A 29-years-old who had a knife :marseypicrewwpd: was shot by a connecticut state :marseycoonass: police :marseyreportmaxxer: trooper even though he was not an imminent threat :marseycop3:

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He was about to wingardium leviosa the cop's gun, so he shot him before he could open his mouth to activate the skill, since the hand movement was already done.


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"Ah shit no he's actually doing it, I wont get my kill. FIRE!!!"


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It looked like he was starting to put the knife down

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Basically this.

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It is 😩 like this cops triggered happy as soon as he about to drop it 🤣

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but he had TWO knives!! but seriously, I reckon the cop saw this and got scared that he was gonna throw the knife.


Much like another OIS with a guy with a hatchet

Edit: this OIS

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He should have probably done so a lot sooner, like he had every chance to do.

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He was a threat to himself! The cop saved him from killing himself, by killing him first!


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Yeah big brain that cop kek

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whatever gesture he made was the worst decision of his life. wtf even was that? Think he's a fucking wizard? :marseyautismwitch:can't blame the cop, that's a stressful situation and any small move is probably startling. looked like a throw almost. :marseycop3: Play stupid games win stupid prizes :marseywinner:

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he held the other knife by the blade, a showing that he may have thrown it, so cop reacted. May have been a bad shoot but if the cop says he was threatened enough by a quick movement, then it's justified.

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One could argue that he was starting to put the knife down right before the cop started shooting at him :(

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“Put down the gun”… “(Lady) Where are you? Come to my voice, stay where you are”….. “You know me”….. 5 shots! This cop should be fired and tried for murder. That's all this is. MURDER!!!

Recounted, I think it's 7 shots. My bad

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Looks like he was gonna throw it

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Is this the new execution method in USA

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He was clearly casting a spell and had to be taken down

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That's what the nerd deserves for wasting precious police time!

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He wouldn't have felt threatened if the cop with shit aim just got out of his fucking house

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If only there was something this guy could have done to avoid getting shot. Like not be threatening people with a deadly weapon or dropping the knife when asked to. All you ; "It looks like he was about to put the knife down." Need to shut the fuck up and realize that not only can you not predict the future but also putting down a knife and dropping a knife is two different things. Maybe if you retard left your basement you'd realize that sprinting 6ft and stabing someone in the neck takes about 1-2 seconds maximum.

He was told to drop the knife, he didn't do it, he got shot, that made him drop the knife. Maybe if retard didn't act like an overgrown toddler throwing a tantrum he wouldn't have been shot. The reason the cops showed up was because he wanted to act like a maniac. It's 100% his fault for getting shot.

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Why did they shoot him??? He wasn't black, it just doesn't make any sense.

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If the cops have given you multiple commands and opportunities to drop the knife and you ignore, you just have the lead buffet coming..

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How many times did they tell him to put the knife :marseyredhood: down? It's a bad shoot, but I have no sympathy for fuck-face, who got what he had coming.

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Absolutely legally justifiable. They were withing 10ft or so of a guy armed with an edged weapon refusing lawful orders. We just saw the other day how deadly knives can be with that BWC footage of the Officer getting his throat cut.

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He swung back the knife into a throwing position. That's why the cop shot him.

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Zoomed in. Also slow mo being shot.

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FYI: Tasers are very ineffective, but they still could have done more than immediately go to shooting.

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The intro of that video made me wish the cop would have killed me instead. Dont ever link that again please

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Yeah the video has good info, the intro isn't that good though.

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Not a threat to anyone but a threat to himself the fucking dumb ass was told to put the taser down so many time and his retarded brain was going overdrive to know what does put down mean he got what he deserved W cops

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your "threat to himself" logic is flawed seeing as the cop killed him.

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Kneecaps. Simple as.

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Yeah, it's not like we have large blood vessels in our legs. If the femoral artery is hit you have max 7 minutes before the suspect bleeds out and a leg injury has never made anyone unable to hold and swing a knife. This is of course if you can hit the leg, cuz if you miss now the guy is angry at you, still armed and nothing prevents him from going to hide and wait to ambush you. That's now a barricaded suspect and all of this started because you want people in rapidly evolving situations to have the accuracy of John Wick.

Next you're gonna say "shoot the knife out of his hands, easy as that!"

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Mate, do i need to go over every vital organ found at center mass? I thought the concept of a hollowpoint round expanding tiny metal shards into your kneecaps rather than organs vital to life to be very self explanatory.

Plenty of people lose legs or have them seriously mangled in accidents and have survived just fine.

I stg you bitches just argue for the sake of it at this point.

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Not sure where you copied the title from because he's not dead



The man remained hospitalized Tuesday, said officials, who did not disclose his condition.

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reddit :marsey2commies: again

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If anyone thinks this was too fast, watch the recent video where a cop approached a homeless guy and was stabbed to death. Someone with a knife can close distance very quickly.

If I'm a cop and in a situation like this..if there's any doubt as to whether I'm going home to my family ALIVE versus some mentally ill creep stabbing me to death? He's getting shot at the first twitch every single time. Fuck these mental cases.

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Glad you aren't a cop. Pussy.

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This officer did nothing wrong, unless taking out mental cases wielding deadly weapons is wrong. Get a grip, you're an idiot.

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I came to terms with my idiocy a long time ago. You, however, are in denial of your raging vagina.

...and also idiocy.

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Which is why you're not a cop and why the hiring process for many states have changed. Or at the very least you hurt the publics stance on police interactions because of ypur ignorant behavior. If he was trying to kill himself wtf was the point of the cop unloading the clip like that??? The cop who got stabbed to death didn't have his gun drawn or had any situational awareness. If you're by yourself always stay cautious until backup arrives.

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Aww. Sounds like someone has been arrested a few times and hates cops now. Aww. Too bad this officer won't be charged. He should be given an award for taking this fucking mental case out. 😂

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You can keep the gun on the guy, put the taser away and see what this guy does as he's LOWERING the knife. And thank god you're not a cop.

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He won't be charged with shit. And even if he was, he won't be convicted. Go send a few bucks to George Floyd's fentanyl fund, lmfao

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So because he won't be you're happy? Police just kill someone and it's OK!? Youre exactly what's wrong with society

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It's not about my happiness. He shouldn't be, and will NOT be, I guarantee it. There was a woman 3 feet away from him, just out of view, and he made a movement, furtively or even slightly. Milliseconds matter when lives are on the line. Clearly, you're young and still kind of dumb. Hopefully your brain ripens a bit with age - not everyone's does.

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Was the cops life in danger? Was the “ladies” life in danger? Where was this lady? And yes, 39 is too young to understand things. You're right.

As someone who's been a victim to how dumb cops are and can be and how they FAAAAR TOO OFTEN get away with, well exactly this, MURDER! I know first hand that they are 90% in the wrong 100% of the time. Yea, don't check the math, it's correct.

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Is that the one where a bystander shot the dude? If we're thinking of the same one, it was so eerie listening to him gurgling and watching the blood cover his body cam. Really cool vid.

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No, it's the one where the cop asks the homeless guy if he was the one who called, then the guy pulls out a knife and is on the cop in a second, stabbing him to death

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Right, thank you. I don't think I've seen the first one you mentioned then. Gonna go find it rn.

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I linked it below

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I'm sure you are both talking about the same video, JesusChristAlmighty linked it above.

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the recent video where a cop approached a homeless guy and was stabbed to death.

Anyone got a link on this?

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Thanks! That's rough.

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in my country the cop would be up for murder.

2nd degree.

his life was never in danger yet he decided to use deadly force

the USA justice system is so fucked it's not even funny

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Your country is ran by retards then

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No dude it's called europe. A taser would be enough to take that guy down and just kick his weapon away instead of shooting. That guy looked and might have had a mentally disorder so shooting somebody like that would be the last thing you wanna do

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You don't even need a taser. A riot shield effectively counters a knife with minimal risk to the cops. US cops need to start and learn to work in pairs or teams, not a bunch of individuals pointing guns.

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I think cops should be able to carry light weight tranquilizers. Like the stuff they'd dose this guy with if he was at the hospital. Doesn't even have to knock them out just make them tired. You'd be surprised how quick the fight leaves someone when it hits your bloodstream. Try lorazepam first and work your way up

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Yeah, Europe is ran by retards. You never use less lethal force against someone who is armed with a lethal weapon, especially in such close proximity. Go watch the video posted the other day of the cop being stabbed to death in a very similar circumstance, it's a perfect example.

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You sure about that?

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The intro of that video made me wish the cop would have killed me instead. Dont ever link that again please

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I dont think the people defending this guy noticed that he had a female hostage. You're defending a guy who was holding a woman against her will at knife point. Also your defense is he MIGHT have been about to drop the knife. Cop phobia is crazy

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Just another retard put down, zero loss here

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Is it that fucking difficult to set down a knife? Deserved to be shot, the stupid bastard. :marseyfacepalm:

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Lawful but awful I would say

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Lawful how?

The officer should be put behind bars for life.

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I initially thought the same thing, but like other people have stated here, they were too close to give him too much of a chance, I know I would rather kill than be killed. What were they supposed to do, wait for him to get a running stabbing head start? Hell no

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Nice two in one. The cops got rid of their problem and he can rest peacefully !

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