Jayland Walker Shooting :marseysnoo:

The two videos released included a narrated version of the events that led to the shooting, as well as the shooting itself, in which involved multiple officers fired several shots at Walker. While Walker’s body was blurred in the body cam footage per the request of his family, the video remains graphic in nature.

Investigations previously reported that per a police source, more than 90 shots were fired at Walker, striking him 60 times. On Sunday, Akron Police Chief Steve Mylett said that he could not confirm the number of shots fired at Walker at this time, but said he expected the number to be high and that he wouldn’t be surprised if it matched the figure that had been circulating in the media. He also confirmed that initial medical examiner reports indicated Walker suffered more than 60 gunshot wounds, although it is still being determined how many were entrance and exit wounds.

The incident took place just after midnight on Monday, June 27, when officers attempted to pull over Walker’s car for a traffic and equipment violation. Walker proceeded to lead the officers on a high-speed chase down East Tallmadge Avenue toward State Route 8.

At some point during the pursuit, police say that Walker fired a gun out of the window of his car. Among the footage released on Sunday was a traffic video that showed a flash coming out of Walker’s car that they say is consistent with a gunshot.

Following the minutes-long chase, Walker exited the car on Wilbeth Road near the Bridgestone Tire offices while wearing a black ski mask. The footage shows officers attempting to deploy non-lethal tasers before firing their guns and striking Walker, who was unarmed at the time of the shooting.

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Shooting at cops has it's downsides.

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It does have one really rewarding upside though, if you swing that way.

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Unarmed and shot in the back 60 fucking times by 8 different officers. I get that cops fear for their lives and need to shoot sometimes but this type of extreme overkill is why people don't trust them.

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crazy thing is, the more officers chasing you would think the more safe it would be, but in reality it is more dangerous because if one starts shooting they all do. Finding which shot first and why should be the priority

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Plus the one report said they fired over 90 times. So 30 bullets missed him. Just 30 bullets flying randomnly that could hit any innocent person around.

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In this case they would have mostly all hit the ground but I get what you are saying. There are other cases where random people are killed by stray bullets.

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i can see where you guys are coming from, however before there was a foot pursuit jayland shot out of the drivers side of his vehicle

when he stopped, he left the gun inside of the car, on the driver's seat. there was no way for cops to know this (self explanatory)

he was wearing a ski mask and facing away from the police, so that gets rid of the race argument

near the end of the pursuit, jayland assumed a "shooting" stance, which if you look at the video closely, you can see him start to brace. the officers, not knowing that he left the gun in the car, because they did not yet search it, thought that he was bracing to shoot a gun, so understandably the officers quickly reacted and all shot him.

did he deserve to die? absolutely not. is it his fault for getting shot? yes. im not trying to be rude but if you did more research you would know, donut operator on youtube did an excellent job of breaking this incident down

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It looked like they were opening up on a group of people who were firing back. That’s too extreme for absolutely no reason. I don’t think they teach cops to unload the clip every time they fire.

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Unfortunately they are taught to unload clips to ensure death. If not the victim can sue the police apparently it’s very easy to win the case.

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That’s not true. Police are not taught to unload “clips” on unarmed, fleeing suspects. They are also not called “clips”, they are called magazines.

Another douchebag just literally making shit up…

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Be careful anyways another keyboard warrior grammar nazi. My father was a cop who step down because of how corrupt his station was. He has lots of stories he told me as a kid.

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I’m not entirely sure on the reliability of the statement ‘my dad told me’ when referring to a government-wide conspiracy

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Literally crazy. Man was unarmed and they blew him away

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Theyre a gang. They have to shoot if one of them shoots. They know they control the narrative after the dust settles and never face any real liability for murdering someone unless they do a sloppy job of it. State funded gang bangers roaming the streets extorting and harassing everyone, and people still deep throat their boots

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Biggest gang ever

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There was absolutely no reason for how many shots were fired in this video:marseycanned:

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That’s like 8 seconds of straight gun fire. Definitely not what was released by the cops for the news conference

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There’s more information to the story now. Donut Operator did a video on it:

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60/~90= 66%

pretty on point when compared to the chaos of the video

a traffic video that showed a flash coming out of Walker’s car that they say is consistent with a gunshot.

apparently this was the gun (UNCONFIRMED)


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Interesting but he left it in the car and was running no ? Why didn’t they shoot as soon as he shot before he got out the car that doesn’t make sense

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According to their department's policy, they are not allowed to shoot from or at a moving vehicle.

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The image I attached is a pic of where they say he fired a shot then speed off.


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Exactly my sentiments, I think they would’ve open-fired instantaneously once he started running in that open field if they had probable cause to assume he was armed and had previously fired towards the officers. Could be more likely that the flash in the photo is something else entirely. On a sidenote, what the hell did this guy do to start the chase in the first place? Dude had a 4-star level gta chase following him…

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ngl i think hes dead

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Shouldn't have tried shooting at police that's how people commit suicide by cop and its common knowledge. He got what was coming to him.

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thats what that shithead gets for shooting at the police

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Thats fucking hectic😝

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Not really a shooting, more like a lynching.

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There’s really no way around it. This is a good example of an unjustified and I would even dare say criminal use of force by the police.

The suspect is still a fucking moron for even running away from the cops, let alone shooting at them during the pursuit. And yes, if the officers had shot back and killed him during the suspect’s gunfire that would have been valid and justified too.

But this is a fleeing and (at that point) unarmed suspect being shot about 90 times. About 80% of those shots were fired AFTER the suspect was clearly no longer even a potential threat.

This is clearly unjustified and anything less of criminal charges with pretty decent jail time is a gross error. I did notice a couple cops realized very quickly what was happening, stopped called and called a cease fire. Their cries are muffled by gunfire and are not heard by the other officers, clearly. But they are the only ones who I believe might be in the clear. The rest are fucked.

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