
Come back with an accurate and descriptive title and you can repost this.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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Please edit your video title so that it accurately describes the events in the video.

WPD Rule 5:
  • Titles should be as descriptive as possible.

  • Additional context, images, or sources are always encouraged and appreciated. No joke titles please.

  • If there is a child hurt or killed, please use the Child Warning checkbox while creating a post

Why is it important that the events in a video are described accurately in the title?

Because Reposts are a BIG problem on this website.

In order for people to KNOW if a video has been posted before, they need to be able to Search to see if it was posted in the last 60 days.

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https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1719738703158764.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17197387038278568.webp

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damn you! Take my like and get outa here :marseygiggle: :marseylaugh2:

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Exactly what I was thinking

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, 😅 oh no

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No fucking way💔

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someone had to do it

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Make it a whatsapp sticker pack

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Looks its Mike Niggaswoski

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ah fuck this hurts, like if its adults i wont mind but children? They are even awake while getting literally mulitated, like what did they even do to the cartel? Steal 2 grams of peruvian? 16 pesos? This so bad man

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I need some infos on the pancake faced dude bc what happened there :marseycry:

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The first one is soooo funny 😂😂😂

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What's the deal with the babies? Like why are their eyes popping out?

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birth defects

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Ah I see

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All of yall are childish. Either OP's underage and shouldnt even be here with these corny ass edgy memes. Or OP's fully of age and is just a fucking retard.

Which is it

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https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1719743347609979.webp r u thinking what I'm thinking gigigie

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Nope. Only you and quagmire are the degenerate inbred retards who will fuck dead pussy.

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10 dollars is a 10 dollars

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you're fucking gross dude, go get help

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On it sir 🫡

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Fucking ass-sucking goblins keep your dumpster-fire dead website which is a sorry excuse for an abuser in competition with the biggest abuser of all—reddit—; that's all this is, a painfully despicable shot at usurping reddit as the principle toxic internet forum; keep dreaming bug-brains, you're just a woodlouse trying to take the corner from the fucking centipede. Not even reddit would have banned me for this. But no, they are evolved here because they don't delete posts... what a piling load of fucking horseshit this is. There is no way to have a fair forum in this world, and it's the complacency of the majority that keeps it that way—the majority like sucking dirty asshole, let them then.

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