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I wonder if the cheap price of fast food compared to the ridiculous price of a fuckin salad has anything to do with it. Hmmmm, makes you think

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People on food stamps get around $200 or so a month for food. And the only restrictions it has is they can't buy hot prepared food at stores like cooked chicken on those light heated areas. You can buy all junk food if you want.

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I think food stamps are only in the US so this might be taking place in a different English-speaking country. I'm not 100% sure though.

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It could be. They didn't seem to have any English speaking accents

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They've all got American accents, what are you talking about?

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Also just saying I have used the exact username you use on a LOT of different things throughout my life lmao. I had bearded dragon named spike as a kid, and used that plus 121 at the end in the same way as a username for games and consoles for like almost 7 years up to a few years ago. And used it for passwords a few times too lol.

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Lol, no way. I usually use with 1216 t the end, but for some reason that was taken, so I had to make it 121. Great minds think alike it seems, mate. That must've been class, having a bearded dragon as a pet when you were a kid.

Also, thank you for the coins. I don't really know what to do with them, but I appreciate it.

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Gamble them. That's basically all you can do with them I think. But I made that my username because my parents put me in boarding school from 9th grade to graduation from high school. And because they put me in boarding school, and I couldn't have my bearded dragon there, my parents and my brother were responsible for taking care of him. Which they didn't. I eventually gave him away before I graduated because I knew he wasn't getting the attention he needed. I loved that dude, he would fall asleep on me any time I held him. Which is rare for desert animals because they love high temperatures, and I couldn't be anywhere near the temperature he liked to sunbathe in. Anyway I gave Spike away to a family that had a bunch of reptiles, and that's how I found he was malnourished and mistreated while I was forced to live in a boarding school for 2 and a half years. He died shortly after but was treated well by the family who took care of him before he died. You're right though, it was definitely awesome having him as a friend when I was a kid. I'm sorry for my depressing multi-paragraph rant. It's just something I usually don't think about unless reminded of it. But to this day I still use Spike as part of my passwords to some random stuff. Just not the 121 specifically.

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That's shitty that they couldn't care for him properly. I couldn't send my kid away to a boarding school - I don't think it's fair.

Was it in a different country or anything like that? Would you get another bearded dragon now that you're (presumably) older?

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God I bet I sound pathetic ranting on and on about one lizard on a website dedicated to people dying. But I'm not ashamed to say I cared more about that lizard than anyone I've watched die over the internet.

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Nah mate, that's cool. You like what you like, and they are cool animals.

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And your mothers maiden name?

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I meant other than American accents. Since I was talking about food stamps, which are strictly in the U.S. when I said that I excluded American accents.

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That was in Knoxville, Tennessee. I used to live in that shit hole and as you can see in the video the cops there are power tripping dipshits.

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I love Knoxville but your right it's becoming a shithole & the police are worthless

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Knoxville used to be okay back when I was a kid in the 70's and 80's but even back then the cops were both worthless and corrupt as hell.

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Which other english speaking country has such degraded living standards?

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Pretty much any major city in the U. K.

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Pretty much anywhere in Europe now.

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vancouver Canada. Basically every liberal western country has had their cities turn into slums. Ive personally seen it.

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“$200 a month”

That’s like 1 week of fresh produce only

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Bruh no it is not lmao where y’all buying your shit

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Its meant to supplement, not pay for all their food.

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They kinda just assume you'll buy ingredients in bulk to make a bunch of meals. Pretty much not nearly enough if all someone has is a microwave and can't cook meals.

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That dude is a moron who is making excuses as to why he's incapable of expressing even a shred of decency, but it's a myth that healthy food being too expensive causes weight gain. It's a cope obese people use to continue eating all the massive quantities of garbage they want to eat. First, it's incredibly easy to eat healthy and cheap. but people choose convenience. Even if you choose unhealthy garbage for convenience, you only gain weight from over eating. People can eat like garbage and lose weight, it's cheaper to buy one burger vs two. fat people are fat because they indulge way too much.

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Yep. You can get 2000 calories at McDonald's for about $6.

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Just looked at their menu. No you can't. You'd be lucky to hit 1000.

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A McChicken is 400 calories. It costs 2 dollars. You can buy 2 for a 3 dollar deal and some change. You get 1200 from just 3 mchickens. 5 mchickens is 2000. 400x5=2000.

This is not including a large soda with free unlimited refills which is about 350 calories (coca cola) per large cup and costs about half a mchicken.

You have to buy the most calorie dense and cheapest food, not your favorite mcdonalds meal lmfao. Try again but go to the dollar menu and look for the highest calories.

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You tracking calories so you diet. If had to take a guess I’d say your’e working out and tracking calories to gain muscle maybe? I just assuming if you were counting them to be in a deficit you wouldn’t be shooting McDonald’s numbers off the hip unless you’re a nutritionist. Either way fuck McDonald’s that shits so full of sugar it’s killing anybody that’s eating it. I could be way off and you just googled it but I doubt that. Just wondering out loud cause I cant make myself count calories, but I wish I was better at it I just count meals and try to ball park it. It’s def some of the shittiest food you can use for dieting even the batter on the chicken breast and bun is full of sugar.

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I wouldn't say diet so much as keeping an eye on my intake since self regulation is a good skill to have. When I was young life was hard and family wasn't so kind, so I'd have to min max my money for a few years. The sugar doesn't matter really, most people are fat because they over eat. Sugar is just really dense in calories. If you had like 1800 calories a day in just sugar, you'd still loose weight. It wouldnt be healthy, but your body burns something like 1200 to 1400 a day if just laying still in bed. I need to clarify, the weight loss would also be bone and muscle mass, not just fat.

But anyway the main selling point is that its cheap and hot and accesible to a teen with 20 bucks for the next week for food, not that its healthy diet food lmao. The mathematical proof that you can eat mcdonalds, enough to survive and not get fat is right there.

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Sure or they can just buy all coke. Okay guy. That's what they're doing. 4 chicken sandwiches with no drink, fries, or nuggets. That's why poor people eat McDonald's. Lmfao "let me get 6$ worth of fries. Im poor and im stretching my money."

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Lets ignore the fact that you were wrong and that you can, in fact get 1000 calories for cheap at McDonald's, 5 Mchickens is arguably healthy, mayonnaise is the worst offender in the ingredients list. A large coke is like 2 dollars and has unlimited refills, so technically you can go way past 1k easily.

So yeah no shit, poor people eat mcdonalds, and when they have some money left over they buy more mcdonalds. Thats what was being discussed lmao. Go up a few comments for the context retard. Your stupid ass had to look at their menu to respond to my comment, and you didnt even look hard, is the talk of poor fat people hitting too close to home? "You'd be lucky to hit 1k" lmao


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Ohh he called me retarded. Pimple dick has mad smack talk. Lmfao, that might have been effective a decade ago, in a thread I still cared about maybe.

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Cared enough to tell me you dont. You cant even read a McDonald's menu get outta here fatty

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That's what you choose to comment on? The great calorie debate of 2023. History is written..

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Right because there's a big social movement starting here on watchpeopledie. We're going to end homelessness as long as someone like me doesn't call out stupid claims about calories that somehow 9 people believed. My bad. Continue your great work.

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History is written, you are now dubbed, Hippo-crite.

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Yea fast food is terrible but I like Popeyes and a pizza sometimes. Sugar is the biggest issue with over eating shitty food and causes alot of the health problems that show up later. Sugar is addictive af and there’s so much in fast food you get used to it and will start to feel bad when you take in less so a Big Mac meal will make you feel better. Then you start thinking sugar detox is hunger and shit just goes south like any other addict killin yourself for a fix.

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Salad is cheap af if you're not eating out. Are you trying to say poor people are too stupid to make a salad? Lettuse, onions tomatos, olive oil, and vinegar. Boom salad.

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A salad is a lot cheaper than a fast food meal. But it’s not even about what exactly you eat, it’s more about the quantity. Clearly, money was never a problem for her because of how much she had to eat to put on weight like that.

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It really doesn't make you think. It's a pretty strong and easily proved argument and has been for awhile.

Well that and Americans unwillingness to do anything healthy.

Go shoot a gun, that will help. Ya mooks.

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Shooting a gun is better than getting stabbed by an immigrant.

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Yeah, off the same menu, but produce isn't that expensive.

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I seriously eat healthy and cheap. I live in Ontario Canada and foods pretty expensive. I stopped eating fast food it's way to expensive when you add it all up. I eat tacos and quesadillas like 3 times a week because they are so cheap to make. I grow the tomato and lettuce half the year at home. Meat goes on sale often enough and pitas. Ground beef and chicken breast are my go to meats, always a sale. Then rice and broccoli fill some of the gap days. Bulk Barn is a fuckin dealio if you bring your own container on Sundays for 15% off. I get lots of stuff bulk. Walnuts, almonds, shit like that and cooking basics. Also protein powder for smoothies I make sometimes when frozen fruit is on sale. Especially if you get the no name ugly frozen fruit. Stuff they don't sell cus it's ugly they chop up and freeze and you can buy bags for cheap cheap. Nuts/seeds/berries are my main snacks. Plus northern Ontario where I live it's blueberry season right now so I regularly go pick a basket of blueberries and make muffins with them. Also banana muffins are legit. You can eat cheap and healthy it just takes some figuring out and willpower to stick too.

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She's homeless, where exactly is she supposed to store all these groceries? Especially the things like raw meat that need to be refrigerated.

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You’re right, she’s homeless so who fucking cares? Everyone on here who’s defending her hasn’t done anything to actually help homeless people so let’s stop pretending we actually care

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I think you're projecting a lil bit too much here

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Thanks to the "united fruit company" :)

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