Bodycam footage of the 2022 Bristol shooting that left 2 Connecticut police officers dead and another wounded.

October 12, 2022 - Officer Hamzy, Officer Iurato, and Sergeant DeMonte responded to 310 Redstone Hill Road. Officer Hamzy and Sergeant DeMonte parked their police cruisers directly in front of the house on the south side of Redstone Hill Road facing east. Officer Iurato parked his cruiser on the north side of the street facing west. All three officers exited their cruisers and walked up the driveway to the side door of the house. As they approached the driveway, Officer Hamzy mentioned, "I went to school with this kid."

Unbeknownst to the officers, Nicholas Brutcher had hidden himself near some bushes at the front of the house next door. This house, 328 Redstone Hill Road, was the home of Brutcher's parents, Joseph and Catrina Brutcher. Nicholas Brutcher was outfitted with a camouflage shirt and pants as well as a camouflage vest. He was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and at least one handgun. He also had several magazines of ammunition. From this position, Nicholas Brutcher had a direct line of sight on the officers as they walked up the driveway.

The house at 310 Redstone Hill Road has a detached garage. An open breezeway connects the house and garage. As the officers approached the house, they observed a shotgun leaning against the garage. Officer Hamzy examined the shotgun. Nathan Brutcher was inside the house and appeared in the doorway. Officer Iurato ordered him to come outside. As he exited the house, Nathan Brutcher said, "I don't even have my phone."

At that moment, from his position on the neighboring property, Nicholas Brutcher unleashed a volley of gunshots. He fired these rounds from the AR-15-style rifle. All three officers were hit, as was Nathan Brutcher. Officer Hamzy fell first. Nathan Brutcher retreated into the house. Sergeant DeMonte proceeded through the breezeway into the rear yard and saw Joseph Brutcher. He then returned to the driveway and toward Officer Hamzy where he collapsed onto the pavement. Officer Iurato, who was struck in the upper right leg area, also moved away through the breezeway to the rear yard.

Nicholas Brutcher emerged from his position next door and approached the fallen officers. Nicholas Brutcher walked to the driveway and toward Officer Hamzy and Sergeant DeMonte. Nicholas Brutcher's parents, who had come outside and in the rear yard of their home, saw what happened next. Nicholas Brutcher proceeded to stand over each officer and fire multiple shots into them – first Sergeant DeMonte and then Officer Hamzy. Upon seeing this, Catrina Brutcher began to scream uncontrollably for Nicholas Brutcher to stop. At one point, Nicholas Brutcher's AR-15 stopped firing (he had incorrectly inserted the magazine) and he switched to a handgun and continued firing. During this time, Nicholas Brutcher yelled, "How proud are you of me? How proud?"

Officer Iurato moved along the back of the house emerging in the yard of the house on the west side of 310 Redstone Hill Road. He radioed for assistance and continued moving until he reached the police cruisers parked on Redstone Hill Road. Officer Iurato heard sounds indicating that Nicholas Brutcher was attempting to load a firearm. From his position, Officer Iurato could see Nicholas Brutcher who was still in the driveway in front of the garage. Bracing himself against Officer Hamzy's cruiser, Officer Iurato fired one shot striking Nicholas Brutcher at the base of his skull killing him.

Photos of the cops and perpetrator:

Official Report:

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The scumbag ruined many lives.

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He should have been swallowed. I hope the cock sucker got the worst painful death.

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He got insta killed so no pain compared to what he inflicted.

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you seem really butthurt dude. not good smh.

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who? the pigs?

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It's always the kids behind the screen that say that 😂

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This must be your fat sack of shit brother 😂😂😂😂

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So do America's gun laws

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The right to protect yourself includes the guilty and innocent.

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I always see you crying like a little bitch in every comment section. Lmfao

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This is WPD you're not allowed to be anything but far-right wing, you should know this.

Arm every man woman and child with an AR-15 to protect muh freedoms

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Gun rights are not far-right politics and the fact you think that proves you're a dumbass

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Intelligence isn't your strong suite is it.....

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Lol are you 13? Everyone on here is left or centrist. Libertarian types at best. You must be a complete shitlib to even think like that. Go back to Reddit pussy

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this is blatantly not true lmao. Also "shitlib" and "go back to reddit pussy", ur obviously projecting that 13yr old shit, at least I hope so pls don't tell me ur over 17 genuinely speaking like this. Prepare for a mediocre life at best

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what even gave u this impression? the constant D riding of alt right figures n ideologies? the way they hate everything not white and or christian? so libertarian

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Yeah this website is so alt right that they ban comments for racism :skull: go back to Reddit

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Yep, that's what pigs do, that's the point of their pathetic existence. Luckily he was eradicated painfully. Listen to those awesome squeals of pain.

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"Listen to those awful squeals of pain" 🤓 Bro go back to doing your middle school homework 💀

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Bro all I gotta do is order a wellfare check on you, and you, your family and pet no longer exist. These 60 IQ professional wife beaters will show up and shoot you. Great welfare check huh.

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From the way you're talking, you definitely live in a gated community and haven't seen much outside of surfing the internet.

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piggy spotted lol

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Did we hurt your feelings?

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Who's we? You and the cuck squad?

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It's always the pathetic kids that say these quirky things behind a screen 😂.

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I hope you burn alive

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I wish the video showed the kill shot… badass to get shot and then one shot to the skull in response

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And from what looked like a great distance. Fucking nice shot, indeed.

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Yeah I wish we could have seen the two pigs get smoked. Hopefully we get that body cam footage soon.

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Damn did you get dropped as a baby.

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clean, single-shot through the head after an upper leg injury is commendable af ngl

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the suspect looks like an amerimutt LMAO :amerimuttdance:

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I don't think he got that look through genetic diversity. Probably the complete opposite...

sweet home alabama begins to play

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That big hillbilly was letting that 15 RIP

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The prior traffic stop footage is insane. Idk how him and his brother didn't get the book thrown at them

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black people did it

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This was some terrifing footage they should make bodycam horror movies more often holy shit.

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fucking medieval

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That mum is annoying as fuck

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Looks like they were focusing on the wrong guy

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I didn't realize the screaming was from a dude, thought a chick got hit in the crossfire

also that was a good fucking shot

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His mom was the one screaming

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I see that now, I derped and missed that part of the write up


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I am shot call my mom motherfuckin cops

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Scum of a man eliminated 20 some years too late.

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Damn that's fucked up.

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One shot wonder

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prayers up for the community side stuff I work a job every day, hoping that the situation with the police can get Better

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All because those dickhead cops that pulled him over didn't want to take him to jail when he clearly deserved it

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Shift change.

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Dame bro we said no full auto in building

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yk nothing hurts me more than to see police officers get killed. they protect the people and the people try and in a few cases successfully take their lives. fuck cop killers, i hope yall rot in hell

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Womp womp

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i started laughing and staring at my ceiling squinting my eyes like that one guy with his wide ass camera when i read your name and the thing you got next to it, that shit funny, keep it up :3

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Absolutely zero situational awareness. "Hey all three of us let's just funnel in here." :marseypeace: peace, catch you in hell.

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They don't make you realize, it's just an fact of life you learn as you age.

Once you realize the only reason you're spending time around females is their pussy, you realize getting it really isn't that big of a deal and bussy is basically the same thing without all the headache.

The important thing is taking the bussy pill before you knock a women up, then you're better off being tied to that gussy for life for the sake of the child.


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fuck the police never has their been any statement like that been at rescue

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