Police car rams into stolen car leading to a woman getting knocked over.

Happened in LA. 66 year old carrying her groceries was knocked over. She was later taken to hospital to get her checked where they found she had no major injuries. The guy who stole the car was caught speeding on the wrong side of the lane by police and so police took chase. (Happend at 1 pm). The guy ran from the scene and was later arrested.

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police have no regard for the safety of innocent people, and thats why It gets me hard when I see them get stabbed and bleed out crying like a little bitch

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Its better they had hit the car and injured the lady than let the car continue going cuz the man was driving crazy. If they let him drive, its a high probability that the driver will crash into a car and kill people. So injuring the woman was a little sacrifice they had to do.

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It was almost like someone was chasing him.

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What else will the police do? Leave him alone :marseyfacepalm:

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Police chasing suspects makes it more dangerous for everyone else. It is a fact.

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I just got some new info on this, the suspect was being chased by cops cuz they caught the car speeding, they then did a check and realised the car got stolen so they took chase, so either way, the danger level did not change if police took chace. And even if he wasn't speeding, he's still a criminal. You're the type of person to complain why cops are doing ther jobs and tryna catch a criminal, while also complaining that there is so much crime in the world.

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Crime is down in this country. The fact that the car was stolen means nothing, not worth risking the lives of random innocents at all.

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Yes it is. Small crimes can result in large crimes. Let me use Hitler as an egxample, time for some history :

After WW1, a treaty called Treay of Versailles (TOV) was signed in 1919. To summarise, it basically reduced german army and took away their land. After a few years, hitler started to come into power. NoW, one of the point of the TOV was germany couldn't bring their army into Rheinland. Hitler did do that and noone said anything cuz A, countries liek UK were busy, B, they didn't think it was that bad. A few years after, UK made an act with Germany called the anglo-german naval pact, this allowed germany to have a navy (tov didn't allow this). Hitler wanted, and needed to destroy the TOV for him to be able to properly go to war against the world, and with countries not doing anyhting about hitler's actions, it made the TOV weaker. And finally, the nail in the coffin, appeasement. Hitler kept saying, give my that land, give me this land and in return I will not go to war. The UK agreed and hitler got much more land. And then WW2 happened... This could have all been prevented easily from the start, but see how one small thing led to somehting massive.

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And this relates to a car chase how?

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