
Say your last goodbye to BMO

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16939965405305088.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16939965413073795.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16939965419479785.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16939965426499724.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16939965433172255.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16939965439663978.webp

All are young photos of BMO because BMO is sadly passing and i can't even stomach to take photos of him. I let my cats freely roam outside because thats just something ive always done with my older cats Livvy and Poussom. My neighbor, Larry, mustve left out some type of harmful fluid to harm BMO which is both of our faults, mainly mine. He is almost a year old, I've taken him to the vet they said theres nothing they can do its to late since he is naturally so small it took no time for the antifreeze to go through his body. Im heartbroken. but he will forever be missed and loved and remembered. Please if you let your animals free roam around your home be careful, nothing like this has ever happened to be and ive let my cats do this for years, i guess it was bound to happen. Enough of my ranmbling, heres a baby gator my brother caught


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How is it your fault that your cunt of a neighbour killed your pet?

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poor little baby :marseysad: im so sorry. dont feel guilty, its not your fault, no one expects that this could happen. some people just dont have a heart.

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Mwah its okay

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He looks very happy and well taken care of, im sure he enjoyed while it lasted. Condolances♥️

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Kill your neighbor and upload the vid

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I'm sorry to hear that. It's your neigbour's fault, not yours. Don't blame yourself.

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I'm gutted to read this. So so sorry for this situation. He's absolutely beautiful. You're not at fault, your neighbour left harmful fluids out in the open and sounds like he did it maliciously at that. Bless that cats tiny soul.

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thank you so much <3

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Sorry if this upsets you but I just wanted to say shower him with affection, little guy is gonna leave knowing he was so loved and safe. I'm dreading the day this happens to my cat.

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Oh i have been, i took today off, today is HIS day

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You're an incredible person, that was so good of you to take today off for him. My thoughts are with you guys ❤

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I appreciate you!❤️❤️

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I believe all us loving cat owners have a connection through our beautiful creatures. It always breaks my heart hearing about passing cats, even if I've never seen it before. I'd do anything for my girl, would take a bullet for her.

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noooooo bmo:cry:

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I'm sorry for you

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So sorry to hear this, losing a pet is so hard and especially to something that shouldn't have happened.

Just so you know it wasn't your fault at all, you never knew that your neighbour had left out something to harm your cats so it really isn't your fault . :heartbeat:

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I'm so sorry. Bless you for providing BMO a loving home, and for allowing him to live his best life as an indoor/outdoor cat. You could not have foreseen (and should not have been expected to foresee) your neighbor's actions. Thank you for taking the day off to let him know that he is loved. He is in God's hands, so please try not to despair :marseyandjesus:

P.S. Cute baby gator :heart:

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thank you love, i appreciate your comment a lot.

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Man ive already lost a cat letting it roam.. shits just not safe.

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First cat ive lost from letting it roam.. I just figured its where he was a boy and a little more curious and hyper... ive only ever owned girl kitties that were more laid back and kept to themselves and kinda just did their business or laid there lol

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Yeahhh i hear ya we do the same for our male cat sooo risky though, Outside world is for all cats. My lil female cat only comes outside w me thats only way im personally comftorable with it.

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Cats don't live very long if you let them outside (especially in a city).

If you care about your cat - keep it indoors.

And outdoor cats kill 2.5 BILLION birds EVERY YEAR.

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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Growing up i had two cats both lived to 19 both went outside. I care GREATLY about my cats, if i let them outdoors or not doesn't determine that lmao. Me and the neighbor that kills my cat shares a backyard fence. my neighbor is a older man, single, stoner. He agreed that it was PERFECTLY fine if my cats were OUTSIDE in the fence aslong as they didnt mess with his place, which they never did. He left out antifreeze, idk if it was on purpose, but idk why he would leave it out in his back lawn. You don't know my situation so idk whyd you post this type of comment when you couldve just scrolled by instead of being a total dickhead about it.

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Because I want people who care about their cats to keep them indoors. They will live a LOT longer if kept safely inside.

Most outdoor cats only live to about 5 years old. The are killed by cars and dogs and coyotes and catch deadly diseases if outside - and unneutered male cats can really mess each other up.

Your neighbor probably got tired of your cat shitting in his garden. He put out antifreeze to kill your cat. He thought that if your cat came on his property, he had the right to kill your cat.

If you don't learn to keep any other of your cats indoors after this - it might happen again.

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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Fuck you Snappy. Sincerely

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