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How does one think that they can put one of there limbs into a potentially deadly machine? https://media.giphy.com/media/Zv6Apawffpa2k/giphy.webp

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When you've been on the job for countless hours you begin to lose the sense of danger coming from the machine. Like for someone who's seeing this machine for the first time and all the shredding it can do, it looks obviously dangerous, But when you've been working the same old machine for so long you forget it's dangerous. It's kinda like that one guy who jumped out of a plane without a parachute because he'd done that jump hundreds of times already WITH a parachute so he lost all sense of the danger the activity posed.

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By being retarded. Not job fatigue. If anything you get better at avoiding danger. This accident was a combination of being retarded and a lapse in judgement.

If you jump out of a plane 1000 times, the odds are merely greater that the parachute will fail once. Same goes for heavy machinery and the aspect of human error.

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Exactly. And machines are not good or evil when they hurt you. I wonder if your comment will apply to AI in 10yrs

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made one simple sentence into a whole paragraph

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Don't know why ur getting downvoted. I agree, bro yapped

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Losing patience

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The lengths some people will go to get out of work

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If i had to do this to get out of work. I would just kill myself :marseywhelmed:

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Except there is no way he wants to get out of work. I'm sure he's sending money home to his family.

But at least he has now got one of the two main qualifications to be a pirate. All Mr. Peg Leg now has to do is poke one of his eyes out.

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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tf did he expect :marseyxd:

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He won't do that again

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Why, OHH why was it being recorded? Somebody new something........

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That farting sound 😭😭

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bro this the type of shit you see only in cartoons- my dude got his whole leg shredded off except for the bone. well done :nice:

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Why would you put your FOOT inside a thing that destroys everything? :marseyfacepalm:

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how do people record at just the right moments

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Imagine if these creatures actually had any morals and stopped recording to help. We'd have none of this amazing gore to watch. Cheers, creatures.

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Holy fuck

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That gentleman needs to file a Worker's Compensation claim right away.

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yeah that was very smart

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Put some neosporin on it and give it a few days.

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Looks like someone ate his flesh

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He still have the other one if he's still persistent in testing the theory

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looks like some false confidence and security thinking maybe the spinny bits were farther away. probably not helped by the fact that most farmers are always a bit buzzed to make the long hot days go by faster (trust me, i know) but either way it was pretty damn stupid even when you think of all those factors. like, dont foot a spinny shreddy bit.

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he let the intrusive thoughts win :marseydepressed: :marseydepressed: :marseydepressed:

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Well, that wasn't very wise.

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he was wearing red pants, but in the aftermath video he was wearing a blue one... Nice pants changing skills

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This might be the single most manipulative thing I've ever seen written in response to a comment of mine. You take literally every word I've written and write a whole paragraph for each sentence, ascribing some hidden meaning to my words, based solely on your own internal monologue.

You know why my statements were simple? Because they were. Face value. No deep subtext. You on the other hand, have chosen to edit a previous comment to try an excoriate my statements in a platform of your choosing - rather than discuss and defend the merit of your own bullshit.

You also spend quite a lot of time examining and excoriating my initial statement as somehow an attempt to preemptively put the onus on you for proof and dismiss you. I would like to remind everyone looking at this that I made that statement before you ever showed up here. I wasn't replying to you, I wasn't talking to you or about you, and you had yet to participate. There is literally no possible way for me to have any such motivation. I would have had to predict that you would reply, and what you would say, in order to attempt to do such a thing.

I can only conclude you're a narcissist and an abuser, because no one else would attempt to twist words to this extent, and write so much to try and dissect each individual sentence.

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Bro just fighting with himself over here

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Bot vs schizophrenia really hits!!💯

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Snappy? Do you need help?

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