Arizona cop fatally shoots 60 years old man in wheelchair nine times in the back killing him (2 angles) - USA

The images are shocking. When he refused to stop at the request of a police officer, a man in a motorized wheelchair, armed with a knife, was shot nine times at the entrance to a Walmart in the city of Tucson in the USA. The officer, who was not on duty that evening but was supposed to act as security guard in the store, was warned by an employee that the victim was suspected of stealing a toolbox. "According to the employee, he caught up with Mr. Richards outside as he fled and asked him for the receipt for the toolbox. Instead of giving the ticket, Mr. Richards pulled out a knife and said, 'Here's your ticket,'" reports Chris Magnus, the city's police chief.

In footage captured by another officer's body-worn camera and made public by the Tucson police chief, the officer, Ryan Remington, can be heard repeatedly asking the disabled individual to stop. Faced with the latter's refusal, he fired. The victim's behavior "left him no other choice" than to use his weapon, his lawyer told the New York Times. "I am deeply disturbed by the actions of Officer Remington. His lethal use of force during this incident is a clear violation of the rules of our department," responded Chris Magnus on the occasion of a press conference the day after the events. The Tucson police chief also announced that termination proceedings had been initiated against the officer.

(Video borrowed from New York Post).

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I'm generally pro-cop, but this is really fucking bad.

Yes bro was armed with a knife, but where tf was he gonna go?

This is the equivalent of shooting a 90 year old with a knife, yes they're technically armed, but they're a bigger threat to themselves than others. Honestly.

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Exactly. Mfer aint gonna out run you and what about a taser? WTF was this!!???

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The cop who watched the other cop shoot was probably thinking "WTF???", he went completely fucking silent. I'm not sure what the other cop was on, but you could've held onto the back of the guys chair or something, or lure him to a speed bump lmao. He's more at risk of falling over onto his knife than to kill someone.

At most he'd fucking scratch someone lol.

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Cops shoot old people with knives all the time.

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Thats like, their third favorite thing to shoot.

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oh for fuck sake are you really bringing that shit up? they tased her, since she was 95 it caused problems with her heart, not the cops faults

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Ah yes so just shoot then. Im sure that caused heart problems aswell 💀

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Bro you're a fucking retard. Like truly fucking retarded. God damn have some shame.

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instead of throwing around slurs, maybe bring a proper fucking point instead of making yourself look like an incoherent baby whose only way of speaking online is throwing around slurs

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The fact you need convincing that your statement is wrong really fucking concerns me. I hope you never have kids.

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You're missing the point. What damage could a 95 year old do to you? I work in an age care facility, and I've had 90+ year olds pull knives at me AND try to stab me. It is VERY easy to disarmed a frail woman or man, without tazing them.

The womans life was cut short by that taser that triggered heart failure. Yes the woman should not have had the knife, but the cop should not have tazed her. Cops are taught about proportinate force to a proportinate threat. Tazing a 95 year old woman was not proportional force, and any person with a brain could figure out the complications it would cause.

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Another assassination by a motherfuckin cop. A disabled man with a knife moving away from you is an immediate deadly treat, assasins motherfuckers

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Good job boys, that Will teach him to not bring a knife to a store next time


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American Police don't give a shit if you can't walk , if he says get up from that chair you better get yo ass up or he gonna spit some lead on you

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the truth is Americans are crazy, so for controlling them you need a crazy police too

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When you fire nine shots at a disabled old man do you really need to handcuff him?

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So when is the cop scheduled for his execution?

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Never, he was working for waltmart, he is now employee of the month..

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It's an old man in a wheelchair. Did he think he was going to roll up on someone, and stab them? Literally, the worst type of cop you can come across.

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Ok but what I don't understand is how these people think they can steal and do this kind of shit without any consequences. If it was me, I'd be worried about the cops going medieval on my ass for something like this, especially if I was belligerent and had a knife. What was this guy thinking was going to happen ? Surely he's aware there are a lot of police officers out there that subscribe to 'shoot first, questions after'.

Did he need 8 rounds in the back? No, probably not.

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Motherfucker stole shit, pulled a knife, and play tough. I say good riddance.

If anything, those cops should be yelling 'NEXT ASSHOLE IN LINE!!!'

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Damn you really got the whole boot in your mouth, dont ya?

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Nah, it's just looking at situations objectively. You'd soon change your mind if this harmless disabled dude rode past a family member of yours and slashed them. This is a grown adult that took a knife into a shop. He initiated the situation. He made his decision. Life really can be simple if you just think.

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Plenty of pro-cop people would disagree with you here. No one is fucking saying the guy should not face consequences, they're saying the guy should not be shot in the back 9 times for holding a knife he can barely use.

It's quite literally the equivalent of shooting a baby holding a knife, the baby IS technically armed, but the most its going to do is fucking scratch you with it, how the fuck is that DISABLED guy gonna suddenly regain the use of his legs and sprint over to you, slashing your throat.

You're trying to think objectively, but you're using half your fucking brain.

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Where's all that anger coming from? You assumed that was my whole view? I agree with the 9 shots being excessive. They could've maybe tazed him. We don't know the extent of his disablement, whether it's just physical or mental as well. Too many variables to compare it to a... 'baby holding a knife'. He could obviously travel in his scooter. Again, we can't say for sure, but the 9 shots were excessive.

Life is much better when you're not angry all the time. That anger only hurts you. Until you snap and target someone vulnerable of course.

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I don't need your advice.

You're attempting to lecture me about assumptions, when you assume I'm angry. I am capable of using fucking language without being angry, thank you. I'm more using it to convey my "what the fuck" at your idiocy.

Your statements of "He initiated the situation. He made his decision.", and " if this harmless disabled dude rode past a family member of yours and slashed them.", is just stating the obvious. Of course no one would like it if he rode past like that, of course he intiated the situation, and of course he made that decision. The fact that you're arguing some very obvious points that absolutely no one is disputing, and you're sending that reply in defense of someone being called a boot licker, means you're on some level siding with what the police did.

Your grand standing is fucking weird. Lose it. Stop rushing to the defense of someone going "he deserved it, hahaha", when he obviously did not deserve that.

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Ok. Keep not being angry, Doc.

I would still prefer he got 9 bullets rather than an innocent bystander get the tiniest of cuts from his knife. Even just between the 9 bullets and him swinging at someone, and missing, with the knife, it'd be 9 every time.

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Doctor Phil disapproves of this message :marseykys2:

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That's a lot of words for "Im a bootlicking pussy"

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I mean, Murica, guns, splosions.

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As if you could even read all that.

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Force should be proportional. It's not just about cops, it's about society as a whole. If we let shit like this go without consequence, whats stopping your neighbour from cutting off your head for you putting your trash in their garbage bin?

Law and order is all that stops you from getting shot in the face walking down a street lol.

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Should have put spike strips under his wheels.

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They could have just flattened his tire, lol.

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you know its reeaaaally bad when not even the trigger happy female cop fired a single shot

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I can't think of a single reason why the cop even thought this was justifiable. Did he think the guy was gonna stab someone inside? That store person woman could've walked faster than that scooter could drive. Trap him in some aisles with boxes or something.

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Ok, i know he had a knife and wasnt stopping... But dude ? Its a fucking vegetable, kick his wheelchair over or something. Dont waste bullets bro

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Beat the guy with a fucking stick or something if you're that desperate, tf do you need to shoot him for? I don't get it at all.

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Equal rights, Equal fights


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this is type of shit you would fail the mission in ready or not for

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Is it even necessary to handcuff him?💀 I mean 8 bullets is crazy enough to die lol :marseytwerking:

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You have no idea how cowardly cops are. I live in a college town, they love to arrest people walking home from the bars for public intoxication. They ALWAYS pull up with 2, sometimes 3 squad cars to stop a single college kid.

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Our tax dollars hard at work guys

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That will teach him.

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Can you believe that this one was justified?

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Should be two gunshot victims!

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Would you rather come across a bear or a female cop?

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Female cop because at least you'd get a free Glock

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A policewoman lol

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Bet you can't find anything cooler than a knife wielding old hobo in a speeding wheelchair


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Jesus :marseychristchanreading: fucking :marseytom: christ. There :marseycheerup: are two fucking :marseytom: handles by the back wheels :marseyshortbus: that disengage the motors. Fucking :marseytom: idiot :marseypoonerretard: cops

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he had a knife, so they couldn't do that

but they didn't need to light him up like a fucking christmas tree either

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The guy can't turn his arms 180 degrees to stab the cops directly behind him LMFAO. They could very easily distract him with someone in front, then attack the wheels lol

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They can, they're just retarded :marseyautism: like you. The guy is in a wheelchair :marseyabbott: with a knife, its not like he can turn around and stab you

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Not defending this cop at all but unless you deal with the handicapped regularly you're unlikely to know that.

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Just bleedin tase him instead you shite american

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Imagine if he was black! LA riots again.

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In the comments section here I have learned a lot about race. That cop is black, wearing whiteface makeup. White people never shoot like that.

Wheelchair guy is probably a war hero, has all his metals he earned in the war in that toolbox. He had every right to pull a knife on a guy trying to take it. Clearly he was going back in the store for help.

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Dirty Harry has nothing on this cop.

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Looks like Crippo played the tough-guy and things backfired a little.

Oh well, I'm sure he's stealing tool boxes in Heaven now, carry on then...

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