Problem editing signature :marseybrainlet:

I ain't gonna lie, I ain't the smartest person, I just come here to see the funny red liquid. But I recently changed my signature and did a fucky wucky and now can't change it to anything else without getting this screen, send help.

Can't change my signature?

No idea if I'm just too drunk to function atm, but haven't been able to edit my signature since last week, keep getting "error": "You didn't change anything" (and I definitely changed it, I checked dw). I have very shitty internet if that might be the cause.

Want to change it to something less shilly :(



Videos not loading?

Every time I visit here the first few videos I watch work fine, but then all of a sudden the videos won't load anymore and just remain grey when I click on the window to open them, anyone else having this issue or know why it's happening?

:marseycoin:Idea for chat and how to make it more active and bring people in! :marseycoin:

I said this in chat the other day but I was thinking. Chat doesn't have benefits for anyone rn. But a lot of people like it to talk and have fun as well as share art and random videos. SO I was thinking. Every minute in chat = 1 coin! Great idea!!! But wait... what about those meanies who'd exploit it and sit in chat all day and not talk? Well my dear and lovely WPD friend that's where this other idea comes in! Chat inactivity maybe every 10-20 minutes you'd have to make a message because if you don't your state would be set to inactive and the coins would stop. This way people who don't have gore but still wanna buy awards or gift coins can earn it and interact with the community! Again just an idea but a neat one! It's a win-win-win, more people in chat to talk with, more currency into WPD, more coins and awards to make people happy!

Have an amazing day and drink water:#marseylove::#marseyblowkiss::#marseyhearts::#marseyxoxo::#marseyloveyou:

Bonus idea is an inf character badge for writers, or just a badge for writers uwu it'd make me happy . <3

WPD growth stat log (August)


  • Guys, it is with great pleasure that I announce to you, the WPD weekly growth log! New members are arriving all the time and our community continues to grow exponentially.

To new members: Welcome and make yourself at home!

To the oldest members: Thanks for making this community one of the best gore (and non-gore) communities out there today. It is very difficult for us to build a solid foundation, and from that foundation a fortified construction. You showed (and continue to show) that our union is strength! I believe that if we didn't have help from the members here at WPD, we would have a hard time bringing the best experience possible to all of you.

It's not just special tools that we make moderators. True moderators are those who come together for one purpose: Make the place you feel most comfortable in a more orderly, fair and humanitarian place for everyone.

This data that I'm sharing with you, doesn't just show the great performance of our great moderators (a.k.a @drownedcarcass @coldtwinge @ATG @CLiTPEELER @Aevann @TwoLargeSnakesMating). These data guys, also reflect the performance of our members. A healthy, fair and united community is always on the rise.

I feel very happy to be part of this immense family that we are all! When I met WPD, it was my greatest happiness. As I already talked to the carcass a while ago, I told him that I didn't feel as good on a website as I do here since the time of Orkut. Being part of the WPD moderation for me was a huge honor! Here is my first experience with moderation. At first I was a little scared because I was afraid of doing something wrong, but over time I adjusted to the site and the community and everything became a little simpler task.

Being in WPD moderation revived in me an old dream that was to be coder. I saw the team of developers on this site releasing their updates here and on rDrama and I was really excited to relive that dream, which was coding.

I just have to say a big thank you to all the members of this wonderful community! And I hope our family grows a lot more here.

And of course, I want to say my most sincere thanks to this team of developers that we have and also to the mods team. Seriously, these guys are awesome 🖤

I will post a report like this in the comments (daily log) for you to see the development of WPD on the intraday.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's all for now. Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING!

Walk through the shadows...


>how the fuck are there so many wpd members.

>their all-time top post is almost as updooted as our all-time top post, and it was only posted a day ago :marseyitsover:

>Just assimilate them into rdrama and turn them into a hole. The satellite state has served its purpose.

>Quit astroturfing your new pet.

Introducing the first WPD-spawned Marsey, by our very own @kitti

Hi! No death or gore video here, just a terrifying spin on a cute orange-patterned cartoon cat mascot, Marsey. If you’ve not noticed her prevalence everywhere (branding, error pages, the 1700 marsey emojis, etc.), Marsey is basically our brand. Except instead of some gay corporate committee thing, it’s just a cat we ripped off a Telegram sticker pack that had like 13 items and our userbase at rDrama went on to create 1700+ original works (and counting) to fit her into every situation via the emoji picker on every post.

Enter @Kitti, who just provided us with this incredibly ominous Marsey variant which can be used by typing :marseykitti: - or via searching by relevant tags in the emoji picker.


Usually this wouldn’t warrant a thread of its own (sorry!), I’m just tickled that an overly-cute little cat we added to a different site over a year ago has gained as much traction as it has and someone here made one.

@Kitti has been given the Marsey Artisan profile badge and, just for kicks, I’ve made it impossible to block him.

Anyway that’s all, sorry for the disruption in your usual viewing, have a lovely night xoxo

p.s. we’ve got some neat new stuff we’ll be rolling out for you guys in the next few days (maybe a week, tops). I think you’ll like it.


Some of you may have noticed that our sidebar (or dropdown menu on mobile) now rotates between images other than our classic:


In particular, @MILMIUM made this fantastic image for his profile, and we really wanted to show it off more broadly:


If you want to make some content for the sidebar for everyone to see, this is the place to submit it. What we're looking for is preferably original content, not just memes from elsewhere online. Come up with fun content showcasing WPD: perhaps an interesting way to present the text "", or a quick drawing of Marsey the Cat :marseyexcited: being too curious around a lathe, or maybe Marsey as an off-duty cop in Brazil. You get the idea: lighthearted but respectful, and no graphic real-life gore please (though drawings of gore are possibly okay).

Your WPD staff will be keeping an eye on this thread going forward, so feel free to submit whenever. Plus, if you get added to the sidebar, you get a badge on your profile and our gratitude.


Account required?

I suddenly can't view this site without an account, why is that?

WPD webapp

This popup is kind of disturbing as it is right on top of the login button

Stop Posting About 'Ripper'.

if it isn't obvious enough, making multiple posts about Ripper and talking about him is doing nothing but giving him attention, which is exactly what he would want.

so as of now, we ask users to stop making posts about Ripper. we are well aware as to who he is and his reputation. so posts at this point are redundant and are doing nothing but giving him attention and recognition.

if there are any more posts made about Ripper or his alts, they will be removed.

Why is there so much unnecessary cruelty when killing?

When I really really hate someone I am going to bash his/her face with my fists. For 5 minutes for 10 Minutes for an hour. But killing should be quick. Are all the people that are hacking others limbs of - burning people alive - disemboweling others while alive - just mentally ill?

If you want to cause them pain - beat them up. Or perhaps shoot them in the leg. But to make the death of other people - even your enemies - as long and excruciating as possible - is just barbaric.

If you want them dead just be done with it as quickly as possible.Everything else is just sick and stupid.


General Stats:

Weekly Chart:


Traffic Stats (30 days):



Google Search Interest:

![](/images/16596340770945392.webp) Warrant Canary, July 2022 — For the Period 2022-07-01 to 2022-08-01

National Security Letters: 0
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court: 0
Gag Orders Under 18 USC § 2705(b): 0

DMCA Takedown Notices — Received 0: Complied 0, Counter-Noticed 0

Over this period, no warrants were served to, or principals or agents, or site administrators. No searches or seizures of any kind were performed on assets over this period.


The title is pretty self explenatory i guess.

I would like a specific self harm flair so i can block it.

[insert a bunch of personal reasons why here]

Now it seems to all be mixed in either suicide or the new gore flair, and while i love the idea of the gore flair these self harm video's annoy me so much.

Out of control calf (cow?) Kills farmer as it makes a break for freedom

Yeah don't think there's a flair for this one. Happened in Pakistan, i think it's a calf but i am not a cow expert so I'll cover all possibilities. Sorry 4 da spam if it's a repost or just needs to be tkn down then lmk. I need to think of an abbreviation for that

Gamble thread?

heres a thread where we can all gamble like the little addicts we are..especially me after finding out about !slots and !blackjack

edit: i guess if you gamble too much theres a spam ban for 24 hours you can get. be carful mates!

repost {Update}

Good afternoon to everyone on the forum, I hope you are well!

So folks, the moderation team was discussing reposts. In fact, we have a lot of videos here in the community and it is very difficult to analyze them 1 by 1 until we find the original post.

So we came to the conclusion that a repost will only be allowed on the site if the original post was posted more than 30 days ago. If you are going to report a repost, we kindly ask you to do so With the link of the original post, so that we can have more agility in our work :)

That's all for an hour. Thank you for everyone's understanding and have a great day! :marseyagree::marseythumbsup:

How to change a post's flair

It's not obvious from the UI, but you can change the flairs of your own posts. Just report the post with /h/flairname and it will be updated. For example, if you want to change the flair to Meta, just report it with "/h/meta". Admins can change the flair of any post. :marseynotes:

If you misspell the name, the flair will be removed. You can always report the post again to add a flair back.


Guys, there are a lot of reposts on the site. If you see the same video more than once in a short time, please make a report. This will let us know which contents are already present here. Without the reports it is very difficult to evaluate one content at a time

Thank you very much in advance :marseythumbsup:

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