The murder of Patrick Lyoya

Grand Rapids Police Officer Christopher Schurr, who fatally shot Patrick Lyoya in the back of the head April 4, has been charged with one count of second-degree murder, Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker announced Thursday.

Second-degree murder is a 1st degree felony. If convicted, Schurr could face a lifelong prison sentence.


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If the subject indeed did take the officers taser, then the officer should receive an award.

If the subject did not take the taser, or attempt to take it, then the officer should be fired & put on trial.

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Find the bodycam footage, I'm pretty sure donut operator reviewed this as a justified shoot. When he was pulled out of his car he refused to cooperate and tried to walk away from the traffic stop, resulting in an altercation in an attempt to apprehend patrick, after being tased patrick then grabbed the taser and attempted to turn it on the officer. That however didnt end well, shitty camera man is actually patrics friend gaslighting the listeners into believing his friend is innocent while obstructing plain view of the facts.

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"I'm pretty sure Donut Operator reviewed this as a justified shooting"

Whaaaat? The ex-cop justified a cop involved shooting like he always does? Well that does it, I guess it was justified.

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Yea and you just have so much to offer in comparison huh? Do the brain cells just fall out or did they even exist in the first place i wonder?

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Lol "he reached for his taser!" That's crazy how'd he get shot point blank in the back of the head? Talking about lack of brain cells, you never had any to run together in the first place

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Apparently someone doesnt have the eyes to watch videos that clearly show patrick had a taser in his hand. It was grabbed from the officers hand before this video even starts. yea you dont see it because two grown ass men are fighting for control and the taser is likely under his body. Literally theres pictures of him with it and on the bodycam. Also brain cells? How about you reread yourself and tell what the fuck im supposed to gather from "thats crazy. Howd he get shot" then my braincells. What are you even saying or trying to point out. And you say i dont have brain cells yet you cant even be legible or cohesive in your response. Fuck this shit im going to bed. Im not debating with a fucking fish of a person.

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But the prosecutors didn’t feel it was justified so…

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I like the way you think. Pure logic. More people should try that out

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yeah yeah stfu

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I am so confused by the cameraman

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Can y’all take the boot out of your mouth? Can’t hear you.

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Why? So we can put in the boot thats in yours?

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That comment makes no sense, try again

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"murder"? more like an idiot who thinks he doesnt have to listen to police and can do whatever he wants cuz he black

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Easy. Don't grab an officers weapon, even if it is a non-lethal weapon. An officer cannot risk being incapacitated by some random foreigner just because he's having a bad day and he feels like giving the cop a fight. I hope he is NOT convicted.

Patrick Lyoya is NOT going to be missed, hopefully that will teach his family to be submissive and respectful to authority.


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i agree with what u said first but second thing just sounds like u being racist, submissive and respectful to authority?

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Easy, don't fight a cop.

I bet they make it a point to teach respect to authority and police in their household, NOW that a family member of theirs has died due to a police involved shooting.

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Seriously why can't these thugs just comply. Of course we'll get a bunch of bleeding heart libtards whining about this. The same libtards that forced everyone to comply with their quarantine and mask mandates. Just apply the same logic to encounters with the police. Comply during arrest, then argue with the judge.

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True. But murder is murder. And this looks like murder. He didn’t even call for medical right away.

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if the suspect didnt take his taser he wouldnt have shot him

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What do you think he was doing at the very end there tard?

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Can you read. I said right away. He didn’t call for help right away. Learn to read

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Police simps don’t care. They just enjoy watching pigs murder Black people.

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Waaat, i cant believe this is a real comment with upvotes,

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Maybe leave the foreigner part out and this extrajudicial execution wouldn’t sound so bad you twit

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I wish he had shot him sooner. I am going to call it like it is. Patrick was a braindead, retarded foreigner that thought that shit would work out like it did back in Uganda. Unfortunately for him he learned a little thing about exceptional use of deadly force. Let it be videos like this that you have to see before you become an American citizen, so you understand NOT to fight. It is very easy for emotions to take over, especially in situations when you are being yelled at by someone you probably don't even understand 100% But the next logical step is NOT to try to subdue the authority figure. That does NOT work in America. In AMERICA cops carry guns to defend themselves. Patrick nearly had a deadly advantage over the cop, and that kind of leverage should not be entitled to foreign idiots that think they can fight police without consequences.

God bless our police.


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The work of an inbred mind no doubt. Where are you getting that he is a foreigner?

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If you had watched more sources, and used your context clues, then you would have figured out that he is 100% intoxicated, and that English is 100% not his first language.

Listen to his fucking voice. If he's not from some African country then he's braindead retarded and he speaks with a ridiculous slur. Take your pick.

(But let me guess, this video is too hardcore for your pussy country.)

((If so, another blatant example of how America is just superior in every single way.))

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Soooooo…. You can’t tell the difference between the person filming who was talking and the murder victim. And still no proof he was a foreigner. Ok clown

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You are just a special kind of retarded.

Did you even watch the video? What you just said was mega stupid and just gives me the impression you haven't even watched EITHER videos.

I feel bad for you kinda you'll only get worse with age and soon you'll be a ranting, raving, senile, old POS without the capability to even comprehend the buttons on a keyboard.

I hope that happens sooner rather than later.

Go die, kindly.


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You are right about him being a foreigner. But you are an idiot about everything else. But it’s expected from someone who was molested by their father. I’ll die one day. You’ll live your inbred life with some inferiority complex about black people. Good for you

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America is a shit hole country.

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Your moms shithole is a great time!

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I didn’t see the full video. Seems like a foreigner.

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so sad that youre right (although sounding a little racist) but people still downvoting your shit. hate to see self victimized people have an opinion on here

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Unfortunately they'd rather suck the cock's of foreigners than appreciate what we have in America. Criminal's don't follow laws. Unfortunately having common sense in this day and age amounts to you being racist.

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harsh truths, who gives a fuck if this guy was a purple alien who spoke klingong, what matters is that his dumbass decided he was above the law and the officers life didnt matter.

koni you are a coward for blocking me you blm loving cronie

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Fuck the police.

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Wow you sure do love kissing some police ass.

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Better than letting criminals fuck the community.

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Fuck that flag and fuck you too

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Fuck cops. I hope the officer enjoys his time in jail.

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I've seen the whole video, The dude getting shot resisted so much it almost seemed like him getting iced was inevitable.

Cop had no backup and was losing stamina with the risk of this dude getting a hold of his weapons.

I've been caught riding dirty by the cops a lot and all you have to do is comply. Every time I've been let go with a warning due to different circumstances.

Dude probably didn't deserve to die, but if you decide to resist a cop and wrestle him you better be ready for the consequences of your actions.

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80% of these deaths could have been prevented if the suspect cooperated. Now both are fucked

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Yeah the justice works, who wants to be this guy was already a felon from multiple other violent crimes and now this cop will have a longer sentence than him.

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Saw this incident on reddit and comments are full of sheep libs yet again

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He had the taser in his hand bye bye bad guy 👋🏻

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Ridiculous black boy killed himself and now the officer has to suffer too.

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Thats not murder, that's Justice.:marseytariq:

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What the fuck...

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You ever notice how the “don’t tread on me” retards are the first ones to defend state sanctioned executions

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Really In the back of the head?? Couldnt wait for back up? Couldnt shoot him in the shoulder or leg? Couldnt jus say fk it this dude is too big and let him run ? Say fk it ill catch him another time??.. your ego was soo hurt you couldnt physically stop this brolic dude who would eat you in a fist fight… so in order to show the world how tuff u are shoot him in the head… great going you shoot him ded, cant even de-escalate a situation.. cant even do ur own job right… this cop is a real bum

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Pussies shouldn't be cops....#NotASexist

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