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Has anybody here seen gore irl? How different is it from seeing it on your device’s screen?

Just asking a question for everyone here


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Thank you for everyone who shared their stories, I have read them all and they are all fascinating.

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I agree!

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I’m a licensed mortician and I see gore, or “aftermath” like everyday and I personally feel like it’s a little different. Granted I don’t get the shock of watching them die, when you see a dead person in pieces right in front of you, and all of your senses are engaged, it’s a whole different thing. Smelling the blood and decaying flesh, feeling how cold their skin is, hearing the gases leave whatever orifices. It’s a lot more stimulating I guess. But it’s totally cool

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Id say its much worse in person. Ive had to remove duct work from a house where a kid shot himself with a shotgun, he fell forward and everything dumped into the floor vent. There was skull and brain fragments in the ceiling. Ive worked on cooling units for several funeral homes, and they obviously just have the bodies out while they work on them. And ive seen a few car wrecks, one last year a guy had a seizure (not sure if it was diabetic related or drug related) but he lost control and hit a car and a guardrail. There was puke all in the car, and his head was busted open. It happened on I26 and me and one other woman were the only ones who stopped. I sat with him until EMS arrived, but the dude never regained consciousness while I was there. That one stuck with me the most honestly and i dont even know if he passed. I kept checking the news online but never saw anything. Sorry this is so long.

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Don’t apologize for the length of your post. I read the whole thing. It was interesting!

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i get less angry at the cameraman

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I was a witness to my best friend shooting herself through her mouth. I remember the chillness when i saw the blood rushing from her nose rather than her mouth. The shock of it. Shit gave me ptsd. That moment sent me down this dark path of watching gore. I just try to find something worse than that popping up in my head. I have not seen a single thing that has made me feel as bad or worse than that day. Gore irl is okay when you expect it and or its a stranger. But when its somebody you care about, it obviously fucks you up

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I’m so sorry about that experience…

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May you find peace. That is a horrid experience to have endured.

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I ripped open my foot open with a exercise bike, lot of blood and torn flesh, i wasn't grossed out or anything untill i had to clean up the pool of blood 4 hours later, chunky blood feels gross and smells unpleasant.

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Oof i did that too when i was a kid, almost severed my pinky toe lmao, i dont remember pain it was moreso numb but i do remember the blood spewing out like crazy

Those old school bikes are nuts, like how could no one have thought to guard the chains

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When I was 15 y/o I saw a 12 y/o die in a hit and run on the side of the road while he was riding his skateboard. I saw the headlights on him before he was ever hit, saw the impact, saw the broken bones, blood, tire marks, and smoke coming off his body. He was unconscious when he made impact on the road and he never woke back up. I think about it almost daily & it really fucked me up. Seeing some die in real life is traumatizing and I don’t wish it on anybody.

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I live in Pakistan, i've seen way too much gore.

My uncle's kidnappers were burned alive near a garbage dump area when they were caught by my relatives. I still remember their screams & the fucked up smell

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ive seen bird gore irl i got traumatized for second but i dont get traumatized when dog eats human so its really diff

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I work in pathology so I see a lot of nasty shit, you get desensitized to it eventually but it’s still way worse in person. the worst thing i ever saw was when i was doing my forensics rotation:

assisted in an autopsy of an extremely bloated partially disemboweled man recovered from a pond, where he stayed for days after death. completely unrecognizable, looked like some monster out of a horror movie.

i remember handing the pathologist the liver which was seemingly intact, but it essentially broke apart, maggots, fluids and other good stuff spilling out of it, onto my (gloved) hand. not only was i wearing two masks, i also had a wintergreen oil under my nose, yet the smell was still so strong i was retching. had to take a break after that.

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I went to college in Mexico and I once saw a cyclist in Leon, Guanajuato get run over by a big ass truck on my way to class. Dude got spread on the pavement like butter on toast. It was pretty shocking, and I was younger too so it kinda haunted me for a couple days.

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I haven’t seen anything nearly as bad as some of the shit on here. However I’ve seen my share of bad car accidents, animal attacks, murders, and dead bodies in general. I’d say it’s a bit shocking but you still have to desensitize yourself just like you do when watching it through your phone.

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What is a normal share of murders? I feel like it would be none? I've never seen a murder. Now that I think about I've never seen an actual dead body.

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I grew up in a town with heavy gang violence so all the murders were caused by shootings. Nothing super brutal, I would say a fair share of dead bodies for an average person would be 1, however this year I saw my 10th. Most people just look as if they are sleeping, there is a peacefulness to it

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Not anything as bad as here, I've seen a few injuries and watched surgeries in person. Saw a guy on a motorcycle hit a car and go flying. I was a kid so that was pretty shocking but I didnt see much gore, just a limp bloody body, dont know if he survived, but they took him out with a helicopter. I've seen a guy with his finger cut off a little older, I wasn't that upset, but he was white as a sheet, wasn't really that gorey either just a lot of blood. Surgeries aren’t too hard for me to watch, pretty interesting and a very controlled environment where surgeons crack jokes sometimes. Its crazy seeing someone's brain or beating heart though.

I havent seen anything truly crazy or gorey, but I would say the main difference is more adrenaline, more intense, it's happening right in front of you, right now.

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I have seen 3 "gore" deaths and dozens of bodies as one of my security jobs involved patrolling dozens of medical related sites including a crematorium twice a night.

Bodies do not bother me, they are gone. Its seeing people in the process of dying which can be traumatic and sticks with you especially if its protracted.

A car overturned on the motorway after the rear left wheel blew out, a man half ejected and smashed family burned trapped inside. I can remember seeing the movement inside the car stop.

That one fucked me up in a good way, i maintain my car well, drive very defensively and carefully due to seeing it.

A guy who was slashed with a bottle when i was a bouncer. Not on my door, but there was a pub a few doors down that had a lot of issues, dont know what happened inside but he came stumbling out and half his neck was torn open, still remember the sound of him trying to speak and crying as he knew he was dying. Looked like he was only mid 20s.

He passed away in the back of the ambulance roughly 30 mins after he was slashed.

An old woman crushed after walking behind a reversing truck, she got pinned between 10 tonnes of steel and a brick wall. Died while they moved the truck forward, the pressure of the truck was the only thing keeping her alive with multiple organs crushed and haemorrhaging.

Just last week a man was stabbed to death at the end of my road after months of residents reporting the escalating issues around a dealer moving into a house there.

What i took from it all, be careful on nights out. Be aware of your surroundings. Pay close attention to large vehicles, if the engine is running cross some where else.

Where ever possible, do not put your safety at the discretion of another beings attention.

Do not escalate issues with strangers, you never know who is mentally unstable and might attack you.

I am a big guy, i used to be a loud guy. Now i am quiet and paying attention, i do not ever want my friends of family to see any of the things i have if i can help it.

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My partner was waiting in traffic just underneath a viaduct when a woman jumped to her death. She landed right in front of his car so he saw her hit the ground and bounce. Not as sensational as other stories but he was pretty shook up for a few days.

I also saw a poor lady hit by and dragged under a tram in Amsterdam as a child.

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I wouldn't call it "gore" persay, but I have a distinct memory of seeing my dead grandmother at age 5. I sadly don't have too many memories of her in life, but I do remember her as a kind woman who knew how to handle my rebellious nature at that age with kindness. And seeing her dead in a hospice setting... For some reason it didn't affect me as much as I think it should. I was still a naïve child, who believed you could wake someone from the dead with "true love's first kiss," and I was sad to learn I'd never see her again. But I bounded back fairly quickly. I suppose my whole life has been like that: I get close to someone for a few years, have good times and a few important memories, and then I never see them again...

I know it's not exactly what you were asking for, but I think it shaped me in more ways than one to have a beloved family member die when I was still so young. It changes how you view the world. Everything seemingly becomes more temporary... and it makes you appreciate life a little bit more. So by all means, enjoy death, but never try to replace living life.

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It’s ok, I had the same experience as you when i was 7 and didn’t really care at first, A few years later i did start to care

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I had the same experience at 10 but I really cared at first cause she took care of me as much as my mom did and it was so sad seeing her dead and knowing i would never get to talk to her or be with her again

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Also the feeling changes things completely. Really its the use of all senses including taste. When you get a smell that radiates to the taste buds its fun..

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The main thing I can think of is the smell. It depends on what’s leaking. But I’ll never forget washing brain matter out of a MEDEVAC Blackhawk. There wasn’t a lot, but enough.

We got rocketed/mortared a lot in Baghdad in 2004. I never saw anyone get injured directly. But seeing a little impact crater, some blood and damaged structures in the immediate vicinity was a little unnerving. Especially if you knew that blood was from someone you knew/worked with.

Seeing gore on screen can bring back those smell memories. So that’s a thing, for me anyway.

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I once woke up to 10 dead sheeps all killed by 2 dogs some had there necks bite open i saw some baby sheeps dead the rest og the sheeps got out 3 of them had broken legs and i saw one in with half of there face ripped off and its throat bite open and one had her hole stomach cut open lucky my dad killed both the dogs

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Like this mortician said,

Experiencing via smell touch and whatever is wayyyy different than just watching a video that you could replay and process at your speed

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I work at a beef plant if that counts :)

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the smell

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Yeah, I’ve been told the smell is one of the biggest differences from a video and real life.

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ER nurse and former EMT with a local fire department here. The biggest difference in my opion(while there are quite a few) would be the smells. From new blood to decaying flesh of gangrene imfected wounds. They are firever ingrained in your brain.

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the smell of liters of blood felt weird

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I've worked in medical labs for about two and a half years total, so I can't say I've seen someone die in front of me IRL, or see the true 'aftermath'. But I've handled plenty of bodily fluids and general specimens. It gets pretty boring after awhile. Sometimes you'll get something intense like a body part of some kind. I was told they processed dogs' heads too for some kind of rabies test but I never saw one while working at the labs.

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I witnessed a car accident involving a sedan and a dump truck right beside my house. The dump truck t-boned the car and instantly killed the driver. The passenger died in the hospital. I remember being one of the first people at the scene. I touched the passengers arm. There wasn’t a lot of gore but the driver had blood gushing from his mouth. They were 65 year old twins. 🙁

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responding officer to a schizophrenic man who had beheaded his dad. he put his dads head in a tesco bag. Guy came with us without incident and just handed us the bag, I forgot for a few moments that I was holding a bag with a severed head in. I put it in the boot of the car but my CO told me one of us would need to hold it on the drive back. Had to take it to the coroners, they placed the head where it should be for the ID viewing (sheet over the body/torso/neck, head popping out the top of the sheet) Madness

Also a guy who shot himself with shotgun. Head like deflated basketball. Will never forget the CO taking him and his head contents spilling all over the table.

Watched a guy fall while paragliding, died on impact. Was on holiday with the family when this happened.

Death and gore IRL is way more horrific for me, but I just went into shock mode and carried on with my day. It only really affects me now I am no longer working for police. It was the smell and touch that bothered me the most, sometimes it comes back to me, but i watch these videos to see worse than what I saw IRL

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More mess on your shoes

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Years back, I was on my way to an Anatomy final in college , when a guy came on to the highway in his crotch rocket, pulled a wheeler, lost control , and hit under his chin off the guar rail, ripping his head from his body. I wasn’t sure in the moment that he was dead, and I pulled over and ran up to his body while calling 911. His body was crumpled up against one of the guardrail supporters and the 911 operator was asking “is the driver moving”, I turned and looked a little farther from where I stood and there was his head. I remember just saying he is dead, and I just sat down next to the body in a state of shock. That was my first gore experience in real life. Many years later I found a gent who used a double barrel on himself in his car. Both experiences were interesting for sure. I went to Mortuary school for two semesters and did a full human dissection as well but that was just fascinating.

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much more adrenaline and shock

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saw a chopped up man tucked inside a sack and thrown into a sewage drain. Was a totally different experience to experience the scene. I was amazed or bemused to say the least. It took me 5 out 6 mins to figure out the parts inside the sack was indeed of a guy(it was chopped up that badly), that left an image on my head for quite some time. I would think about it whenever I was alone. Pretty chilling. Took me 3 4 days to get light off it.

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The other day i found my chickens torn to shreds by my dog and I’m assuming it was a couple hours before i found them and the stench from clumpy blood is disgusting, one of the chickens had a huge gash going halfway through it’s chest and two of them were still alive so i also had to cull them. Decently traumatic bc it was the first time I’ve seen something so bloody right in front of me but then again they were just chickens so not too important at the same time.

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I got my redwings. Does that count? It was heavy flow and she was a squirter? Plenty of gore and stink lol.

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Last Saturday i beheaded a sheep , nothing odd i was watching it since i was child

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