CHILD WARNING Police Fatally Shoot A Black Teenager In Washington(CW)

A federal civil rights investigation is underway after U.S. Park Police fatally shot a Black teenager last month in Washington, D.C., and his family called on authorities Wednesday to charge the officers involved in the incident.

The probe, which was announced after police released videos showing the March 18 shooting that led to Dalaneo Martin's death, comes amid other high-profile cases across the country that have forced departments to re-evaluate their interactions with Black people.

“The loss of a life is always tragic but is especially heartbreaking when it involves a child,” the U.S. attorney’s office said in a statement. “On Saturday, March 18th, 17-year-old Dalaneo Martin tragically died after a shooting involving the U.S. Park Police, and we recognize that the body-worn camera footage just released of his death is extremely upsetting. We extend our condolences to Mr. Martin’s family and friends.”

The statement continued: “In coordination with the FBI Washington Field Office, the United States Attorney’s Office has opened a civil rights investigation into the circumstances leading to Mr. Martin’s death. That investigation—which we are committed to conducting diligently and thoroughly—is ongoing. As this is an open matter, we are not able to provide additional comment or release further information at this time.”

At a news conference Wednesday, attorney Andrew O. Clarke, who is representing Martin's family, invoked the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others before he asked how long would the Black community have to endure disparate treatment from police.

"Dalaneo did not have to die," he said. "How long will they be able to hide behind their badge to justify taking a life? How long will we as a community have to continue to have the talk with our young Black children because they are treated differently by police? ... We will continue to pursue justice for Dalaneo with or without the help of the federal government or the District of Columbia."

Police released two body camera videos Tuesday from the vantage point of the officers involved and a 12-minute explainer video that included officers giving medical aid to the driver before emergency medical personnel arrived. One of the two body camera videos is about 37 minutes, and the other is about 29 minutes. Officers’ faces are concealed, and some of the audio is muted.

In the explainer video, Park Police said Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department responded to a suspicious vehicle. The SUV was running, and a driver was sleeping in it. Washington police learned the SUV was stolen, Park Police said.


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Black skins are really more stupid it seems they dont understand basic commands. They get shot because dumb brains. Nigs gonna nig.

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You are not a smart person

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Wow, what an astute observation. You got me, I'm not a smart person as I quote peer-reviewed research, literally the first Google search result on frontal lobe size.

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Your article is in fact debunking the alleged "research" and pointing out it was rooted in the racism of the time and not hard science:

In a 1934 article in Science from the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, the authors reminded the reader, “It is an accepted view that the skull capacity and the brain weight of the Negro, whether pure or mixed with white races, tends on the average to be smaller than the same dimensions in whites.” They then wrote, “The amount of precise data upon which this opinion rests is, however, meager.” This is a racist introduction to the authors’ review and amounted to quack science. As men of science, they could have instead written, “There are meager data in support of the belief that the Black brain is smaller than the white brain.”

In 1957, when reliable measurements were possible, a comparison of white and Black brains using an electroencephalogram showed no significant differences. Nonetheless, the question of the white-Black brain comparisons didn’t disappear. In 1969 a South African in the Department of Medicine at the University of Cape Town proclaimed that all the so-called evidence that had gone before—about 150 years’ worth—was based on insubstantial evidence. In 2010 an article on variability in frontotemporal brain structure began, “The question about potential differences in brain anatomy across populations of differing race and ethnicity remains a controversial issue.” These researchers found that the only difference between white and Black brains was that the left orbitofrontal cortex was larger in Blacks.

It's actually a very interesting article, I was glad to read it, though unfortunately, it does not support the claim in whose support you cited it. I would add that to get a good understanding of how historical racists saw what they wanted to see in their "studies", this great scene from Django Unchained:

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Here's a more recent study, showing on average black brains weigh significantly less than Caucasians:

You don't even need studies to see this difference. All you have to do is look at skull shape. Blacks have receded foreheads, other races have more prominent foreheads. What's in the part of the skull? The frontal lobe. Or, you could simply look at how they tend to behave as groups:

Checkmate. It is what it is, and pretending there aren't vast biological differences between races which forms the basis for their behavior is just silly at this point.

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You're fucking so retarded it's hilarious

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This is just embarassing buddy, almost comical now with the redditor "checkmate", how old are you by the way because this is some angsty teen behavior. I think you need to address how you could crow about being so smart and citing peer-reviewed research when the article itself says the exact opposite of what you claim. This is only possible if someone is actually not even reading what they're linking (not even the TITLES), and they're in the habit so beloved of white supremacist forums of just dumping a bunch of links in a comment, assuming they win the argument because the other person won't actually click-through to call them out on the bullshit.

This second article (which is indeed cited in the earlier article, and is in the excerpt I posted) once again says the precise opposite of what you claim; it says the orbitofrontal cortex ("associated" with decision making) is larger in African-Americans. (Right OFC is 0.4mL larger, and Left OFC is 0.8mL larger)

And before anyone starts saying this now means that white people have poor decision making, the authors state:

Our findings have neither clear clinical implications nor clear implications for differences in brain function

As they explain at length for those who read, this article is about increasing ethnic minority recruitment in studies. There is absolutely nothing in the scientific literature that approaches the evidentiary standard for the claims you are making, no one yet knows what any of these minute anatomical differences mean. Recall that Einstein's brain was normal and average when studied. As the authors said brain development is also affected by socioeconomic factors.

However, as to the specific claim you made that black people have a smaller decision making centre, your article says the exact opposite, so we can at least be sure that you are wrong on this.

My advice?

  • Read through the entirety of the first article you cited, and understand that you exemplify the phenomenon of someone seeking validation for a pre-formed conclusion
  • Stay away from linking to journals on this site before you embarrass yourself further, because people here actually read.
  • If it's your opinion that blacks are awful, fine, but at least have the honesty to admit it's your opinion.
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His tiny frontal lobe couldn't comprehend the article lmao

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Your source is about how wrong this retard was in his attempt to prove that "Black brains are smaller than white brains, especially in the frontal lobes." in 1904. You are not a smart person. Retard.

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The article is actually discrediting that biased result. You folks need to check your own frontal lobes before throwing stones

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As a scientist, fucking yikes! 🤣

You're cherry picking the part that the entire thesis of the article is discrediting 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the sheer stupidity. Then you have the fuckin audacity to add your retarded touch and try to interpret the controversial biased findings yourself.

Looks like YOUR frontal lobe is smaller than your micropenis cuck. Thanks for the chuckles

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You got that racist reddit small dick energy. Get out the basement cuck.

Edit: This was directed at @BloodyComet and not the gentleman with the long username i very much agree with.

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How original, I'm impressed with your creative novel insults

You must be very smart and creative, with a big frontal lobe and dick lmao 🤣


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Im really sorry :( I wanted to reply to that asshole above you. I’m totally with you.

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Lol 😂 no worries

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Did you read the article? based on a study from 1904 where he analyzed 103 brains in total and came to that conclusion using racist funded research and studies give anything to feed you racist fucks and you eat it up. ignorant pieces of shit. i don’t know any study where 103 out of the millions of blacks and whites will provide a consistent conclusion. ignorant fucks

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Imagine complaining about racism on a website where you watch people die.

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Fucking bootlickers every time a black dude gets murdered 😂 meanwhile police handcuff white mass shooters no problem

Tell me cop sissy, did Daniel Shaver also not understand basic commands? Ashley Bobbit? They were white skins.

Retarded brains. Cucks gonna cuck.

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It’s funny how they always downvote these types of comments but when they say some bs racist shit everyone is like “wow amazing upvote gentlemen upvote” biased ass white shits Reddit ass chronically online school shooter mfs

They’re everywhere on this site and it’s annoying

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they want to be edgy so bad and in doing so, do the most ignorant, non original things ever.

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