Reminder: animal abuse is banned here! :marseydomesticabuse: :marseyprotestno:

Yes, we know what the cat blender video is. No, we don't want it here. We've had to ban like 5 people (including a semi-regular) just today for posting it.

Stop fucking posting animal abuse you retards. Stop asking for it as well. I am seething, and I cannot cope. Stop being retards thanks bye :#marseybye:

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Why ban? If you're on a gore site and you see a flair literally called "animal" why would you not think it's okay to post animals dying? You have to take in consideration that like over 50% of people are not going to read the rules of any website they go to, ever.

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I understand not allowing animal death content as just a policy but really?

>The type of person that goes out of their way to post that kind of content is not the kind of person I'm comfortable with having on this site.

Moralstragging about it is just a bit silly when you're doing it here of all places.

Necrophiles, sadists, and degenerates of all kind are fine, but if you like ANIMAL torture specifically, that's where I get uncomfortable!

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Necrophiles, sadists, and degenerates of all kind are fine, but if you like ANIMAL torture specifically, that's where I get uncomfortable!

I'd even agree, but the first part of this sentence isn't true. The only reason for which this typical WPD content is usually not so frowned upon is the amount of explanations people give about why they even watch it, or why may someone watch it. They can't apply the same reason to animals, mostly. And even if they do - that's often misinterpreted. Which doesn't surprise me, not every explanation given is true, no matter human or animal video.

But this is all as long as someone can find a 'acceptable' explanation (or don't care at all), not seeing any second bottom. '[...] are fine' - this doesn't match people's reactions to certain requests. Being specific? Bad. Being specific and that's women content request? Even worse. People are used to other users joking in a way sounding like they're necrophiles, sadists, and degenerates of all kind.

When you think about these seriously being ones - that suddenly changes. That's the type 'that Redditors think gore communities consist of', but that's not true, right? We're all curious, or have personal problems...? Right...? No, fucking not right. WPD userbase is on average more tolerant of this, but 'degenerates of all kind' aren't 100% fine here. And the reason why these focusing on animals can't have their fav content here, and we can have is: our content is legal to host in US, animal torture isn't :marseypeace:

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Dude! If watching animals get tortured is your jam, then go and start your own site that’s all about watching animals get killed. There you’ll be free to watch dolphins get slaughtered or elephants hunted for their tusks or dogs euthanized— whatever sub-genre suits your fancy. I’m willing to bet you won’t get much traffic.

There’s a reason why you’ll never see an animal get needlessly killed in a Hollywood movie or TV show, yet the human death toll in any action movie is in the hundreds. It’s because nobody wants to see that shit. Can I, or anyone else, explain why that’s the case? Probably not. I don’t know why I’m ok seeing humans get killed in movies, but not animals, but that’s the case for 99% of the population. Maybe it’s because from the time an animal is born until the time it dies, it remains innocent, unlike us. Animals leave us alone, and yet we destroy their habitats and drive them to extinction. Killing then for food is one thing, but needlessly killing them just so some fat asshole can have a stuffed head on his wall so he can somehow think of himself as a tough guy, is another.

So just shut up and don’t post videos of animals.

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>I’m willing to bet you won’t get much traffic.

There is a market for animal abuse though, unfortunately. South East Asians specifically seem to love torturing baby monkeys, I've seen a lot of those videos being spammed.

Also the rest of your post is just gay PETA drivel. Animals kill humans and genocide other species all the time, stfu about animals "leaving us alone".

"it remains innocent"

>crocodile casually murders and tears apart other animals and humans for sport

>so innocent!

>ape mauls and scalps you for looking at it the wrong way

>so innocent!

>human shoots deer and eats it, keeps head as a trophy


God, you are fucking gay.

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wtf an internet admin with morals?

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Right. I think this website is best for human on human interactions (accidents, attacks and even justice etc) for education and whatever but the only animal abusers we need to see here are the ones being flayed.

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