Man in San Francisco overdoses on Fentanyl

No news if the man survived. From the looks of it, he probably didn't.

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Here's the lethal dose for fentanyl. And apparently Chinese labs throw it into any drug to make it more potent and addictive. Horrible shit (which I may have the recipe to stored somewhere)


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I attempted suicide by fent OD once. The amount of the H is about how much fent i took and this was some strong shit. Shit that actual did make some ppl OD from that exact amount in the middle. I remember waking up about 3 hours later. Boyfriend at the time didn’t believe me and accused me of having a man in my room. To him that was why i didn’t answer my phone or door. Then later on that night he had a really really small amount and OD but didn’t die. So then he finally believed me.

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You need a better boyfriend.

Let me guess, he was impotent.

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Ex now. He’sa straight POS and if he ended up on this site , i would save the video just to add the song HIP HOP HOORAY

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You did it 4 tha lulz.

If you want I’ll troll him.

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Lol that’s so kind of you 😊 but i think he’s too stupid to figure out how to navigate to any website. You ever have that ex that you say why tf did i? Lol yup that’s the one

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I mean I think we all do.

I have an ex that went fucking crazy whilst we were dating.

She became a full fledged agoraphobic nutcase and wouldn’t leave her room or shower.

She started pissing in plastic solo cups and leaving them untill they were full of mold.

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Really?? Wow. Her house probably smelled awful. How long did you last?

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Not long, not long at all.

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im a year late but what the actual hell

how does it get that bad-

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Yeah she was shooting heroin pretty regularly…and well she ended up snitching on the dude when she got hit with 7 bags of dope…he didn’t like that much and a few days after her detox…a week later….and well…he spiked her dope…so her best friend placed an order and well; and the dealer spiked it with cyanide extracted from some organic…. And her best friend got the “hot shot” and well..he died.

She didn’t handle the trauma well obv.

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I had a friend hooked on it and two guys he worked with died overnight and this mf stole the batch off the dead guy cause he was scared to withdraw. Never seen anything take a mf down thru there like that shit.

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I know its common here to have test kits at home if you IV use. And word spreads quickly, so if someone dealt something that killed someone else randomly, man, that person would be killed himself asap. You mustve been young when all of that happened

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Based on what weight of human, also basically any carfentanyl will kill you lol

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Not necessarily. Ive used ohmefentanil (more potent than carfentanil), although I obviously dont recommend it. What im saying is you have to account for tolerance. Youd be surprised at how many addicts can survive a dose of carfentanil. But yeah with zero tolerance, youre asking to die if you mess with any form of fentanyl or its analogues.

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Well, I'm assuming it's for the average person. For someone working in the medical industry, knowing how dangerous fentanyl is to the non-addicted is useful and it helps to prevent someone who's never touched it before from dropping dead

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Yeah i was just pointing out to the parent commenter that fentanyl (or its analogues) isnt instant death for everyone. I agree that it's super dangerous for the opioid naive, and unfortunately it's now demonized because of street dealers. People tend to forget that there are people with ailments who need fentanyl. My grandpa being one. It sucks that he has had his script pulled more than once, all because of fentanyl being a scapegoat. When the real problem is the war on drugs.

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The crazy thing is, is pharmaceutical fentanyl isn’t the problem, it’s the chinese street grade shits that’s the issue but they just get lumped together

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That’s accurate.

Remeber MXE? Normal K can’t kill you. MXE? Kidney damage central

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Understandable, and a lot of drugs get a bad rep for where they could have uses. I had a friend who had such bad ADHD his medication contained methamphetamine for example. Media shouldn't interfere with medical unless strictly necessary and I do agree that the war on drugs is just idiotic at this point

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I agree wholeheartedly. Ah. So your friend is rx'd desoxyn? Thats a rare one, since it's essentially meth in a pill. I wish more doctors had balls like his. I mean if the patient needs something stronger to function, then by all means help them out. Everyone's body chemistry is too unique to generalize prescriptions. Give them warnings on the substance, and discuss a dosage. Simple as that. It's better than having them suffer, shoot up a school, then end up in a video on this site.

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Yeah, but Desoxyn isn't the same as meth from dealers. It's a much smaller dose and its time-released, so it functions more like normal prescription medications.

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Carfent is measured in UG bro, you know what else is measured in micrograms? Lsd…and that’s literally imperceptible to the human eye at 150ug…. But 4UG is enough to kill any human on earth…even Pete Doherty and Keith Richards….I’d call that instant death…idk about you.

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They wanna kill Americans off like British done during opium war to China but its just the druggies so what can ya do its fucked, the stage is set: DANCE :marseyhappening:

Edit: doesnt really matter whos doing it, the conditions are there. You gotta get industrially made opiates, you gotta test that shit, before u inject. Come on. If you want to Die, then just shoot any old shit up

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