Irish father beats his son with a wrench

"Some people are saying that the two are related as the older man says at one stage "don't lie to me son", however it is not sure whether they are in fact father and son."

"The older man accuses the young man of stealing €6k from him and allegedly spending it on clothes, phones and cocaine."

Here is the longer footage:


Edit: The popular narrative is that it's the father beating his son, other news outlets ran with the same narrative but I read it may not be. Fuck knows :marseyshrug:

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I doubt it's his son. "Son" or "Sonny boy" are Irish/ Scottish sayings similar to "mate" in Australia. Not everyone who calls you mate in Australia are wanting a friendly chat.

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no one ever defends the africans getting tribally butchered for theft but hit some white guy with a wrench and cry me a river. god bless the Celts lol.

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Dude he didnt even die in this vid why the Fuck is anyone crying? Ive seen more cut up afro snatch than white boys throwing hands on this site by like a huge margin.

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Waaah waaah waaah

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Fucking pussy ass son

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whys he just sitting there taking it LMFAO 😭

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Tbh even if i was bigger than the guy beating me i would take it aslong as i thought i wasnt gonna die, fighting back almost gives him permission to kill u, just think about it like this someone stole from you alot of money, u lose ur temper and want to hurt them, start beating them on there arms legs, the stand up and try grab the weapon, next swing i get im aiming for your head and if you get knocked out your fucked. and if u dont get knocked out and still tryna fight im gonna for head again. its almost self defence.

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Irish Travellers are fucked, beyond fucked. They've turned into the Irish Mafia, the ones in my town I fucking hate because they're violent animal abusing cunts. Starve and beat their horses yet claim horses are nearly worshipped as part of their "culture", some culture my ass when you sulky them into the ground and leave them to die slowly on the road, one I saw they tied to a bridge in the River and let it stand in the freezing water all night, so tightly that it couldn't even bring its' head down enough to drink.

They then claim and scream oppression yet you see them driving the newest Audi's and most expensive cars. They have gardai/police in their pocket and the pigs are too cowardly to ever stand up to them.

I know one or two that grew up travellers that are alright people but you're hard pressed to find those that aren't nasty fucks involved in crime, drugs, violence or animal abuse in some shape or form.

Funny enough they're very easy to recognize on the street, fucking thick heads on them and the girls always wear so many layers of makeup they look like orange oompa loompas. Oppression my ass, they're just as Irish as us, difference is they choose the violent thug life and cry when they get called out and hated by the genuine working people in Irish towns.

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Apparently he stole a larger sum of money so I think it´s not only well deserved, he deserves worse.

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average coolock resident

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Yeah, I'm not buying the narrative that that's his son. It sounds more like this kid is some kind of middle man (or a "courier" of sorts) for the older guy and some illicit dealings, and he decided to skim a bunch of money and buy shit with it. I think he's just calling him "son" in the way that an older man will call a younger man "son" in an informal, non-literal manner when lecturing them. As in "listen here, sonny boy" or some shit like that.

It's probably some drug/crime business shit, which might be why the older guy is covered up in a hoodie. That's the vibe I get anyway.

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That would explain the high sum and why the younger guy didn't fight back.

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That’s not even his dad they’re former friends the lad getting beat up stole couple of grand from him and fucked off to london

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Dont beat your kids. If you do, don't use a fucking metal weapon. Jesus christ. He was in the right until he did that. He better not be that kid's father or no wonder he steals. He doesn't respect his dad at all just like his dad doesnt respect him at all. They're both assholes.

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At least he knew how to spend 6k

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i hope the son gets revenge and steals 12k next time.

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So he’ll get beat more? If he stole 6k i think he deserves it..

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If anyone deserves a beating, it's this insane father. No wonder his son steals.

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Fucking insane take defending a fucking piece of shit thief.

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Defending a man being beaten with a crowbar= fucking insane take.

Very hard disagree there, pal. lol. You're getting quite upset. Don't go beating ME with a crowbar, pls

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If someone steals 6k from you to buy clothes, phones and cocaine. Most likely money you saved up for years. I hope you remember the stupid shit you said today.

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I'm hearing a bit of a traveler accent on them. Anyone else get that?

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I dont know if they are traveler but It's sounded like northern.

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He was lucky id get beaten with a sledge hammer plus 6 mother fucking k godamn what a dumbo lucky he grew up in the west anywhere else hed be strung up.

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He really threw a wrench into his plans. :lepokerface:

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He was holding money that wasn't his and decided to spend a few grand, it wasn't his father, son is just a term, this guy was ANGRY, with a lot of Irish travellers, you pray you've got a woman around when they kick fuck out of you because they'll hurt you, but usually won't kill you if a lady is present

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he screams FATHER

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Not been around many Irishmen then I take it, that's another way if screaming for God

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Yeah I am American thanks for letting me know as I didnt realize.

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No drama, friend, this video is a few years old now, he basically used money he shouldn't of, as the guy screams at him "people have been killed for less" so he must be real lucky to still be breathing

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Apparently the woman that saves him is his mother as she comes after he screams "Ma", kinda sounds like he says it but idk, I'm just running with the popular narrative

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I heard he owed the old man money for drugs

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This was all because he got beat at FIFA '18, who we fooling?

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apology rules wrench edition

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that is horrible jesus

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His Irish shrieks still ain’t as bad as Enya’s.

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The British scumbags tried to invade and civilize the micks, guess it didn’t work

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