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This site is becoming more and more edgy as the users increases

This place is one of the best "morbid curiosity" websites you can find, it's full of educational yet morbid videos and you can really spend so much time scrolling through these videos without knowing it, You gotta have to thank the developers and mods of this site for their hardwork.

When this site was still very young (It still is tbh) it has less users in it but they're pretty active and posting new stuff every hour, Commenters were very polite and respectful and they also do not make fun or make jokes about the people that are dying in these videos.

But as the time moves forward, Nothing can stay the same forever, Recently there has been many users in this site being edgy and making fun of people getting hurt and Not taking this stuff seriously and if we continue to do this, This site is gonna get in trouble like those other shock websites in the past.

But of course that doesn't mean it's bad for this site to have many users, I'm just saying that this site might become one of those websites that is full of edgy users that think it's fine to make fun of people dying and getting hurted.

The moderators are probably trying their best to take care of these trolls but there's just so many of them.

Thankyou for reading my rant.

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We are always going to be cracking down on edge. It comes with the territory. We won’t be removing every joke or everything someone may subjectively find disrespectful. We want people to be able to express themselves and voice their opinions. After all, respecting the first amendment is important if you believe that access to this content should be protected. However it’s also important to consider the stigma around this content and acknowledge that the fringe nature of the community can sometimes cause forums like this to devolve into something that paints us all in a negative light in the eyes of the public. This isn’t good for anyone. None of you should feel bad about being morbidly curious and we all have our own personal reasons for seeking out this content. It’s important yet sometimes can be difficult to maintain a balance In this regard. Rules to help with this problem:

  • Post titles need to be descriptive

  • No joke titles

  • No memes or reaction videos

  • No meme comments (shoes still on, did he died, etc)

  • No low effort edgeposting (the only potential humor is shock value)

  • No blatant/explicit racism or bigotry

How can you help? Speak up. Participate. Downvote. Report. Someone making an off color joke/comment or being “rude” is not really enough to warrant removal, but don’t be afraid to use the report function if you think a comment/post/user is in violation of the rules. Just don’t abuse it. From what I’ve observed, the downvotes and replies usually speak for themselves. Thanks for all the feedback.

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Yeah, been seeing a lot of cringey "YES, DOWNVOTE ME, I LOVE IT" types lately. Might as well just paste some text art of the joker while they're at it.

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Get a load of this society

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"This says a lot about society. And yet, we live in one."

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Downvote and report the idiots.

Do your part.

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I was just thinking this yesterday. Why are the edge lords always the most vocal? It's old and tiresome. It may be funny the first or second time you hear a joke, but for the most part they are just rehashed jokes that aren't funny.

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Because to them it's funny every single time. Six times, same joke in a row in the same hour, they're laughing and giggling away as they spam 'shoes on shoes off' on every clip of someone getting turned into human pasta sauce. Which is why it's so hard to keep track of. They find it unironically hilarious the 200+ time they've said it in a week.

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I get exactly what u mean. Like sometimes jokes are haha funny but majority of the time it's just someone trying to get a raise out of everyone. 99% of people i meet are very sweet !! but sometimes it's that odd person. U just gotta get used to it. Hope u r doing well 💪💪

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Yeah, I know what you mean. There were a disgusting number of racist comments on the video of those guys murdering that jogger with a shotgun

Is there a way to apply as a mod to help quash these edgelords?

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Half the comments have been reported already on that video. It's disgusting.

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I agree with everything said.

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Do you...concur? Is this... possibly... morbin' time?

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i don't worry about trolls. i worry about the day the owners decide to monetize and my screen becomes a porn cesspool.

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Thank you! I have never understood the insistence on raping of my eyeballs with PORN PORN PORN! WE'VE GOT ALL THE PORN! DID YOU SEE THIS POOOORN??? (straight porn at that, and I'm a lesbo so double-ugh)

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I think what you are saying is fair enough, but I am also noticing a lot of comments that are just making jokes about the situation, not necessarily laughing at the victim, being downvoted to oblivion when it never used to happen. It goes both ways. But it also comes with the territory regardless. Expand the mod team and establish clear rules (which has been done I believe) is the easiest solution.

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I think certain jokes that aren't demeaning to the victims are fine, and can remember making some of those jokes myself (so of course I'd think they're fine, right lol)

It's just the edgy 12 year olds that are going for shock factor that I wish would gain some creativity and actual humor.

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its the opposite

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Ik this is late, but thank you guys for your efforts. This site would be totally unbearable if it was just people cheering on for death and torture ..


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"Man dies in China and NOBODY CARES, WHAT A TERRIBLE COUNTRY" x100

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Like Jesus, we can even see these goofballs who reported the post. Way to out yourselves guys. Can we all remain mature? There's always a bunch of kids who come to these communities and fuck everything up.

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I have no idea what you are talking about, I haven't seen many "edge lords" around, but when I do, just ignore it, why take to heart, just chill out, let them write their comments, don't react (upvote/ downvote) and one day they will realise that nobody cares and that they are talking to themselves, just be natural, keep your head low.

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Friendly reminder that people with dumb or controversial opinions are not necessarily edgelords. The best thing we can all do for the community is to remember intent when we read commentary and participate. If you see something that doesn’t sit right with you- report the comment, vote, and / or reply.

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I like learning about all the human Body's any comment I make is bot too seriously me.

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It’s crazy to me that people try to make edgy comments when it could be their father, brother, sister, or friend in the video. Karma is real. They’re making fun of something on the internet, not knowing that it could have been them posted on this site.

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Completely agree, thank you for this reminder to the community :))

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Let’s be honest. It’s getting really fucking old seeing adult men talk like pussies.

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I agree

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The way I look at it, without bad people, we can’t appreciate good people

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While I agree with you, I'd be lying if i haven't said (Close) to stuff like this, Shit, I only comment and most of my comments are Small jokes based of the video, I definitely agree with you with certain users who are just edgy to be edgy (He Totally Deserved It,Etc) And to be Racist and stuff like that need to be taken down, Not Someone cracking a small joke, People being Overly Edgy/Racist.

Sorry If I Repeated Myself...

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I mean, this kind of subject matter is always going to be a magnet for those kinds of people. It's nothing new.

It's just whatever. I don't even notice it anymore.

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this guy said morb

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I’m triggered

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No tho

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www.reddit.com is that a-way 👉

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Your pretty stupid guy this long rant for nothing ur anger should be directed at whoever filmed all these murders, accidents and/or uploaded with no remorse for the grieving families not the people that stumbled upon the video one night

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Eat a dick whinny liittle bitches go back to reddit where soft people like you get everything banned

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Did you try and tell me to eat a dick as an insult? Might wanna look at my user name lol

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I was suppose to guess your sexuality by your username?

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The one that says "GayRei"? I think you could have made an assumption lol

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Even if i did read screennames before talking shit ur name could mean anything and

Name could be male or female too

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You only got me on the unisex name lol

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Gay means happy by definition... you cant be happy rei ? Im supposed to just assume its chode slapping rei ?

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More comments

just ignore them. Nothing else to do

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add means to block users.

This is the adult response but the issue with this site is that it was born out if vile reddit so most members are stained with that sites brainwashing.

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Buddy you’re on a site whose only purpose is for people to spend their free time watching strangers suffer and die for their own sick amusement, and you’re pearl-clutching about edginess? You have an account here! You have hung around enough to make assessments about a tonal shift in the commentary here! It is literally impossible to be edgier than you already are! :marseybrainlet:

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What you have described is the stereotype of people who watch this content, and the sentiment of a lot of the people here is that they don't want to be portrayed like that. Many of us are simply morbidly curious and do not derive pleasure or amusement from these videos.

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Your brain is broken

Full stop


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Apology accepted. Good day to you.

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atta fella. That's how you defuse most of the trolls anyways to be honest. Just give them curt answers and don't play along

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Haha I do not mind playing along sometimes but I keep it light-hearted

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Reported by:
  • SmallGay : This person is here specifically to cause problems and think we're "sick". Why let them stay?

You’ve commented 88 times on videos of people dying in under a month. That is more than two deaths per day that you’ve felt the need to spend your free time watching and then offering your input on. You are not healthy.

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I know, I'm so ashamed of myself. Aren't I just terrible? Goodness. Fuck me.

Welp, life goes on. Have a good day sport

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Is that 'fuck me' an invitation?


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Sure thing, but my ass is a one way street. Anything else goes

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Capanthianflorist- "Heh, what a fuckin loser. I only spend TEN MINUTES on here and then leave. Therefore, I'm superior in how I spend my leisure time. Checkmate, queefs :platythink::platythink::platythink::platythink::platythink::platythink::platythink::platythink::platythink::platythink:"

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Lol exactly

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? I don’t use this site lol I had a normal upbringing free of molestation

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Yes you do, and no you didn't

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i swear it's all fat girls

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You edited your comment. Don't be a pussy.

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No I didn’t?

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Says the one that also has a account here

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there is nothing wrong with edgy users

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