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So that teacher was standing there the whole time letting him talk to the other kid like that and letting him spit on him?

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but then the bully starts a fight, you get one good punch on the bully, and suddenly the teacher is like:

"Kevin... that's racism... I have to expel you now. You were supposed to let him spit on, and beat the shit out of, the crippled kid. Now I'm going to make you a personal project of mine to make sure you don't graduate... You just had to go and do the right thing didn't you? Your parents should be ashamed for raising a courageous hero like you! Standing up to people who pick on smaller and weaker individuals, who do you think you are?"

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Yep. That's exactly what happened. That was a totally reasonable picture you painted. Everything you said maps really well onto reality, and, it didn't at all read like you self reporting that you have a massive persecution complex.

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Hyperbole on the internet goes completely over your head. Boy, are you going to enjoy this site! Enjoy your stay!

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No. Lol You're just a coward who says stuff that is couched in just enough irony/hyperbole to grant themselves plausible deniability, whenever someone confronts them about their dogshit worldview. It's not hard to see from your other comments on this very thread, that you aren't just kidding around. You definitely mean it.lol Dickless coward that can't even stand by his own beliefs. Pretends he didn't mean it the second somebody engages. This is why you're losing the culture war btw. You guys never fight it. You just make racist implications, and the second someone wants to talk, you hide behind "comedy". Literally Dickless behavior.

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Beta male

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calm down cute twink retard, this ain't reddit

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I mean I tend to agree that a place like this shouldn't be politicized like reddit, but it's not my fault that you can't watch a single video on this site that happens to feature a non-white person, without a bunch of dudes writing whiny manifestos about the failure of western civilization. My point of view isn't the one ruining the fun. I'm here out of morbid/medical curiosity, but alas there are literally full blown mask off Nazis, on almost every comment thread on this site. That's not on me. I'm just working with what is here. Also: do you really think I'm cute?🥺

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he fr was just spectating

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Maybe both of his arms are broken?

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best friend fr he stays around since the beginning

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I mean if they weren't friends before they're probably friends now. That man is a g

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fucking hate that retarded "respect" bullshit culture "those people" have. It's IRRITATING AS FUCK having to listen to that. Thanks for shutting him up. He seriously would have been like that all day because he doesn't have a life with any thing better to do.

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There is literally nothing more pathetic in life than some pathetic white trash maggot who, even with all the advantages in life, couldn't manage to crawl his stinky ass out of the trailer park. I would laugh if it weren't so fucking tragic.

It's truly chringe worthy. Like, how did you and your fucking pathetic inbred bloodline manage to fail so horribly at life that all you can do to try to wipe away your dirty ass tears is to to hate all the black people who surpassed you in life, even in the African countries you hate. What a fucking absolute failure and embarrassment you are 🤣.

It's so fucking sad and pathetic it hurts. What a fucking joke of a maggot you are 🤣.

Why don't you kill yourself and do us all a favor by ending your pathetic excuse of a life and the failed inbreeding experiment you call a bloodline along with it? But please do post it on here so I can watch the life leave your sad little fucking white trash eyes.

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The way his head hit the desk as he falls was just gracious. :marseybrainlet:

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gracious - adjective - pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous

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Its always the quiet ones

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I wanted to see him get knocked out with a cast but that was also nice

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Props to the kid in the red long-sleeve, that was absolutely beautiful. Why a student had to be the one to step in? I have no idea.

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dang, jedi kid at it AGAIN!


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Skilled in fighting the dark-side of the force.

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I’m tired of all these comments racist asf

It’s literally just two people fighting and arguing people need to stfu about race god damn

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He was definitely waiting to do that

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Hell yes that brave young man killed that drug addicted black!!

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There is literally nothing more pathetic in life than some pathetic white trash maggot who, even with all the advantages in life, couldn't manage to crawl his stinky ass out of the trailer park. I would laugh if it weren't so fucking tragic.

It's truly chringe worthy. Like, how did you and your fucking pathetic inbred bloodline manage to fail so horribly at life that all you can do to try to wipe away your dirty ass tears is to to hate all the black people who surpassed you in life, even in the African countries you hate. What a fucking absolute failure and embarrassment you are 🤣.

It's so fucking sad and pathetic it hurts. What a fucking joke of a maggot you are 🤣.

Why don't you kill yourself and do us all a favor by ending your pathetic excuse of a life and the failed inbreeding experiment you call a bloodline along with it? But please do post it on here so I can watch the life leave your sad little fucking white trash eyes.

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We all need a friend like that

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Problem is this is USA the home of weak people with guns so expect another video on here next week of the black dude with a black eye mag dumping on the red jumper hero.

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this video :marseyzeldalinktotk: was along time ago like 6-7 years ago, but nice projecting

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Yeah so that makes my comment irrelevant? I apologise that you are one of the American weak ass, low IQ morons with 24 guns. Dipshit.

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haha typical African american getting rocked, this is what all of their future holds one way or another . Little weak doggs

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guys like that need an ass beating at least once in their life. he played that retarded macho man shit

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what a nice teacher

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He was purposely staying there just for his moment and it finally came that was the best moment in his life

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big mouth big ego

small brain small reflex

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Let's be honest here... that wasn't a real punch, but he still won.

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Fist to the face is the only language those :marseymonke: understand.

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There is literally nothing more pathetic in life than some pathetic white trash maggot who, even with all the advantages in life, couldn't manage to crawl his stinky ass out of the trailer park. I would laugh if it weren't so fucking tragic.

It's truly chringe worthy. Like, how did you and your fucking pathetic inbred bloodline manage to fail so horribly at life that all you can do to try to wipe away your dirty ass tears is to to hate all the black people who surpassed you in life, even in the African countries you hate. What a fucking absolute failure and embarrassment you are 🤣.

It's so fucking sad and pathetic it hurts. What a fucking joke of a maggot you are 🤣.

Why don't you kill yourself and do us all a favor by ending your pathetic excuse of a life and the failed inbreeding experiment you call a bloodline along with it? But please do post it on here so I can watch the life leave your sad little fucking white trash eyes.

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How is it even possible for anyone to be gullible enough to think this obviously staged bs is real?

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Have you been to American school? This is likely real. He hits his head on the desk too hard for me to think it’s staged.

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Yes, I've been to an american school, and have seen fights in american schools. Which ignoring everything else makes this video obviously staged because the dialog is far too direct, orderly, and lacking the mindless repetition you'd normally get in a scenario like this. Additionally, everyone seems to have cleared the filming area prior to the fight, but isn't particularly concerned about the actual fight, as can be seen at the very end when the camera pans to the side and when the girl walks into frame. The kid with the broken hand just happens to be minding his own business in this cleared out area, and the cameraman keeps the shot framed properly for the guy on the left throughout even though his participation seemingly came out of nowhere. And when the punch does actually occur, you don't actually see any hard impact captured on camera; it's more of a push to the shoulder. And the punched guy immediately raises his hands to catch himself and seemingly ignores the punch itself. The actual impact with the desk isn't captured clearly, but going frame by frame it looks a whole lot like the puncher tries to catch the guy and the broken hand guy is reacting to the impact as if it wasn't intended.

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Said vegetation, an expert in human behavior and a degree in internet argumentation

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Ah sorry you're right; completely forgot you can't express opinions about things online without being an expert

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Mindless repetition like: do something then, whatsup, whatsup, do something then, do something then ?

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that x10 yes

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