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Spice Overdose


don't remember the backstory, only that they were smoking spice.

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Weed isn't addictive

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That's why it's so easy for long time users to quit. /S

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There is a big difference between addictive and just pain fucking good, bro. What does non-addictive mean to you? That you have to get bored of it or sick and tired of it at some point? Why is it addictive just because nobody in their right mind would ever want or feel need to not smoke again? Its literally harmless and just enjoyable

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"bro its not addictive its just really good and I like it so much!!"

fucking clown lmao, you really shouldnt try to educate people on things you obviously have no clue about.

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What are you even saying? I don't get your point. I enjoy water, is that an addiction? Like do you have to not like something in order to not be addicted to it? Bro I literally can go without weed any time I need, I've gone on family vacations where I couldn't bring or get weed, literally no struggle for me to do that, I just usually have nothing better to do. Stop being a silly sausage, or a clown as you would say.

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are you confused or just high?

you said (quote): "Weed isn't addictive" - which clearly states you have no idea what youre talking about already.

sure your personal experience may not be like that, but is that really how you go through life?

"oh it isnt addictive for me, so it cant be for anyone!!"

seriously, listen to yourself. weed may not be very physically addictive (which it also can be, but obviously not which such intense consequences as opiats for example), but the psychological addiction to weed is very real and can cause much bigger issues to come to your life.

im all for legalization and smoked for the biggest part of my life, but please dont try to make weed out to be that perfect substance from which nothing bad can come. people (especially kids) need to be educated honestly about the biology and psychological effect it has on you.

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Yeah but it's one of the pathetic addictions that people before 2016 or so when there were less fucking pussies and pansies would never have been so wimpy and whiney to try and call that shit addictive. There's even a scene in the movie half baked where he goes to a drug addiction seminar and they all heckle him out of the room for saying he's addicted to weed saying stuff like "you ever suck dick for weed?" Weed addiction is like video game or masturbation addiction, you are just genetically inferior, pathetic and irrelevant if you are suceptable to these.

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hahaha holy shit how much more of a dickhead could you be, quoting half baked as your reference.

nothing to say anymore, you obviously have no idea about shit.

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Half baked is a good movie

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It's incredible the way people lie to themselves. Then again I saw that little survey of peoples ages here.

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Bro I have a nicotine addiction, caffeine addiction and have suffered from mild alcohol addiction. Weed does not have withdrawals you just feel sad without it because you like it. A stoner without his weed is like a kid without his candy, not like a crack head without his crack cocaine

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The only advice I have, is get off the nicotine. Booze can kill you but can be controlled, nicotine on the other hand, is a motherfucker My own experience, smoked for half a century and now I'm dying of emphysema, have bladder and bowel problems and it's all from smoking cigarettes. Stick to caffiene and mild alcohol addictions.

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Stfu I don't care bitch

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M'kay. thx for the kind words! Have a wonderful day!

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Sarcasm funi

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Anything can be addictive and weed is both addictive and causes withdrawal symptoms in many people who use it too much.

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Bruh ive been smoking since 13, i cant eat if i dont smoke, i litteraly puke and get sick its not like heroine but its fucking shitty

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You just convinced me to slow way down. Oh my goodness.

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I recommend the sober life, but I rarely partake in it myself. Marijuana is a beautiful drug and I speak from experience when I talk about it.

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There is a distinct difference between physical dependence and addiction.

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I know this. I mentioned two different things that apply to marijuana.

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Marijuana is not chemically addictive. THC can be physically depended on just like any other compound being introduced to the body over a prolonged period.

People don't get a hit of pot and suddenly find themselves willing to rob and stab for another hit.

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Enough. Cannabis can be addictive. You are wasting my time at this point and only showing you don't know much.


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No it does not cause "withdrawals" you pussy ass bitch wtf lmfao

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Actually it’s becoming more known that it really does have withdrawals. There is many cases of it causing medical Anorexia (not the mental health disorder anorexia nervosa) insomnia in patients who didn’t experience it before, many psychologists are also noticing vivid nightmare to be a common withdrawal symptom. Sorry bro facts are facts, and the fact is weed has many withdrawals it’s just not as intense as other drugs but they fully exist. I mean come on bro it would be ignorant and plain silly to say any psychoactive substance you take daily won’t have withdrawal effects if you just stop.

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You did not list anything that I would deem a withdrawal symptom. And wtf do you mean weed causes anorexia?

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A medical loss of appetite not caused by a mental disorder is called anorexia. It has a noticeable effect on the bodies ability to feel hunger. Too bad withdrawals aren’t based on what you think they are. Withdrawals are a medical term that covers any and all negative or stress inducing effects on the body and mind from withdrawing yourself from a substance. Marijuana, caffeine, even sugar has withdrawl symptoms. You can’t deny plain facts without looking dumb dude just do a little research and stop basing medical terms off your opinion and actually learn the truth.

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Holy fuck you autistic cunt learn how normal speak and communicate it's not through technical medical and scientific terminologies wtf

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Lol “I don’t understand big words and that frustrates me” fixed that for you big guy. Next time your mommy or daddy hits you think of me.

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You are the one who didn't understand I was telling you to stop being autistic that's all

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But... I did understand? What's yalls problems why are you all anti weed on here?

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Why don’t you just kill your self. Make sure some one posts it on this site though. Your life is meaningless

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Stfu cunt

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any drug can be addictive, including weed. you have no idea what you're talking about.

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