it wasn't a knife , it was a pen he was going to college , he did nothing wrong BLM free my boy
- 7 Context
Females should not be cops. She chose the worst time to shoot him. Her backdrop was other people. Especially a child in the way
- -12 Context
bro what? what does her gender have to do with anything? go get a girlfriend for crying out loud she conducted her duties properly. she gave him so many chances to drop, and on top of that she waited until last second to fire on him. literally shows how much she doesnt want to shoot the dumbass.
- 11 Context
I dont know how else she could have handled that without potentially putting herself in more danger. Yeah sure you can say cops should be willing to die to protect people while on duty, but could you? That kind of person isn't common. On paper it sounds good but in reality that's not just how policing works.
Not to mention the woman with the laundry and her fucking little kid sees this situation escalating, is waved to go inside/take cover by the officer, yet stands there, I guess either because she's actually fucking stupid and useless, or she wanted to see a nigga get shot.
If I were her, I'd have dropped the laundry, scooped up my kid, and taken cover by the house or anything other than just stand there the moment that any officer near me feels the need to pull out a fire arm, even if it'd take me a second or two to realize what's going on.
It's not really a gender issue with policing, it's a underfunding and a lack of adequate training and fitness standards. like in that relatively recent post here where officer fiddle sticks get bodied by a frail fourty year old woman with his own baton. It's a trend I see in damn near every "bad." Police shooting. If it isn't a rookie, then it's some middle aged fat fuck who wouldn't even do well in corrections as a prison guard, much less in a hike.
- 1 Context
Why would you rush a cop with their gun pointed at you? Double your chances of getting shot
- 40 Context
Suicide by cop. People who do this want to die but are too scared to do it themselves so they basically force the hand of the police.
A very unfortunate circumstance for all involved.
- 4 Context
'Unarmed' my ass, those crazy assholes are intent on terrorizing innocent people, and they will kill you with anything at their disposal.
I say 'Good riddance, send in the next clown!'
- 23 Context
Lol this is the type BLM tries so hard to make look like martyrs.
Which aggressive bipoc criminal are we going to change our pfps and take to the streets for this year?
- 9 Context
You're really upset when a random black lady killing people and talk about getting rid of all blacks but ya probably rolled your eyes after the church shooting with Dylan roof and the tops shooting. Sooooo 😭 instead of being a race jockey trying to one up everyone why not advocate for better mental health professionals and money towards healthcare so people can afford the medication that don't make them do this.
This also happens often. It's just because it's white people you're all riled up. Like the young victim cannon hinnant who was killed by that black neighbor and people were up in arms even tho he was arrested within a day.
Hell the FBI just arrested a man trying to instigate a race war by shooting up a bad bunny concert targeting minorities. Sooooo 🙄
- -1 Context
I'm supposed to give a fk when one of their bearded biches built like a shipping container stabs a 3yr old white baby to death? Yeah every last one of them can drop dead. Imagine how clean & peaceful it would be with no ghetto spawns alive. Good job police keep up the good work
- 20 Context
Not gonna happen they here to stay and will never stop terrorism which whites deserve cause it's revenge for slavery you brought them here now ur country is a cesspool of crime hahaha go blacks!
- 1 Context
He was armed. Unless you want a pen stabbed into your eye you shoot that fucker.
What amazes me tho is the dumbass grandma leading the kid around like police drawing guns isnt your queue to get the hell out of there. She just liters around the car like duuuuuh
- 18 Context
Fuck off with the race bait title. Cop shoots sketchy screaming dude who rushed a cop with a gun pointed at him. More like suicide by cop.
- 12 Context
That woman with the child is such a idiot. Why are you standing there, get your child out of there
- 10 Context
Going on the title alone I am thinking this is gonna be America. I am unsure if their cops ever do anything other than shoot people dead, lmao they would be the last people I would consider calling for help if I lived there.
- 3 Context
Have you noticed how their ghetto trash always seems to run at the police before getting shot dead? Black people aren't victims when they get shot
- 9 Context
Yes. Run towards a cop in America with their gun already pointed at you and find out wtf happens. A good cop will shoot your ass dead on the spot. She did what I would do. And probably what a black male cop would have done. Why take a chance? Fuck that. Self defense at that point.
- 7 Context
“If I lived in America”. Do you worthless poor cunts have anything better to talk about than America.
- -3 Context
She literally chose the worst time to shot.. Damn back drop was other civilians and a child..
- 2 Context
He had a Pen and dropped into a shooting stance. Female cop is only retarded for taking the shot with that Random Woman and child behind him
- 2 Context
The adult with the kid obviously saw the gun drawn and didn't move despite being told to do so... Who's the real retard?
- 7 Context
What was he thinking hahaha? Could've just smoked that blunt that rolled out from his dying ass instead of chasing a cop with a gun pointed at him while being tazed.
- 2 Context
idiots when you make threats (no matter how empty) at a jumpy officer and then they get shot
- 1 Context
The only bad thing about this is that she waited till she had a child as a backstop before shooting
- 0 Context
Fuck me! Don't they have training?? Shooting with a child and its mother/guardian right behind the moving target seems kinda irresponsible and off.
- 0 Context
Oh yeah and what would you do Superman? She yelled at them to move and they just stand there like retards. She supposed to just let that fuck tackle her? That worthless cunt and her worthless kid should get out of the way. Dumbass Bitch
- 1 Context
BBWs are one of those things I get off to in porn, but am utterly repulsed by IRL. Its not even the stigma of fricking a fatty that does that. When i tried crossing the line of fantasy into reality i found that a) fatties have grating personalities and b) beyond a certain BMI they are guaranteed to smell horrible.
- -2 Context
List a few then. Claiming she did something wrong then failing to back up your statement is just silly. I dont like cops. Im not a pig lover. I was genuinely curious.
- 6 Context
The mother and her Child were Right behind the guy that got shot. Police could misfire and hit that kid.
She could avoid this, by stepping around the car until the women and her kid aren't in danger of crossfire
- 0 Context
“I have all the answer” what are they? “Nigga i don have to tell you” ok then stfu you dumbass Bitch. Go back to grade school and learn how to spell why you're at it. You might learn how to function in a civilized society. You ain't in the jungle anymore cunt
- 0 Context
Infront of a little kid? Damn. They better be paying for thst kids therapy for life.
But he charged her. That shot was warranted.
- -2 Context
Stupid whore not only shot an unarmed man, but she wasn't even aware of her backdrop. She could've shot that kid standing behind the dude she was apparently so afraid of that she felt she needed to shoot. Dumb bitch needs to be sucking dick for a living.
- -6 Context
She did the right thing regardless. If that man lays his hand on her, its game over, he would have easily outpowered her and be able to get her gun, shoot her and then become a real menace for everybody there. Being unarmed doesn't mean shit in these close call type situations.
- 7 Context
You're full of shit 😂 Marksmanship 101; be aware of your target and what lies beyond it.
You can make all the excuses you want, but this stupid cunt fucked up and shouldn't be in law enforcement.
- -5 Context
Then what, just stand there while a man who just got tased is still charging at you? Are you that stupid?
- 1 Context
Must be upsetting seeing a women out there doing more for the world in one second than you've ever done in your entire shit stain life. Keep tapping away at your computer and your parents will keep wishing they aborted you.
- 1 Context