Dude shot in the head is somehow "fully" conscious and coherent :marseyshrug:

Sadly could not find any information regarding this clip. Probably means it's fairly outdated.

If this is a repost or you have information about this person I would love to know so!


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As someone that believes in nature over nurture by a good bit in regards to personality traits, IQ, etc., you have to think a reaction like this after a potential gun fight had to come from mostly all nurture (or at least it's what I believe). Yes I know there are people blasting how he speaks...but you would speak the same way if you went through his upbringing despite your race, ethnicity, origin, etc. Just one more dude raised in a dumpster fire environment with no discipline, the wrong friends, and music that reinforces the idea to create a video like this after a potential gun fight...because you indeed are a "Savage"... If you share little to no traits with this guy, you simply got lucky.

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Bravo my friend

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Thank you for your rational response. :marseythumbsup:

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Ok but hear me out. Taking a bullet to the head and just saying "this hurts like a motherfucker" is pretty damn savage.

My cousin's friend was an elderly caretaker and a senile man shot her in the head. Took about 3 years for her to make a proper recovery and get out of PT.

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This is ignorance disguised as empathy. The environment may shift behavior towards a certain way but to assume that an individual has no ability to introspect and change his life course is to deny him his humanity.

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I definitely believe in each individuals ability to change their life course despite their situation, however, the sad fact is people rarely overcome them. I just know when I see a video like this many people will get on here and blast the way he speaks, acts, etc....with an indication that they are better. Maybe they are, but why? Maybe they had 1-2 good parents, some good friends and family that support them? People like to think if they were in any situation they would overcome, but they only believe that because of the foundation that their surroundings built for them. Maybe I am more ignorant than I know, but my experience as a case manager and social worker have shown me many people that talk and act like the guy in this video...and unfortunately I see many commonalities in each case in regards to their surroundings and how they were raised (or lack thereof). If only you knew how much I wished more people in bad situations would use their ability to introspect and change their life course. Thanks for the feedback!

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Nah, tons of people grow up in shitholes and don't turn out like him but I get what you're saying. There's still the question of choices, he has apparently made a few bad ones, that's on him.

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a pleasant surprise to see someone not say something racist here

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I find the lack of mention of choice perplexing.

Yes the environment in which we grow is going to shape who you become, but there's also a choice people make at some point where they decide to play the game like this one or turn the other way searching for better options, and people that choose the latter, living decent lives, exist. This one made the wrong the choice and this is the outcome, so far. Now he probably feels invincible and is gonna merrily continue, spilling more blood for futile, frivolous reasons, until he gets another bullet in the head. Then we'll see if he can "Stand under the pressure" again.

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I struggle with this thought process a lot myself. I grew up in an environment that is surely not too unlike the one that this dude is a part of. Long story short, I got out, I went to an Ivy League school, I'm doing well for myself. On one hand, there were a lot of decisions I made coupled with a keen awareness about what was going on around me that put me on the right path. However, I also had a good amount of luck. Lucky that I had some good role models and guidance, and, frankly, that I was born smart enough to have some sort of self awareness. In terms of nature vs. nurture, I subscribe to the notion that it's mostly nurture. Mostly. But at the end of the day, there has to come a point (perhaps with some guidance) where you do need to make some decisions for yourself.

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Yeah but sometimes it does boil entirely down to luck. I got disabled at 22 so i barely didnt qualify for my mom's death benefits and now have to figure out how to survive well below poverty while having hundreds in medical bills each month. Atm the US gives disabled peeps 900/mo. If you get disabled after 21 but before 40, youre fucked.

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Fuck off

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Fuck off

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Its truly about finding a way to wake up and realize the only thing keeping someone in the hood is themselves.

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I understand where you're coming from, but imagine this. I come to your home and take everything you own but the clothes on your back. I tell you if you still live in this house in 2 weeks, I'm going to put one in each knee. What do you do? How do you move somewhere with zero resources. You're actually at an advantage because you probably don't look and sound like a hood rat and presumably have some marketable skills. Yes, staying in the hood is technically a choice, but it's not like they just need to wake up one day, pack they bags, and head on up.

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Yes the environment in which we grow is going to shape who you become, but there's also a choice people make at some point where they decide to play the game like this one or turn the other way searching for better options, and people that choose the latter, living decent lives, exist. This one made the wrong the choice and this is the outcome, so far. Now he probably feels invincible and is gonna merrily continue, spilling more blood for futile, frivolous reasons, until he gets another bullet in the head. Then we'll see if he can "Stand under the pressure" again.

But what if all your choices suck? You and I have some good options and some shitty options. We feel proud of ourselves because we didn't choose to try heroin or sell cocaine for fast cash. What if your options are only that or starve to death? Let's not pretend that there is a social safety net worth shit in America

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What if all your choices suck? Somewhere along the way, there was likely a choice that was made that killed off plenty of other viable options that would've came over time, or perhaps were already there. Maybe someone who has nothing but shit choices to make available got to that point because they decided to sling coke in high school instead of giving themselves a proper chance despite the education system itself being a mess. Thats is still a better option. The idea is to give yourself the best possible chance in every situation. Going down the road of criminality might bear fruit quickly, but you also get stuck in it very quickly, like heroin use, and those that live through it till the end are few and far apart and generally terrible people. I'm not about to excuse shitty decision making on the faulty premise that "it's either that or die."

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holy shit, a genuinely sensible person on WPD capable of understanding this subject is actually crazy.

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Or just don't grab the gun and the drugs. Easy.

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Stfu retard

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Culture vs nature.

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Nailed it.

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