Email verification is down

Thank you for all the reports :marseyschizotwitch:

I believe this is because of the recent migration to a new primary server and the email verification was overlooked and the process itself is still pointing at a location on the formerly-primary server, which is now on the new primary server in a different location. I don't know though. But that seems to have been the case with a number of other things so this will be sorted out kinda soonish.

Once it's fixed I'll reply to all of you who have and continue to send me dms letting me know that it isn't working. Everything is breaking with the move and we've never utilized multiple servers before and there's a lot going on rn and aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm sorry :marseydisintegrate:


My inbox and Discord DMs are a deluge of bug reports of videos not loading over the last 10 days or so. We have nearly half a million users and serve tens of millions of requests per month, and the traffic was again becoming overwhelming.

And so we have finished setting up a new server and migrating everything :star: All issues should be resolved now. Please report any further wonkiness or latency issues here.

And, as always, a reminder that WPD runs on a mix of donations (with loads of perks!) and out of pocket expenses. If you'd like to help fund WPD's continued growth and dominance of the gore scene, or if you just want cool digital shit, please do consider donating:

I'm still out of town until Sundayish. Sorry for the lack of comms about this, it's been very time-consuming. Everything should be GREAT now.

Bug with the rainbow award and filter: drop-shadow

If you have rainbow text and try to add a drop shadow like this blach

it wont load but still shows up if you highlight it @CLiTPEELER @Aevann -Loads fine once done -What happens when you post with filter -The filters I used. Doesn't even work with 1.

Can the page system be tweaked at all?

Been noticing that when you go to the next page, at least 50% of the next page is the content from the previous page.

Was just wondering if it could get tweaked at all, to at the very least reduce it. It's rather annoying at times.

How do I submit my work?


/There is a block on the site where various WPD related attributes/memes show up randomly when the page refreshes.

I've done my WPD related work and want to know who can I write to so that it appears there?

Casinos frozen up again - fyi

Casino frozen up.

Poor mode was removed?

Random shit flying on the screen again. Can't find poor mode option anymore.

I'm here to watch gore, not some amateur CSS/Javascript animations you jerk off to

Multiple Accounts Doing Actions Like This Need To Be Tar And Feathered (12000 mass downvotes from 1 user)


How to view a profile without the CSS. (TLDR add: ?nocss=a at the end url)

It's in the title but simply add ?nocss=a at the end of the url! BAM no css on that profile and now you wont fucking die if you look at mine lmao. Have a good day WPD AND DRINK WATER!


why are all my videos on the site loading so slowly!! it takes me 2 minutes to watch a 30 second video with all the buffering my connection is 580mbs download and 34mbs upload. please help me!!

Uploading issues fixed. I think. I hope.

Please let me know if you’re still getting errors when trying to upload. I need:

  • What the error says

  • Your operating system

  • Your browser

  • Ideally versions of both of these as well

  • The filetype

  • The size of the file

The final three aren’t vital, but they’re a big help all the same.

But I’m hoping it’s fixed now so this thread is about nothing. Let’s find out!

Rule #5 - Post targetting the new posters

Hello folks!

As everyone has noticed, the number of registered users of the site is growing a lot day by day, and so is the number of posters.

Lately the rule #5 isn't being followed, most of the time by new users.

The rule #5 says:

"- Titles should be as descriptive as possible.

  • Additional context, images, or sources are always encouraged and appreciated. No joke titles please.

  • If there is a child hurt or killed, please put 'Child Warning' in the title."

>No joke titles please.

Post titles are becoming less and less descriptive and the number of posts with jokes in the title has increased a lot.

You can make a joke in the title, but at the same time you need to describe what happens in the video. You can mix it.

"But why is this important?"

It help us to find a vídeo quickly. It's getting harder and harder to find posts to report a repost, and we don't want The same vídeo being posted 3, 4 times per day, do we?

Thanks for your attention.

I'm leaving The WPD's Rules for those who still don't know them.

Flair for gym accident please

I can watch people get beheaded and shot and crushed but gym accidents make me want to puke for some ungodly reason. I would like to block that entire category if I can

Why do I not have any upvote buttons?

For a while now I have only had a downvote button, but no upvote button. Pressing at that general area doesn’t do anything either. However, I can downvote posts just fine. Is there a way for me to get my upvote button back?

Currency n stuff

How does one acquire currency on here?

I'm a n00b here but used to watch wpd on Reddit. (Plz be nice x)

Everybody's posts are posting twice

Everybody'sposts are double posting.


Double posting


Award's price increased too much

From 200 to 500 coins?

Geez, inflation hit us hard.

Admins reading this:

(Yeah, we know The coins aren't real money)


As we all know, WPD is very accepting and has allowed all different types of people to reside here. Some of those people want to engage in a variety of topics and some of those people are strictly here for gore. There's nothing wrong with either! But there is also a special group of people who only want to watch gore and are incapable of blocking sections they don't want to see. Maybe it's a physical condition, maybe it's mental, who knows and who cares. We aren't here to judge our disabled friends. This is WPD where everyone is welcome to participate (in accordance with the rules).

In honor of our disabled users I'd like to suggest a great big "GORE ONLY" button placed at the very top of the sidebar. This way the people who want to watch gore and don't have the capacity to block a whopping 5 different sections can safely engage with this sites content. We can make the button a neutral color for the colorblind, make it clickable with both the left and right hand, add some braille for our blind friends, and finally give it a pleasant flavor because let's face it, most of these people are going to be licking it anyway.

Everyone will be happy and we wont need hourly discussions on how people are tired of seeing sections they don't want to see.

Anyone else miss the "Videos Require Someone Dying" rule?

All these irrelevant, off topic posts of non death videos have been dominating this site in the past few months it feels like. There's plenty of other avenues to watch fight videos and other random shit that doesn't fit the literal site name. Am I the only one annoyed by this?

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