CHILD WARNING :lelolidk: Karma at its best.

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At it's best? Fuck right off, retard. So kicking a backpack warrants a potentially TBI-inducing physical assault? I heard her head hit the hard floor or the wall. And why? Over some books? His classmates should be ashamed of themselves for their inaction. We all know WHY he couldn't control himself. Stop lying to yourselves - the statistics DO. NOT. LIE. They're statistics - they are not sentient, they have no biases. They are simply numbers compiled from known, reported incidents. And certain 'groups' are highly over-represented. Stop blaming the 'ghetto', stop blaming 'absent fathers', stop blaming anything except the INDIVIDUAL. There comes a point when attempting to explain it away with 'poverty this' or 'targeted that' or 'racism that' starts to fail. Let's start respecting the numbers and the entitlement. Societies' light-handed treatment of these people has made them especially brazen - they do things like this because they know what the repercussions will not be severe. What about the video the other day where a student repeatedly slaps his teacher across the face? Is that A-O-Fucking-K too? Man up, people. You want equality? Then start holding people accountable for their violent actions. And before you reply - kicking a back-pack is NOT violent.

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While some of this is true, I noticed some misinformation is like to correct.

Yes, absolutely teach people how to control themselves. Everyone needs to learn what proper and appropriate defense is. However, in this specific case, there is some backstory that I think may have been left out.

The boy had sat down in class and she came in claiming that it was her seat (though he was there first) and she repeatedly pushed him. Until finally he tipped out of the desk and she sat down.

-Recording starts-

He goes down to pick up his backs and just give it up, and when he reaches down, she kicks his bag hard. He could argue she was aiming for his hand. Which she barely misses.

When she attempted to kick him, that raised his stress, likely affecting good judgement. And all that on top of being very frustrated from the situation, his (fast) reaction was to push her. And not knowing his strength (as most guys dont) pushed really hard.

The girl was in the wrong for fighting him out of the seat in the first place, there are much better ways to settle this stuff. However the kid pushing her was also not okay.

Also, in this specific situation, no, fatherlessness etc. doesn't apply. However, fatherlessness is shown to influence crime rate in an area. Which is a statistic that is common across many studies/articles.

Again I mean all respect and if you find info that contradicts what I said, I'd love to hear it. I'm not looking for a fight

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Firstly, we need a source, preferably video, for what you claim happened before the start of this video. If she initiated physical contact, that changes things a little. But keep in mind, she's still a teenage girl. and he is a developed man - there is a large power discrepancy here, if the prelude you narrate is even accurate.

Second, I don't care about his stress level - adults endure endless amounts of stress on a daily basis. Are you saying that he had a Rosa Parks flashback and felt that a disproportional assault was in order and justified since in his mind, someone took 'his' seat?

Stop making excuses for his actions. Thanks for admitting that his life situations do not excuse his actions. If you have the full video, I'd love to see it. Otherwise, second-hand accounts of what happened before 'start recording' are irrelevant, as they are classified as hear-say.

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No that's fair. And again. Adults are completely responsible for actions and I don't want to defend him. What he did was VERY wrong. And I unfortunately can't find the video anywhere so I suppose I'll have to settle with your assessments. Again, I appreciate you being kind, we all know some ppl on this site will go nuts if someone says something they don't like 😭😭🫶

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You sure created a nice little echo chamber for yourself to justify your racism. These lengthy write-ups are usually a sign that someone's trying to convince themself of bullshit that their subconscious is rejecting. It's not really for other people. Cheers!

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Racism? You disgusting brain-washed leftist moron. How do you twist this into racism? Since when does kicking a backpack justify a violent physical assault? Sure, she was probably okay this time, but I've seen cases where someone was severely injured with much less physical force. Tell me how questioning the fact that a violent physical assault was NOT OKAY equals racism?

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