Happy late 4th of july now enjoy idot mutilating his hand with a illegal firework with aftermath (teen warning)

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16885704865593402.webp Aftermath of his hand

context: from the look of it he used a jetty lighter that burnt the middle of the fuse so he didnt have time to throw it enjoyyyyy

if you report this you gay

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Why do humans make the same mistakes every single day even though we have the technology and information to prevent it?

Even if he put it on a surface and went to light it maybe that would have a better chance of less injury. I don’t understand. I don’t think he realized how bad his hand was at first or he was embarrassed.

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Consider the average human. They make a few mistakes here and there, probably have a passion or hobby, probably know some stuff. They're thoroughly average and don't really excel at anything, but don't suck at anything either.

Now consider that's smack in the middle at 50%. There's an entire 49% BELOW average who do dumb fuckin' shit like set fireworks off in their hands or run into traffic. There's a LOT of stupid people out there, but just because nature isn't taking them out via more natural means (predation, failure to find food / shelter, bad survival decisions) doesn't mean nature isn't always waiting to snatch up the idiots who speed, play with guns, climb heights without safety equipment or do general stupid shit.

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I light fireworks with those long BBQ lighters. You know, the common sense method. I don't want my hands anywhere near explosives.

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You have a functional brain

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Stay off the WPD screen lol

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I'm trying!

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<3 this site always has my head on a swivel. Good move though, even looney tunes characters light a long fuse

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It's not always the person's fault. Take me for example. Where I live it was windy and a friend of mine lit a firework and the wind tipped it over and a firework hit me in the face. I was burned and bleeding under my eye but it was fine.

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That wouldn’t fall under what I’m saying then lol accidents happen but some are so incredibly stupid and careless. I just don’t understand it. I’ve done stupid stuff myself but nothing with that brutal of a consequence lol

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as a dude we do dumb shit for fun that risk is part of the fun he just unfortunately it just went wrong for him

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I tried blowing up a dead raccoon with an explosive but I didn’t hold it and try to light it with a blow torch. You can still have fun and not be a total moron.

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:marseywheeze::marseywheeze: ok thats pretty funny this one time in mine craft i shot pellet rifle out my window at a a crow and got the cops called on me because im english

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☹️ I love crows

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i love birds too im a wildlife photographer in real life i was a stupid ass 14 year old and trust me i payed for that crow i dont think i hit it either

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That’s cool you’re a wildlife photographer now. Thanks for saying you didn’t hit it lol I love black birds especially. Ravens, crows, vultures.

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Crows are good people as my father used to say, they are smart and funny too.

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My goal one day is to make friends with a murder and have them bring me gifts in exchange for snacks

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then you might find these mildly interesting

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Thanks for sharing I love them

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Why do humans make the same mistakes every single :marseykiwimom: day even though we have the technology :marseyunabomberdevil: and information to prevent it?

because it would :marseymid: have been so awesome if he pulled it off

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