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Post titles should include a description of what is happening in the video

This is a rule that we are actually going to start enforcing. We like to be as hands off as possible and occasionally we will just let things slide but there are too many low effort single/double word post titles happening.

There are many reasons for this. I will list a few just off the top of my head just to show that this isn't just some pointless arbitrary thing. First off, not everyone who visits this site wants to see all of the content. They would like to know what they are about to watch before they actually watch it. Second, it makes posts much easier to search for. We want to avoid recent reposts as much as possible and part of that is people actually being able to check before they post. I always do a quick keyword check before I post and obviously it helps tremendously if posts are titled properly. A third reason, the forum just looks better without a bunch of nondescript titles everywhere.

Hopefully this is not too much to ask. Thanks guys!

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I’m down for watching pretty much any kind of content, but I still want to know what I’m clicking on before I play it. There are also plenty of people who aren’t into all content, especially beheadings, and it’s pretty shitty to trick someone into watching something they don’t want to.

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ZeroK and BadShofer rn :marseydisintegrate:

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ZeroK was very cool about it in case anyone was wondering.

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1 word thread titles are lazy

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This is TOO much to ask for

I like to say one word and thats the title

Hurts my FEELINGS when I have to put EFFORT into my CONTENT

This was my TedTalk

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Good enough for TED X

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Or Ted 2

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Electric Boogaloo

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And clickbait words like 'shocking, horrifying, terrifying' should be banned in the title as well.

"Shocking footage shows terrified woman witness horrifying accident" is an example of this toss that needs to stop

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What???? Why?

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it's just filler words that literally can be removed and the title would still be perfectly fine (and shorter)

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This please. IM still trying to find that one russian video where the guy jumps off the stares onto the other guys arm and cant find shit because all i get is videos called... russian

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I only know this leg break video: https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/gore/post/9761/russian-guy-lets-his-friend-break

And one where a dude lets his buddy break his arm with a sledgehammer or baseball bat, I cant remember what exactly anymore 😂

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THATS IT THANK YOU SO MUCH AFX. This is why I love you <3 :marseylove: :@afxpat:

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You're welcome, buddy! 🤍😊:marseyembrace:

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It's not a Title if it's a Description...Those aren't interchangeable words.

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The title of the post can definitely be a description of what happens in the video. It's a very simple concept.

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That’s what the titles for… to be a short description of what the video is. What do you think the purpose of a title is, if it isn’t to tell you what you’re about to watch?

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oh man

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The new layout and background should be sent to military R&D for improving flashbangs.

Took 30 seconds for my sight to recover before I could sign in. 10/10 props to the artist!

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Talkin To Who?

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I do not watch any beheading videos so it really pisses me off when someone uploads a compilation that have decapitations in it with no warning.

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Definitely agree, I know I tend to stay away from any children or old people videos, so I appreciate the warning in advance if they are the subject of the video.

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This post is nice and descriptive. Any more descriptive and would have just puked on my keyboard the delicious HAGGIS I have been eating. It is a savory pudding containing sheep's pluck (heart, liver, and lungs) and cooked while encased in the animal's stomach. Since I was not feeling too fancy today, I topped it with some recently unearthed fermented fish sauce (Surströmming). The sauce actually tastes quite tame considering that it was buried by a Swede in the 16th century and it was found laying in the sun after the permafrost melted

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CLiTPEELER rn :marseydisintegrate:

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Damn... Well, so much for my shit posts

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I am actually a huge fan of this, due especially to point number one. I don't like the torture porn gory videos, and try to avoid them. It is impossible to figure out the content of a video titled "Ape Zombie Bushwoman gets roflpop in hoohawooha yippidippi" beforehand.

As a guy above me posted, describe what happens and add your unnecessary gibberish afterwards lol

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Most of those issues can be avoided by blocking the flairs you don't like.

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I never understood why we can’t have attractive titles, it’s not video archive site, it’s a forum to bring in traffic to every post and start conversations, even if they have been posted before.

Categorising Is your problem, we need more flairs… but not too many just like two more to be reasonable

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