My banner got removed :marseygunshotsuicide:


WPD has just undergone a massive upgrade :star:

After the surreal debacle with our stupid ugly fat bitch previous host that took the site offline for 12 hours and 53 minutes, we have now fully relocated to a brand new host. This one is much more robust, they’ve upgraded our servers over 16x what we were previously running, and they say that the only complaints they’ll accept are from the dead people in our videos. So if a corpse complains, they will forward this complaint to us to handle. We will either comply if it has merit, or I guess call in an exorcist.

WPD is just shy of 50,000 members and continues to explode in popularity. This is about as trite a thing to say as possible, but I mean this sincerely: thank you for using this shithole. We’ll continue to improve both WPD’s functionality and content and, above all else, continue to add retarded optional features like the hats, casino, Fartmode, etc.

And thank you again for bearing with us these past 40 hours or so while we dealt with the previous host and migrated to our new home.

I think we’ve sorted out all bugs caused by the migration. The admin panel is restored, chat works again, as far as I can tell, everything is up and running. If you run into any issues, please post them here, or just ping me.

I love you.
xoxo clitpeeler 💋

Question To The Developers: Coin / Marseybux-Counter On Mobile-Casino :marseyluckycat:

Would adding such counter be possible for mobile, because I always like to keep track of my current coin/mb status, without switching to my profile and back.

Would be a nice "Quality Of Life" update, if possible. :marseyemojismilemouth:

Good morning. We're back online. Sorry about that.

So. The site was just taken offline by our host for 12 hours and 53 minutes.


A Swiss-Frenchman sent a single-line email to the wrong company, saying we host content that is illegal under US law (videos of people dying).

This company then forwarded that email to our host.

Rather than investigating this in any way, our host immediately took the site offline and locked us out of the server.

They then told us that we need to remove all content that is illegal in the US. To clarify, they said that we need to remove people dying from WatchPeopleDie.

We replied that videos of people dying are NOT illegal under US law. We cited relevant caselaw and precedent.

The actual company is likely out of the office, since this was around 1am their time, so the "Adam" we were dealing with spoke poor English and just repeated himself: "take illegal content down to come back."

We told them "okay, the illegal content is taken down."

"Adam from America" then said "How? I lock you out. You can't take down. Please explain steps how you take down."

We then emailed the piece of shit who emailed the wrong company explaining that it is not illegal and cited laws to him.

He replied and said "oops, sorry for shutting down your business for 12 hours because I have nothing else going on in my life. My bad."

We then forwarded a screenshot of this email to "Adam" at our host who, apparently, decided that a screenshot of an email is sufficient proof of what American law is (after he had previously determined that actual American law citations are insufficient proof), which we had already cited at him.

And now we're back online.

How will this be prevented in the future?

Well, we won't be relying on this fucking host anymore since they're apparently chomping at the bit to arbitrarily violate their service agreement with us based on a single line email from a foreign country to another company. In the meantime, we are setting up a fairly simple reverse proxy host with a more competent company who will actually, you know, look into complaints, rather than just immediately shut down the site without any investigation, notice, or communication whatsoever. We'll be setting up a few of these actually, just in case one shits the bed like our current host.

This will (probably) never happen again. But I'm not willing to say that completely, because as this episode shows, there is truly no bottom to the depths of human stupidity.


I don't know. I'm exhausted and I've been up pretty much all night. I'm sending everyone 1000 coins with a link to this thread just to ensure it gets seen. None of this was anyone's fault but our host's, but I feel genuinely guilty about it and I'm really sorry for the outage. Utter lunacy, start to finish. I'll post the full logs in the future if we ever fully cut ties with this joke of a company, both my customer support ticket last night (Clit: Hey, I don't have login credentials for our server right now, but can you just tell me if there are any known general service outages? "Jen": Sir yes I can help you but please login. "Jen": Sir I am pleasing you to login for help?), and the clownshow with "Adam" all this morning. It's the most kafkaesque insanity I've ever seen.


In closing: Fuck Switzerland, fuck the Swiss, fuck France, fuck the French, fuck Europe, fuck the EU, fuck tech companies, fuck customer service employees, and fuck censorship.

I love you.
xoxo clitpeeler 💋


So I’m sick of looking at that hideous brick wall someone made so long ago. I made a new banner. And it will now cycle between these two banners at random.

That’s also boring and gay. Two banners? Boring. Gay. No fun. Not straight. And so on and so forth.

And so I’m opening banner submissions to all of you strange and lovely people. You can even submit them if you’re not strange and lovely. It’s okay. All banners are welcome here. You’ll be given a slick Banner Artist profile badge if approved.

They don’t have to be morbid. They can be cute. Funny. Filled with Marseys. Flamboyantly homosexual. I don’t care. Just make sure they say WatchPeopleDie or WPD or at least reference the site or whatever.


Animation is okay if you’d like, just make sure filesize is under 1mb when compressed to webp.

1200x146 are the dimensions

ps hi :marseywave:


I just shit out a few on lunch, anything to bury that disgusting brick wall




Big ups to @CursedDANKmemes for the first user-generated banner:


How do turn off this shit

How the fuck do I disable the fart noise everytime I open a page this shit is fucking annoying.

Reminder that videos with no death belong in /h/gore

This goes out to a specific user but everyone else should read this too. Rule 3 applies to every flair except social, music, discussion and gore. If there is no death, do NOT post it under anything but gore.

And then an extra reminder here, you can block flairs so if you only want to see death, you can block gore, social, music and discussion :marseyfluffy:

How to summon carp?


On my phone this site works fine for like a few videos then it will suddenly stop working and the videos will just turn grey and not load at all, very irritating

--- 3x 4000 COINS GIVEAWAY ---:marseyagreefast: CLOSED winners in the description

--- 3x 4000 COINS GIVEAWAY ---

Winners of the giveaway





Love :marseylove:, Dr.Phil


Reported by:

The spinning tail marley is mildly inconvenient at best, but yea. Can't see the sense of that tag existing and why some people choose to add it.


It leads to which says Page Not Found


after chat has decided. what do we have to do to get marsey merch and stickers? also we can use this thread to make suggestions to the site and the god-tier devs to hopefully integrate.


General Stats:

Traffic Stats (30 days):
Note: Due to an infrastructure migration on August 24th, statistics for the period August 4–24th were lost.



Google Search Interest:

![](/images/16624632589784513.webp) Warrant Canary, August 2022 — For the Period 2022-08-01 to 2022-09-01

National Security Letters: 0
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court: 0
Gag Orders Under 18 USC § 2705(b): 0

DMCA Takedown Notices — Received 0: Complied 0, Counter-Noticed 0

Over this period, no warrants were served to, or principals or agents, or site administrators. No searches or seizures of any kind were performed on assets over this period.


---An incentive to reports---

--> Hi everyone, I hope you are well. I'm here to talk about the report with all of you. I'm not here to be an idiot and explain the obvious, but lately the report has become a more powerful tool than any other tool here in the community.

Thanks to the report, we managed to moderate a lot of stupid and non-sense content that goes unnoticed by us (given the large number of posts and comments). I would say the report is a moderation tool made for users. When I enter the site, I always try to start moderating through reports and then through other sectors.

We can't help but say that idiotic reports will not be taken into account, and will be deleted without anything being done. This includes:

• Reports without comments (this varies depending on the situation);

• Reports in situations where you don't categorize something that will hurt the forum (taking the ethical concept, we have a basis on the level of aggression imposed in comments by evil minds. If it's something simple to solve or that doesn't result in something serious, or even if it's a controversial opinion of a member, the comment / post will not be removed. Otherwise, we will take administrative action against the member);

and lastly...

• Report something just because you didn't like it. I have gotten several reports like this. If you didn't like a post, leave your downvote and keep scrolling down. Report is a tool that is used when something is out of the ordinary, something that needs the intervention of moderation, or some alert to some other member, warning about the video in question. We should use this tool with moderation and caution, Always keeping in mind that other more important things need to be reviewed.



--> The reporting tool has been very helpful in identifying reposts. I also wanted to get into this issue with you. Reposts are only deleted if the original post is less than 1 MONTH POSTED. Otherwise, posting is allowed. I know that we have a small counter-proposal from the members stating that this time should be longer and we are looking at the best way to debate this.


--> If you have identified a repost, you can report it as a repost, BUT ALWAYS REPORT WITH THE ORIGINAL POST LINK. If the REPORT does not have the ORIGINAL POST LINK for us to analyze, we will find the COMMENTS section of the REPORTED POST to see if we can find any links to the ORIGINAL POST.


Other than that, that's all :)

Purely illustrative video to engage the post

Walk in the shadows

Shut the fuck up about politics :marseybrainlet:

Some of you fucks make videos that aren't in the USA about American politics fuck you go kill yourself dumb ass fucks :marseykys2:

I want to see gore not some political bullshit save your conspiracy theories for Reddit and I don't fucking care if u don't like abortion suck it the fuck up



I keep thinking about this and been researching academic literature about the topic but so far no dice.

Stat chart for last month

Lookin good :marseythumbsup:


How is it free? lol

Looking for ms pacman video

I have been looking for the ms pacman video I've seen it here before I just can't remember the name of the video

[admin] On the future of WPD

Hi again! I'm back with another update! This one comes in two parts.

Part I: Existential Threat

First and foremost, we need to have a frank discussion. has been live since April 26th of this year - it's been four months as of two days ago, and we're rapidly approaching 40,000 users. We serve several terabytes of data per month. By comparison, our first project - - only has about 15,000 users, despite being 15 months old. That's fucking awesome. WPD is growing incredibly. But this brings us to the crux of this post:

This is becoming increasingly onerous to pay for out of pocket. Talking about money is deeply unfashionable, I know, but the plain and simple of it is that we can't keep doing this, especially with the current rate of growth. And we would very much like WPD to continue to grow.

We will never serve ads. We will never hijack your browser to mine crypto. We will never paywall ANYTHING AT ALL.

That said, we are opening purely voluntary donations and giving those who choose to help WPD continue to survive and thrive some neat little perks. These will never be anything resembling "pay to win" or whatever. Non-paying users will NEVER be throttled or anything. This is PURELY VOLUNTARY for those who WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE.

We've chosen to use Gumroad for this, because Patreon is run by censorious cowards and we are never giving them another dime. Gumroad is much more open to controversial content and has even been hosting Sam Hyde for years without issue. Gumroad rules.

If you would like to support WPD, go here - and choose a tier.

Benefits include things like a monthly Marseybux stipend (same as the coins - used for fun digital shop items (i.e. profile upgrades to make you unblockable, not able to be unfollowed, etc., and the huge variety of cheeky "awards" available), a colored name background, a sick beside-username icon of the tier (Victim, Corpse, Zombie, Ghost or Survivor) showing that you're an objectively wonderful person and morally superior to every other user, signatures, and more.

Seriously, just go to the link and have a look at the tiers. Even $5 gets you a shitload of cool stuff. **If you do donate, remember to link your Gumroad here to claim your nifty perks). Top of the page. You literally can’t miss it.

That said, WPD is not going to collapse or shut down if it doesn't meet hosting costs from donations. That's not even a possibility. It'll just become more and more obnoxious to fund out of pocket and you'll likely see your webmaster in an OC video here getting shot as he tries to rob a 7/11 to pay our webhost.

Part II: Something For Everyone

In lighter news, we're deploying two experimental categories - /h/Social and /h/Music - to try and provide a more robust WPD experience for those who want it that extends beyond just bingeing videos of people dying. Post to /h/Social about anything and everything you want - doesn't need to be death, gore, pain, doesn't even need to be media at all. Sports, art, programming nonsense, memes, drunken rants, emotional outbursts, politics, I don't care - get to know your fellow snuff enthusiasts before their manifestos come out. /h/Music is what it sounds like - since I assume huge swaths of the userbase enjoy much of the same music, it seemed like an ideal starting point for another category and like it would be beneficial to have to avoid shitting up /h/Social with music recommendations and whatever.

If you'd like to keep your death and gore site experience free of mindless chatter, you are strongly encouraged to just click the "Hide Posts in main feed" button at the top of /h/Social and /h/Music. Then you won't see their content at all.

This is just trying out a new concept. If people enjoy it, we can expand upon it later. But for now, just a trial run.

Part III: Upcoming Features

  • More chat improvements are coming in the near future. What would you like to see? We resolved the issue with multiquotes taking up enormous chunks of screen real estate, and the iOS compatibility issue. What now? What would you like added to, or removed from, or changed about chat?

  • For those who enjoy the gambling features, you won't need to comment !blackjackXXX or !slotsYYY anymore. For those who get annoyed at gambling comments shitting up their threads, that also won't be an issue for much longer. There will be a very cute, very cool dedicated casino page soon, and we'll be adding a bunch of shit to it as time goes on.

  • Rumble integration is in the works. Not really a priority, since as far as I know, Rumble doesn't host much gore/death content, but it'll be done soon just in case.

Suggestions and requests for features and changes are always welcome and encouraged (unless they're terrible), so if you have anything you'd like, please do let me know. Regardless of how retarded it is, so long as it's fun. Seriously. I have a button I can press in the admin panel to make every thread every user views play a fart noise when loaded. Hit me with things you'd like to see and if they're fun ideas, they'll likely be added. Unless they're a ton of work, then it's iffy, because no one likes that.

That's all for now, have a great week!

I love you.

xoxo Clitpeeler 💋

(request) nerve gas videos?

Do any videos exist of people who've been afflicted with nerve toxin? I've only ever seen it described and how exactly it works in the body, but I've never really seen a vid of it happening fr

(changelog) Chat is now iOS-compatible

HUGE THANK YOU TO King @Aevann who spent like 2 hours watching me repeatedly type testicles and infinity cum in the test environment to finally get this working.


No longer does it zoom way tf in when you tap the text entry area.

No longer do you need to manually scroll to see your messages.

Everything is fully functional now.

More chat updates rolling out in the near future - suggest things here or in my DMs. Another unrelated update is coming Sunday. You may or may not like it a lot. We’ll see.

Sorry for the absence, been out of town for a few weeks.

I love you.

xoxo clitpeeler 💋

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