Police Mag Dump Annoying Self-Proclaimed Sovereign Citizen

Fatal shooting by Farmington police of a motorist pulled over due to lack of car registration followed a tense exchange during which the man, Chase Allan, refused to cooperate with responding officers.

He maintained that he did not have to submit to their authority, leading the officers — five ultimately arrived on the scene — to try to forcibly remove him from the car. On seeing a gun, an officer shouted out — “Gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun!” — prompting the officers to take a few steps back and start firing, Allan still seated in the auto.

Police say they saw an empty holster on Chase Allan’s right hip and a handgun lying on the driver-side floorboard of the car.

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Sovereign Citizen: A person that thinks they are intelligent when in fact they are a fucking moron. He had been studying law for a couple of years and thinks he knows it all because he watched 3 youtube movies and googled two words. Any lawyer worth their salt will tell you the 'sovereign citizen' actions hold no weight in a court of law. Your arrogance cost you your life you dumb ass dip shit.

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This dude clearly had mental issues though there are people who actually believe this shit

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Im with the cop here! He was very calm.. he listened, he explained everything to you. If you wanna fuck with a cop... be sure that there is nothing wrong on your side!!!

But wait.. there was a problem. Your fuckin car (and sure more)! That went south at the end pretty quick... this shit jumpscared me bro!

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That sovereign citizen sure took a lot of United States police force bullets.

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DUUR HURR i'M a SoVeR........ boom boom boom boom boom

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Sovreign Fatality


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i fucking hate cops but these people can eat shit too

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what a hero... let's make a statue of this retard so the birds can shit on it and remind drivers how not to be a egotistical dumbass narcissist

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If the guy was on a road he paved himself on land he owned, he'd have a point.

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What a fucking self righteous moron. From the get should have been here’s my license, I’ve a gun in the car, my hands are up, I’ve some drugs maybe I’m sorry, but no, probably some stupid guy at the last party he was at told him this and he believed it. Don’t feel sorry for you bruh.

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god, this made me so horny!

way to go officers! one less incel on the road.

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Username checks out.

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This is how I imagine @Mustang66 talks to the cops. This is why you never start a gunfight from any enclosed vehicle that isn’t an armored one, you’re just better off without it.

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I don’t think about you at all.

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Imagine actually wasting energy thinking about people on this site lol! Jesus people are fucking weird.

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They sure are. I’d know.

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Bruh. Idk either of you but that’s just sad. Who cares.

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Lmaooo he totally would

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This is how some of you fucking talk in these comments 😂😂

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They should just make it official policy to shoot these parasites on sight

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Guy's been watching too much Mr. Inbetween

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Headline should have been " Asshole citizen turned into swiss cheese "

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Fuck yeah! I hate these losers. Playbatupid games isnt that what you fucking white trash maggots say 😂😅

Love it!

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I loathe these sovereign citizen idiots so much that just hearing them speak their stupid words makes my stomach cramp up. I always wonder when I see them in police cam footage … what are they like outside of this situation? If you live with one, do you have to listen to this bullshit all the time? I imagine them as never, ever talking about anything else, and assume they all live “off the grid” (aka homeless) out in the Nevada desert.

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I had a friend with an uncle who was into that ignorance. Most of them are either fat middle aged idiots, or dipshit meth heads, both of whom just want to feel important. They bring it up every chance they get, and eventually their whole family just stops talking to them. Ironically they are usually normal tax payers who are very much participants in the system that they think they are rejecting.

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They must all end up alone/cut off from family and normal society, except for whatever circle of like-minded loons they stumble across, then they all sit around together being smug about how they know so much and are smarter than the rest of us sheep who don’t have to live in a plywood shack on unclaimed land with a generator and a tv with antennas. But they need cell phones because someone has to answer when one of them calls to get bailed out because they are constantly being arrested for “traveling” without a license in a unregistered vehicle. It NEVER WORKS, you would think eventually one of them would start to figure out that all those fake laws they memorized aren’t keeping them out of jail.

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“Police say they saw an empty holster on Chase Allan’s right hip and a handgun lying on the driver-side floorboard of the car.”

But they didn’t say he reached for it? That doesn’t make me feel safe as a gun owner…

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Then tell the cops beforehand that you own a pistol and it's in the car so you don't surprise them.

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Yup! As soon as they come up to the window, you have your hands on the wheel and mention I have a holster on my hip and my firearm is on the floor right there.

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Meh. That didn’t work out very well for Philando Castile.

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It's not a guaranteed way to not get killed by some dumbass cops but it'll at least help a little bit, as long as the cop that pulled you over isn't a psycho.

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Don’t act like that guy and you’ll never end up in that situation in the first place. I would be on edge having to deal with Mr. Righteous.

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Oke this man deserved it but wtf. That man already has 30 bullets in him and that dumb ass goes "keep firing keep firing" like na bro, ofc he's alive after being shot 30 times

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He is saying Cease Fire! Cease Fire! Literally the opposite.

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it was personal. I would've pulled over and assisted

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just plain murder.

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You spelled suicide via dumbfuckery wrong

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No it’s not. He definitely drew a handgun there. Once it’s out of the holster it’s fair game.

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I didn’t see a murder. I saw natural selection working here. The cleansing of the human race. The bettering of our species. An example for all Darwin contestants to see what happens when you think you’re above the law. A reminder to all white privileged stupid spoiled fucks that you’re not special. K I’m done.

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s. An example for all Darwin contestants to see what happens when you think you’re above the law

yeah no 5 subhuman iq retards killing another retard is not natural selection lmao go read a biology book

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lotta bootlickers here

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Why are you so bigoted?

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what makes you think i am bigoted? and towards who? spineless cowards that blindly worship people in costumes?

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