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Oh my God, this is Joshua Mundy from Dad's Against Predators. His partner that's filming is named Jay. I love these guys, I just hope this doesn't get them in trouble. This is the pedophile catching group I would watch on the regular. Never seen this video before, but they often get convictions and a few of the pedophiles they've exposed have killed themselves because of their videos.

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wait how do yk they kill themselves because of DAP? i fucking love their content and i feel like they helped pave the road for ped catching channels, havent been able to watch them a lot since they switched to rumble

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It's been well publicized. There's been a few that did it and Josh has gotten a tear tattooed onto a smiley face he has for each one. At least 3 have committed suicide due to it because they plaster links to the videos when the publish them onto the pedos Facebook and other socials. Along with any family and friends that they have. One guy they confronted when he was going to church and the day after they post the video the dude killed himself.

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thats crazy i tried to find where it was said but i didnt find anything unfortunaltely

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I can't imagine the families publicize their relatives suicide because they were exposed. Many times when these people get exposed other victims of theirs will come forward as well. It's all too common. One thing Josh always asks them* is if they're just now deciding to do it for the first time. More often than not, they've done this shit before. Most families distance themselves from the predator after they're* brought into the public eye.

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yeah id bet if they were to publicize on something like facebook itd also spread why they did it more.

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Do they have a youtube channel?

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They used to years ago, YouTube banned them from their platform due to their content. Many other sites did the same. They used to have like 60 videos up on rumble but there's only 5 now as of like a week ago. They post on locals now as DAP2k I believe. It's behind a paywall though. I loved their stuff but I don't have a locals account or access to their stuff.

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lol, eventually... they're gonna catch the wrong guy, either innocent or armed.

I may not like police, but I sure dont go baiting them to break the law then beat them for it.

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Jay was shot before, essentially in the knee. It's a dangerous thing to do, but it's a cause they believe in.

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A man almost got shot last week. The pedo went in his car to get his gun and he had to bail.

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ummm… Are you sure that comment makes sense?

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I don't understand why would there be less videos on rumble now?

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Can't say for sure, either the site took them down*, or they did themselves to get more people to subscribe for paid content. It sucks that they're not nearly as many as there used to be when it wasn't paid content.

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Is this in the US? Have they actually done it this many times without any lawsuits? I heard a lot of people exposed this way are released/not arrested. Infamously on To Catch a Predator the majority of the pedos were released. I imagine simply having the intent to meet a minor that way has to be illegal in many places. Otherwise they don't really have anything to go on.

Still, assaulting them like this is absolutely illegal as shit. Not that I care if they beat them to death, but I too worry about them as other vigilante groups have been charged for assaulting would be predators. I'm sure the embarrassment/exposure is a bad and deserved punishment even if it falls through legally though.

Though as far as ones that have committed suicide, did the families file lawsuits against these men? Finally, I definitely fear one day this will end with more than a gunshot to the knee. I'm impressed by how far they are willing to go, but this is extremely dangerous. Also I like how the guy in the video doesn't even fight back. What a little bitch.

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Yeah this is in the US. They've said before even on their videos that they'll be more than happy to take an assault charge for these pedophiles to get exposed/charged with whatever the police can make stick to these guys. There's a Vice documentary about then you can watch that I really liked. He lives in Fremont Ohio, and I think Jay does as well. Jay is a veteran and both of them dealt with being sexually abused as kids, pretty sure Josh's step daughter was molester by her father too. He would find out where the guy was newly hired and go to his workplace and make sure his boss and coworkers knew what that pedòphile was convicted of doing before getting hired there.

Many times the pedophiles won't press charges since they don't want to be further exposed. Sometimes their targets call the police when DAP goes to confront them, many times the pedo who called the cops end up arrested.

Here is their website, talks a little about them.


Here is a link to the Vice documentary about them.

I really like these guys, I hope they stay safe. Boopac was a pedophile hunter they did collaborations with before but he was shot to death a couple years back.

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So don't give the video to the cops. American police despise working and won't enforce the law if it's even the slightest bit inconvenient.

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"Preds have killed themselves because of their videos"

Doubtful. If so, provide proof.

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Lots of their videos continually keep getting removed from the sites they post them on. I'd love to share to* you the videos, and dates of these guys suicides but many have been removed. Watch the Vice documentary.

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I wonder if this is new. This is at least attempted manslaughter...as long as the sleepy pedo man is alive

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I love the realization on these guy's faces that their lives are fucked now.

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They shouldn't be. They should be awarded for eliminating this shit bird from the genepool (hopefully).

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Oh not the dudes beating him up, I'm talking about pedophiles everytime they get caught.

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Nice save they almost found out you're a molester protector

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How could you possibly think, especially with the zoom into the guys face, that he was talking about the people filming?

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I thought he meant the people filming cause unfortunately they will get prison time for it and most people who end up beating up pedos wind up getting in trouble. Either way hope they get awarded.

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So true

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what you mean dude?

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I mean that everytime pedophiles are caught, you can always see the realization on their face that their life is over.

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oh, ok. 👍

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It was at this moment that he knew....... he fucked up.

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Some people deserve to get bullied, in school, and as adults, and in all future reincarnation

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Looks like people beating a retard. Probably making a false allegation so the average will condone it.

Although if true, good job.

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I second this... they wear their own self made pedo hunter insignia shirt... its like they lured a mentally disabled to met up with a fictive 12 year old and then attacked him

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That's what I was thinking. This guy looks retarded to begin with. He's like an evil version of Forrest Gump.

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If he wasn't retarded to begin with he certainly is now, lmao

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He should have


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It might be a false allegation but it's probably real. They're probably banking on the alleged pedo being ashamed/afraid and not retaliating, because posting on the internet evidence of yourself assaulting someone is really stupid.

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True, but they don't even seem to be actually mad.

Also, doing stupid things is kind of the hallmark of today's people.

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i kinda need the full source because this clip kinda looks like autistic kid getting smashed, like he didn't say a word just looked fucking lost

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Theyre a group called DAP, Dad's Against Predators. So the title is likely legit

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his body control is very low like he is under some influence

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I'd go as far to say this guy is inbred or something . Doesn't seem all there upstairs .

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now he can fight with REAL man in jail for killing an helpless retard, what a man ... :marseydisagree:

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Yeah they hate three types of people in Jail

1. Pedos

2. People killing fake pedos

3. People killing retarded pedros

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I am leery of these groups. You can call anyone a pedo at any time regardless if it is true or not. These people do not care about kids, they just want to an excuse to beat people up. The fact they seem so surprised that he was knocked out and snoring makes me think they have no real respect for what they are doing.

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most of these ppl in these comments don't gaf abt kids either bc theyll go laugh at one getting crushed by a car a minute after they make their ‘oh no i cant believe he tried to meet up w a fictional child' comment. Imagine how many of these ‘pedophile catchers' would quit if they weren't gaining any more revenue :marseybrainlet:

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https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17194560429903858.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1719456043066505.webp

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So their mission is essentially to assault people.

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To assault dangerous animals. Very different from people.

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They are making the assumption that paedophiles stalk children via the internet. Numerous studies have shown that they are usually family members or close friends of the family. When they put up these baits, they often get autistic retards replying that don't fully understand what's wrong with interacting with an underage person. They're so retarded that they genuinely think that they are just making friends. The paedo hunters then 'expose them' causing the retards to kill themselves, when all they were doing were looking for someone to play computer games with. I appreciate that there really are some paedos in these videos, but many are as I described. The guy in this video for example, looks retarded as fuck.

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Guy deserved it, but these vigilantes are fucking retarded. Theyre known for getting the wrong guy, screaming obnoxiously in stores, and calling anyone who calls them out a pedo.

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Congrats on filming yourself committing multiple felonies.

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Paedophile hunters are just as bad as criminals. Here in the UK, two self-styled "hunters" tortured, beat and then killed a 60 year old man to death because they said he was a paedophile. In fact, he wasn't. No evidence was found on any of his devices.

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Not on pedos side but this is a quick way to get shot to death.

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Congrats now he's a retard

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wasn't far off to begin with, he was trying to meet a child.

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me after eating all the gummies above the sink (they were melatonin)


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Thats DAP (dads against predators)

Theyve been getting more violent, i think they get off on the beating part a little but yeah, they come with logs and all. They do the online bait thing

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Who wouldn't get off on it? The cops don't do shit, if they're already on the register and they're still out there doing it maybe beating their asses is the only thing to make them think twice

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literally everyone that isnt a violent degenerate wouldn't get off on it. dont care if theyre pedos or not, if your getting hard watching people get beat you gotta kill yourself ASAP for the good of humanity

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perhaps I should rephrase since “getting off” and the traditional connotation of those words isn't what I mean, as I don't mean a sexual gratification. I mean gratification in the sense that you're doing something positive for wider society.

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Thats fucking awesome i didn't know DAP was even a thing. I hope they got him arrested too because one ass beating without legal consequences will just make him more cautious next time

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A no chin having cross-eyed camel jockey, imagine my surprise. There's a simple, low cost solution for these degenerates. https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17194403396205356.webp

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The guy is obviously not mentally okay, these losers will pick up the soap in prison for atleast 7years

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Since when do the mentally disabled get a free pass to be a child toucher?

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Im king or jordan, you should believe it cause i said so.

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Who the fuck do you think you are saying "believe me cause i said it" :marseylaugh2:

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even if the guy has some mental problem he still is a disgusting predator that deserves a fate worse than this.

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There are better ways now these end up in jail and the guy well if he will be alive still will be faster free then them.

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Please tell me you are not defending the guy thats there to fuck a 12 year old.pedo alert.

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You can condemn the pedophile while being against people taking justice into their own hands, they have no right to beat him up

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Fuck that.the court system is failed,full of corrupt appointees.There are no longer consequences for these pieces of shit,I like how 3rd world countries handle criminals,put a tire around their necks and light em on fire.make people think twice before they fuck around.

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They have every right to beat him up. Fuck that guy. You are part of the problem that allows these scumbags to walk the streets offending, cops do nothing, if he's already on the register and continuing to offend he doesn't give a shit, these guys are the only thing making scum think twice. “tHeY hAVE nO rIGHt” psssh unreal

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The police/justice system may not do enough, but they definitely do something lol

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No im not defending pedos. Do you have proof the guy was a predator? No. And yes i know they have a channel and yes according to reddit many videos are fake.

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What proof is there of this?

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