see the aftermath

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don't forget the extra fat factor

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thats rly sad at least he had fun ig

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That's all that matters bro. That and the friends he made along the way :)

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He died looking cool! R.I.P.

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Famous last words: Wooo!

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pretty sure he was too fat to ride

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Woooooooooooo. Woooooooo

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Operator: Don't worry if the zip line breaks the sand will gently cushion your fall :marseyspookysmile:

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That is the shoddiest zip line I have ever seen

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I have a place in hell for sure, laughing at this...

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No it's ok to laugh. Guy was brown or brown enough to where it doesn't count against you.

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A zip-lining death :marseytombstone: is right :marseymoreyouknow: up there :marseycheerup: with death :marseyprey: by sodomy...

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Just a middle aged guy havin' fun, goin' woo.

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Fair chance this is not made by an engineer.

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This dude should have watched that south park episode I should never have gone ziplining and he would still be alive today.... RIP

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Yeah I feel bad for this guy. Just enjoying himself.. wtf

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New phobia acquired!

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A simple helmet could've saved his life. Sad

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His head bones maybe, but a fall like that can surely cause trauma to all parts of his body, even internal organs. I know someone who died from a simple fall from a second floor window.

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Last week, in a building right beside where I worked, a dude fell from the first floor and died as well

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Damn messed up, but when it's your turn....it happens

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Did he really die from that? The fall wasn't super high and impact didn't seem super hard.

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3rd world rides and zip lines are the most fun. You never know what you're gonna get.

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I feel like you're just here for the zipline.

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I'm certain the waiver he signed beforehand had all this covered. Later β€˜gator.

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how the f is possible that he died?

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People die falling in the shower. You could sneeze and die. You could drop dead from something building in your brain or heart with no externally visible cause at any moment.

There are about a million ways your body can break from impacts that look like nothing, by hitting things in just the right way. HOKUTO SHINKEN IS REAL.

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Don't ride zip lines, bungee jump or parachute when your man tits are larger than many woman tits.

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How do you die falling on a dune

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You are not very clever are you

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Wooo 😎🀘

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Its not necessarily the falling, but the way you fall. You can see his feet touch ground first and his head just ricochets the ground. Sand is soft, if he was feet first or on the side, MAYBE, there would be a chance, if he rolled. The vertical speed was not that high, the horizontal was.

Just an opinion

I am most definitely not blaming the guy, he was just having his fun. And sometimes the zipline starts turning.

RIP so much

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was he really so fat he brought down the entire zipline

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would still be alive if he had been on the buffet line πŸ˜•

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Maybe he was to heavy lol

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Im a good person, I'm not laughing at the vid I'm laughing at the comments πŸ˜‚

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Rest in paradise /:

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Surely that was not enough to kill him...

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It didn't look very high at all nvm maybe I'm just delusional

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naw mann

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wooo record and dont watch what hapend

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From the looks of it he shpuld and wpuld have survived. But when his feet connected it seems to have whipped him into the ground vs just falling, his head slapped tf out of the ground

Makes sense why it would be death from brain shakey

Yall remember that 1 dude who fell off 1 step outside a bar and died instant. Doesnt take much apperently

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How can you NOT survive such a little fall..

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So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?



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