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Experimental pseudo-vaccine claimed another one. Thank God I never took that shit. Pure blood for life. That's one of the perks of being a free thinker who doesn't cave to public hysteria and the "science" cult. "Science" is in quotes because there's nothing scientific about blind acceptance of whatever emotionally charged narrative our media, government and virtue-signaling fellow citizens drill into you. The same cows who told you to "do it for the greater good" are the ones who say "my body, my choice" Cognitive dissonance infects so many of you smooth-brained sheeple.

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72% of the world population is vaccinated, 82% of Americans are fully vaccinated and there's zero evidence of it causing massive heart attacks, or anything else deadly for that matter. To make a literal baseless assumption about the mans death then in the same breath call anyone smooth brained is pure irony 😆. And if you're in America there is a 99% chance you already have 4-6 vaccines in your body already for measles, mumps, and other viruses so there's nothing pure about your blood my guy. If the vaccine was causing death like you pretend it is in your delusional brain we would need gd bulldozers shoveling bodies off the streets, do you clowns even bother to think before you blather this idiotic bs?

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Mr. pseudo-intellectual, I'm talking about the Covid vaccine in particular, if it wasn't obvious from my wording. You wrongly assume I'm against all vaccines like the ones given in childhood (measles, mumps, polio, etc.). Your assumptions make an ass out of you. Those old vaccines have decades of real world use and actually do what they are supposed to - immunize you against the stated diseases. This is in contrast to the experimental MRNA vaccine which was developed in less than a year, wasn't required to undergo 20 years of clinical testing (like all the other ones) and doesn't actually immunize you from catching Covid. There's also the issue of liability. Conveniently, all of the vaccine companies receive full immunity from lawsuits should their Covid vaccine cause permanent adverse health effects in the lives of the people that took them. Countless millions of people have told distressing personal stories of experiencing persistent negative effects from taking the C-vax that haven't gone away to this day - several months and years after they took their shots. This is what happens when a population of obedient sheeple blindly put their trust in a corrupt mainstream that hides from and silences public debate and criticism with braindead labels like anti-vaxxer or conspiracy theorist. You're not smart.

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