Man is badly beaten, maimed and gets his fingers broken.

long vid, takes a time to load

If i remember correct this was at the start of the war and the russians got this guy cause he was frustrating russian activities. Not sure about it tough, if anybody has some more info that would be appreciated.

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"I am blah blah blah born blah blah at address/city. I apologize to my father named blah blah at address blah blah in city/apt#." Beater: "Do you understand why we're gonna beat your ass?" Victim "Yes I understand." Beating commences. Beater: "Are you gonna run your mouth/steal again?" (Not sure, sounds like it could be either one). Victim: "No." More beating. He then states the guy has to "work off" his debt. Victim acknowledges a debt is owed (he stole something) so they continue beating his ass. Asks him if he supports Russia or Ukraine, he says Russia. Later ask him if he wants to end it here, he says no, then threatens to kill him with knife. Threatens family. Carves Z. Victim later says he apologizes either to his father or someone else and that he's gonna make things right with no fucks ups in the future. Before getting pissed on he says "what are you guys doing, we had an agreement!"

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My assessment is that he was a paid informant/spotter who took money but did not deliver on his "work" (this is the terminology they keep using) and therefore "stealing." At one point they talk about an amount of 27,000 which if Rubles equates to less than $500, which makes sense if he's a spotter. The main guy's uniform says FSB (Russian equivalent to something like if the FBI and CIA were merged together into one organization) but I find it unlikely he is legit FSB because there probably wouldn't be a video. Most likely a DPR soldier who are more easily able to get away with war crimes than Russian soldiers who are held to a higher standard.

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Thank you very much for your insights mate!

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irrelevant but: honestly he kinda cute

(is that disrespectful? sorry)

but hes a strong mf, hope he is alright now

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Yes, it’s a little fucked up to be saying that, but I’ve seen multiple dudes on here talk about how hot some dead chick is, or how sad or what a waste it is because they think a girls attractive, so it’s whatever. I guess it’s human nature to have more sympathy for good looking people. It’s not like any of these people will ever see any of our comments anyway.

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That's some seriously good content! I vote for an extra flair cat.!

@CLiTPEELER c'mon! Make me happy! <3

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If i should give a name, it would be "sportik", it's a distinctive style video like cartel for example.

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No audio? ;(

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Audio works on this side. Maybe try refreshing or check your volume levels?

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I didn’t have any audio, either.

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Are you on mobile? If so try desktop or different browser.

The upload contains audio, checked it multiple times.

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Yeah, I’m on mobile. I’ll try later on a pc.

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Both of my speakers are working, so it isn’t an issue with just one channel being muted.

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