Hunter lost an eye due to a deer, with aftermath.

In Polish horses, a deer ran out to meet a blogger hunter and kicked him in the eye with his horns.

В польских ебенях олень выбежал навстречу охотнику – блогеру и пизданул его рогами в глаз.

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erm actually thats a elk bull

and there just protecting there land

my freezer is filled with deer

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Love to see the hunted win

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Nah, fuck deer. And I mean I honestly would hunt them to extinction if I could.

You'll see that I call people retarded pretty often. But when I say deer are retarded, I mean they're an inferior animal designed solely for hunting and killing and it makes me feel bad for retards that I call them both the same thing. Their survival instincts are near 0 and they kill themselves by their own actions just as often as they're hit by cars or hunters. They make the animal kingdom look bad because of how god damn mentally limited they are. I fucking despise deer, and I wish a slow, painful death to every single one. Even Bambi. Fuck you, Bambi.

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Ok, i guess you don't like deer...

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You could have replaced "deer" with "people" we know that's what you wanted to say.

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Nope. I hold very little hatred in my heart for actual people, despite the horrible shit I can say. But deer are fucking vile vermin.

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Yeah deer do be pretty stupid

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Why do you have to drag bambi in to this lmaoooo

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Maybe it’s because deer don’t know what cars are, because they’re wild animals.

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Grew up in a backwoods state. Can confirm that the entire deer thought process seems to be to wait by the road for hours until a car comes by and then they run right into it.

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I've had 3 incidents with deer. Every time they hit the car, not the other way around.

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As someone that has lived in super rural areas. Fuck deer.

They're absolutely terrifying. They make horrible noises. Their brains are non-existent so you can never predict what they're going to do. They can just stay in the woods and not interact with humans again for all I care. Absolute nightmare of an animal that people downplay because of how they freeze up.

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Another semi-rural resident, although this whole state is woods anyway. Total agreement with you both. Deer are the most retarded creatures that walk the earth and are nothing other than quadrupedal meat sacks that are frequently inexplicable road hazards.

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Genuinely curious, I’ve honestly never had deer in my suburban property (lol), but what exactly creates such negative feelings towards them? Other than being occasional roadblocks, what harm do they cause? It seems like they keep to themselves, unless a buck is being stalked like in the video? It seems like they’ve evolved to the point of simply being prey for the apex predator? Honestly want to know, I’ve only heard negative opinions towards deer on the movie “get out”, but that was literally an intentional parallel/allegory for black people in the movie.

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Just finished a comment bitching very similarly about them. Fuck deer.

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Does he know he’s supposed to shoot the deer?

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Oh dear... No more 3D vision for this guy

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*Oh deer!

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Shoulda pulled the trigger.

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Wouldn't have mattered. They don't die right away.

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but he would feel more manly

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Not true. Depends on what you shoot them with and shot placement. You can absolutely drop a deer instantly with a well placed shot with the right caliber.

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Was that rifle strong enough? The last hunting story i saw was with a bear, so already its different but he shot the bear with a .357 magnum with hollow points or something like that....and it just pissed the damn bear off! I figured rifles are stronger, but unless you shoot the target in the head, a lot of ppl dont even go down right away. Rememeber that post of the manic-bipolar dude getting shot in the chest MULTIPLE times, and until he eventually went down, it was like getting shot was just pissing him off, like getting a parking ticket. (Sorry for the long reply.)

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I can’t really tell what rifle this dude had. Looked like a shotgun but I’m not sure.

Bears are complicated. I would recommend 44 magnum, 50AE or if can’t get those then at least 10mm. That’s if you go with a pistol, which is not ideal for a bear, let alone a deer.

Ideally you want a rifle. I guarantee you that a 50cal shot would immediately take down both the bear and the deer if shoot in the thorax. I would actually bet you could kill both with one shot if they were standing one behind the other.

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I just googled it and holy christ!!! A .50 cal looks like it could shoot the moon! Do they make portable versions? I cant imagine you going hunting and lugging a tank-gun around. You make me want to buy a gun.

Like, out of excitement, that's not supposed to sound like a threat. I just want to be clear as possible.

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There isn’t much out there that can stop a .50 cal. There’s no armor you can buy against it and it goes through most bullet proof glass.

There’s a video of a dude on YouTube who had one of them blow up in his face. Dude almost died, he was lucky his dad was around and even luckier that he personally knew what to do. He plugged his jugular with his thumb.

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....guns can blow up in your face? I didnt know that.

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Oh yeah. You can have all kinds of malfunctions, some catastrophic. Most are usually caused by user error but sometimes the loads are too hot from the factory or they are loaded by an amateur at home.

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was thinking the same thing.

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Deer God, that looked painful!

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Lesson learned here: take a pair of safety goggles

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Jesse is that you?

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Lol get fucked nerd. How you taking a gun to a 1v1 with a deer and still losing, weak

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That was Buck wild

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No sympathy for hunters.

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Good, hunters are trash humans

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He want to be orochi doppo

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Deer for the win 🤘😂

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due to a "dear"

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What do you mean?:marseythinkorino::marseythumbsup:

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He got juked

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