Russia | Mysterious death of a security guard when he is working on a barrier - 19 November 2022

"In Voronezh, the mysterious and sudden death of a security guard at the barrier got on the DVR

The man was working, suddenly fell, began to shake, and then died. The paramedics could only declare death.

Locals are convinced: the reasons are in the electrical wiring of the barrier. There have been many complaints about his work. However, the construction company said that there were no problems with the barrier and believe that the man died of a heart attack."

Either a seizure, a heart attack or a electric shock :marseyshrug:


Video Description: video starts with a close-up clip of someone ripping off their own toenail this is followed by gore and lots of it. after the first song ends there is a short clip of one of those big ass Japanese killer wasps biting the fuck out of a dudes hand followed by more gore

Warnings: baby and child warning

The music in the video

New Low by Middle Class Rut

Demons Call by BatchBug

Here are some fucked up world records!

Largest Tumor Ever Removed

Yang Jianbin of China had a huge fucking tumor that weight 242 pounds removed in 2014.... judging by the picture it looks like the dude is only around 140 lbs without the tumor, so his tumor had to out weigh him by at least 100 lbs.

If it was me I would have had that fucking thing removed as soon as i noticed it, why he waited until it got as big as a professional wrestler makes me question his mental state.

Record For The Most Sexual Parnters In A Single Day

Lisa Sparks holds the record of being penetrated by the most men in a 24 hour period, and the number is an astounding 919 men in 12 hours back in 2004.

I'm guessing she also holds the record for the most faked orgasm in a single day

Record For Having The Most Ailments

Sham Soma Solanki of India holds the world record for a person suffering from the most ailments.

Solanki has or has had the following health problems:



heart disease

congestive heart failure





Hodgkin's Lymphoma (cancer)

TB meningitis

muscle nectorised of the hip


lung disease

foot fungus

gum disease

Cardiac arrest

and a stroke

and he is only 47 years old.[email protected]/msg03755.html

Record For Longest Fart

Bernard Clemmens sustained his fart for two minutes and 42 seconds

Worst Professional Fighter In The History Of Combat Sports

Eric Crumble lived up to his name, Turning "pro" in 1990, Crumble would spend the next 13 years getting knocked out... Not only did Crumble lose every single fight he had, he never made it out of the second round with most of his fights ending in the first round. Crumble retired with a record of 0-31-1 and having been knocked out in all 31 losses.

Dumbest Bank Robbers Who Ever Lived

In January 1995, Macarthur Wheeler and Clifton Johnson robbed a bank in Swissvale, Pennsylvania. However, they had a plan to avoid detection: they rubbed lemon juice on their faces. Their reasoning was that lemon juice can be used to make invisible ink, so surely it would conceal their faces from surveillance cameras as well. They even tested this hypothesis by taking polaroid pictures of each other smeared with lemon juice, and it seemed to work.

Unfortunately, they showed up just fine on the bank's cameras, and they were identified and arrested several months later when the footage of the robbery was broadcast on a local news show.

This odd crime has an interesting postscript. The psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University read about it, and it inspired them to start thinking about the problem of stupidity: this being that stupid people often don't realize they're stupid. In fact, they think they're quite smart, which leads them to do incredibly dumb things. This phenomenon (of dumb people not being able to recognize the limits of their competence) is now known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect. In the journal article in which they introduced the concept, Dunning and Kruger cited the lemon-juice bandits as their inspiration.

Demons Call by BatchBug | promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)


Hidden Marsey Giveaway

There is a HIDDEN Marsey somewhere in the video, the first user to posts a screen shot of the hidden Marsey in the comments will win 1,000 Mbux..

If the winner is also a member of

Memento_mori or a follower I'll double the prize and give them 2,000.

if the winner is a member and a follower I'll give them 3,000 Mbux!

Note: the marsey at the end of the video is NOT the hidden Marsey


There is also a hidden rainonthescarecrow first one to find it and screenshot it and post the screenshot in the comments will win. The prize will be the same for the RainOnTheScareCrow as the Hidden Marsey
man hacks his wife's lover

Man has a stroke at the gym and collapses - May 1, 2024

Varanasi, India

A 32-year-old man died after he collapsed at a gym in Uttar Pradesh's Varanasi on Wednesday. The incident was captured on the gym's CCTV.

Deepak Gupta is suspected to have suffered a brain stroke during exercise, after which he collapsed in the gym.

Deepak, as per his usual routine, had hit the gym for workout when he suddenly experienced a severe headache. A video shows Deepak holding his head, purportedly experiencing pain.

Within seconds, he collapses, when others present in the gym rush to help.

Deepak was immediately taken to a private hospital but was declared brought dead.

Bus driver dies of stroke, it seems to hurt really, really bad

On the evening of September 3, Vinh Hoa bus company announced that Mr. NTB (53 years old) a bus driver on the Ho Chi Minh City - Binh Thuan route had a stroke while driving a passenger car in District 5 (HCMC) had passed away. was brought home in La Gi town for burial.

different angles of a 9/11 jumper escaping the tower

i dont think this is the same jumper but i wanna put this here as well


130 euros were taken from the cash register. It happened in Malaga.


CHILD WARNING Baby watches his dying father that overdosed

Stupid man dies out of overdose and they recorded it as baby watches it, stupid bitches.

Prob a repost but fuck it :marseypain:

:marseysailor: SCAPHISM :marseysailor: (no real photos :marseysingletear:)

Scaphism, also known as "the boats," is an ancient Persian method of execution that dates back to the 5th century BC. This brutal and gruesome form of punishment involved trapping the victim between two boats or hollowed-out tree trunks, then force-feeding them a mixture of milk and honey. The intended result of scaphism was a slow and agonizing death caused by a combination of dehydration, starvation, and septic shock.

Historically, scaphism was used by the Persians as a means of public execution for those who had committed crimes such as treason or rebellion against the state. The idea behind scaphism was not only to punish the offender but also to serve as a deterrent to others who might consider defying the ruling powers. The process of scaphism was deliberately designed to be drawn out over several days, with the victim suffering intense pain and discomfort as their body slowly succumbed to the effects of the milk and honey mixture.


One of the key figures associated with scaphism is the Persian King Artaxerxes II, who is believed to have used this method of execution during his reign in the 4th century BC. Artaxerxes II was known for his ruthless tactics in maintaining control over his empire, and scaphism was just one of the many brutal punishments he inflicted on those who challenged his authority.

King Artaxerxes II (left) and impending victims of scaphism (right):

The impact of scaphism on both the victim and the society at large cannot be understated. For the victim, scaphism meant enduring unbearable suffering until death finally brought release. The physical and psychological trauma inflicted by this form of punishment was immense, and the fear of facing such a fate likely kept many in line with the dictates of the ruling powers.

From a societal standpoint, scaphism served as a chilling reminder of the consequences of disobedience. The gruesome nature of this punishment was meant to instill fear and compliance among the population, ensuring that any dissent or rebellion would be swiftly and brutally crushed.

In terms of influential individuals who have contributed to the field of scaphism, one cannot overlook the impact of ancient Persian rulers such as Artaxerxes II. These rulers wielded absolute power over their subjects and used methods like scaphism to maintain control and authority. Their willingness to inflict such horrific punishments speaks to the depths of their cruelty and the lengths they were willing to go to retain power.

Victims of scaphism, as interpreted in modern day:

When considering the future of scaphism, it is clear that such barbaric practices have no place in a modern society governed by laws and principles of human rights. The use of scaphism as a form of punishment has long been abolished, relegated to the annals of history as a grim reminder of humanity's capacity for cruelty.

:#marseysadwave2: :#marseysadwave2:

srry for the lack of photos i could find barely any but i tried


Portland Landlord Needs Help

A Portland landlord is calling on city officials to help protect his tenants from what he describes as an unsafe environment in front of his building.

He says his building's front steps, located at 19 Portland Street, have seen daily drug use, crime and violence over the years. He's now worried about the safety of his tenants.

“There are fights, screaming, drug abuse, drug dealing,” landlord Ned Payne said. “And it happens every day.”

Payne's security video shows open drug use, fights and public indecency outside his apartment building.

Eu nunca mais vô roubar

So pq o cara e preto batem nele 😞


Me Gusta

happy bday WPD :marseycupcake: !! another 9/11 angle for y'all :marsey911:

Happy birthday wpd! :marseyparty:
9/11 attack footage :marseyusa:

slowmotion video of the attack on the south tower 9/11 :marseyagreesuperspeed:

another 9/11 video :marseysaluteusa:

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