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wtf is that site

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Backstory: People were making racist/edgelordy/needlessly inflammatory comments on videos & got (very rightfully) banned/downvoted into oblivion.

Now their feelings are hurt & they made....whatever that is in order to (I assume) hurt our feelings (somehow)

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people need to get lives fr

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This is what I hate about this young generation. Everyone is so soft. People get offended over anything

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How could they do this!!?? :marseydisgust:

Edgelords I can take, but making fun of us is crossing the line!

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Lol I just went over there and the site is a mess.

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It’s like they took everything that makes our site nice and cozy and turned it retarded and gay

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is gay bad

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Of course.

Or put it this way%

Is exinction good? You dont get another generation by masturbation son.

Have you considered that pro gay ideology was pushed upon your generation by those who wish you harm?

I bet not

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it's not "others wishing harm upon me" because sex and love is a major no no for me

anyways i'd like to stop talking to you now and watch people get crushed by elevators

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Im sorry no one one loved you enough to intervene .

Best of luck to you.

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nah, they love me

guess youre brainwashed

tell me

what's god say about homosexuals

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the worst tbh

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um why

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This person is from that site & has posted this here to make us aware that they're (trying poorly) to make fun of us.

They're even using another user's name (the real carpathianflorist commented below)

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fym why

you some kinda cute twink or what

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Hey I think I just made a connection

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ehe. what's up with the "hi, there a concerned user reached out to us about you" ?

is this because i asked you why gay is bad??

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I am big boy ;)

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well not really?? i'm aromantic and asexual so i don't like anyone in any romantic or sexual way

is that acceptable for you

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I knew a guy you.

But his condition was abreathing .

He went and got help.

Why haven't you?

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probably because i'm a woman

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Well considering asexuality doesnt exist in humans idk why youre saying that, its never been proven and never will be. The lgbt make up stuff all the time doesnt make it a reality. Gotta remember theres zero scientific evidence that backs the lgbt, just theories that havent been proven even in 70 years with the scientific advancements that have happened. Really wish they wouldnt let the lgbt community keep making shit up and forcing people to play along in their fairy tales. Yall hate when religious people shove their false beliefs down your throat yet the lgbt is allowed to for some reason?

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i'm sorry, you don't understand what asexuality is? and besides the fact you're having a forever delusion that asexuality doesn't exist.

since you're too blinded by all the death on this site, i'll explain. i'm asexual. i don't like sex. sex is a big fat no for me. then there's aromantic. oh boy and girl? girl and girl? boy and boy? enby and enby? etc? okay, that's for them. no for me, no dates, no love, no sex. no relationship neither. makes sense, i'm mostly an introvert and like to keep to myself anyways. okay, now go away and shut up the fact that it doesn't exist to you, great! bye, off to see more people death!

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who is this account and how did he steal my name?

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What in the fuck

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Banned for impersonation lmaoo

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How rude

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I love funny meta stuff! Lol based and bussypilled amiright?


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Don't feed the trolls.

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why not

they stole from us

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Don't let them steal our thunder too.

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i think a lawsuit would take care of things

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"But they did it first!"

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I miss mmc

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Despite the two websites running on the same code , some how rDrama still manages to look like greasy shit

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The amount of bigotry inside is... Wow. They complain we are wired wrong for watching the stuff we watch, which I mean, fair, morbid curiosity dragged all of us to this point and we didn't did much to stop it, but the numbers of self-entitlement and t-slur spam in that comment box is astonishing. Really, they call us immature despite their irrational obsession on throwing crap to all 8 directions.

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Not to mention every mfers signature has something to do with cum or jerking off yet we are immature, immoral, and weird lmfao they make as much sense as reddit purging gore but allow vids of mfers eating bowls of cereal with cum instead of milk and endless subreddits for any and every type of porn but reddit says no gore allowed cause we have standards durrrrrr :marseydead:

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I hope that is hyperbole

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Which part the cum instead of milk with cereal?

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Haha yes exactly that

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Kinda weird to compare gore to bizarre kinks but I get your point lol

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How is that its all content that is nsfw seeing violence or porn it doesnt matter its both or none in my opinion you cant allow one to exist without the other if u ask me cause if ur gonna frown and be morally upstanding u cant pick and choose

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I'm really confused, there's an imposter in this thread, the thread in the link has @IAmMrPositive as the top comment, and that site has older posts than this one, so it appears that site is older so how did they steal WPD's code?

Obviously something fucky is happening, can someone just explain, I'm genuinely confused.

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Alright, so

https://watchpeopledie.tv/@carpathianflorist this is the orginal user

https://watchpeopledie.tv/@carpathianfIorist/comments this is the imposter

Both were made on different dates thus very easy to tell which is a fake

How they managed to get the name was replacing replacing the L in florist with an I, hence getting fIorist instead of florist. You can tell by comparing the heights. The small L is higher than the capital I.

2.The OP is wrong about rDrama stealing our code. Watchpeopledie is the brother/sister site, which is why the layout and code is similar. Even the mascot is the same

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Thank you!

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However I could not figure out about IAmMrPositve. It could be an imposter on that site but I could be wrong

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I came here because I wanted to say this. That site has existed since before I joined this one. In fact, they used to link to each other in the top right sidebar. At first I thought it was some kind of sister site, or at least a site under the same "family", whatever that means. I ignored it and forgot about it. Those links seem to have disappeared a few weeks ago, and then now, this post pops up.

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Is the whole website just an incel circle jerk? I just see a bunch of slurs and LGBTQ hate? I'm lost.

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Lol. The top comment is talking about the Golden Rule. That commenter must’ve forgotten that they’re angry over something as trivial as being downvoted for comments that are pointless & empty, in addition to being annoyingly similar to the bullshit you’d hear in a Halo lobby full of 13 year old boys in 2005.

They want to spout bigoted edgelord nonsense without consequence, which is why they’re too frightened to post it on Facebook or Twitter (and get permabanned).

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Pretentious fucks get together to talk about pretentious fucks. Where did all these Reddit cunts come from?

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i love the comments saying we get numb to this stuff and need to move on to “harder” stuff like cp to get our “kicks”

like ok sweaty nobody’s jerking off to this shit (i fuckin hope) nor is watching it everyday disturbing. i mean sure, actively searching for gore and suicide etc. 24/7 might not mean you’re in the best place mentally but it’s just like going on reddit. app routine make brain go brr

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The way that site is built…… so much shit on the screen you have to wonder if only the autistic are allowed to post there.

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Calling something neurodivergent is similarly bad as calling something "ret*rded". You're just implying neurodivergent is wrong or stupid in some way. Btw, anyone with any mental condition is considered neurodivergent, that includes things as simple as depression. Depressed people are neurodivergent.

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Every time I say autistic you should take a shot of your own cum, autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic autistic

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Just letting you know how ignorant you sound 🤷‍♂️

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guys, it's always the same thing: there is a gore site, there will be people who are bothered. there is the deep web, there will be troubled people. there is YouTube, there will be troubled people. Anyway, whatever is good (or bad), anyway there will be idiotic critics. Just pretend we didn't see it and move on with life

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Admins help

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I don't care what they think or say. I'm not going to stop watching these videos anytime soon.

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... oh well.

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Why they put so much effort into a troll?

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that website genuinely looks like shit, i think homophobic losers are obsessed with shitty ui and opinions, i smell the grease

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Why is there bugs all over my screen

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wtf man

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